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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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You are the one coming on to this forum with 31 posts just to complain about it, as if your complaints will make an iota of difference to the outcome. Either accept the terms of reality (compensation, if any, will be meager) or move on from.

I think that they got mad at birdland.

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It's not just him, his sons are higher on the totem pole than Duquette as well. If I'm not mistaken, John Angelos is the executive VP of the Orioles, and over the past three or so years, Louis Angelos' role with the organization has also begun to expand. Further than that, it's the worst kept secret in baseball that Showalter already has tremendous pull within the organization and it's almost unanimously accepted that he's going to eventually get the promotion to General Manager.

There's a reason LaCava said no to the Orioles, and there's a reason why they had to bring in Duquette from the scrap pile when nobody else had a job for him; nobody wants to work for Angelos, and now that Duquette has reestablished his name and he's getting offered a far more lucrative position in an organization where he'll have a lot more freedom, why would anyone in their right mind not want to pursue that opportunity?

Everybody hates Peter Angelos, and I fully understand if Duquette wants out of the bengay-scented Angelos and Buck sandwich.

This guy is big feelin'. I guess he does have a point or two. Ed Rogers sounds like my kind of hero.

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"Deal. Nice doing business with you. Good luck with your new 2018 grass."
If anyone can get the grass to grow there, It will be Dan. BTW, if Dan shows up, AA and TLC will go. And Lee Thomas and Dan Jr will take their places.

If there really is a Dan Jr (and I don't doubt you), then he stays right here until our top prospects arrive. At that point we will let Dan Jr go join his dad.


No funny stuff.

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Haha... "if any"?? There's actually a Blue Jays fan who thinks this might get done without compensation?

That made me laugh too. The BJ's are losers no matter what happens. If they get DD, they give up way too much compensation. If they don'tgive up way too much compensation, they don't get DD.

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That being said, there is a discernible difference between this situation and the Farrell one. The Farrell one was NOT a promotion and required compensation given it was a lateral move. Thus, why some of the expected 'gets' for comp were a little outrageous (Ok, a lot outrageous). The only leverage the O's have for comp. in the DD scenario is the fact we are in the same division and that he has 4 years left on his contract.

Funny! Grasping!

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>It's almost like the Jays should just find someone else to replace Beeston, eh?</p>— Andrew Stoeten (@AndrewStoeten) <a href="

">January 22, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Jeff Hoffman for Dan Duquette is so dumb and lack of sense for us.

I like Duquette, but he was out of baseball for almost 9 years, and that should mean something

I feel your pain. Talk to Ed.

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Having an Orioles GM who was an architect of the O's turnaround after 14 years in the desert go to a division rival is about the stupidest thing I can think anyone would do.

Why? Because the Blue Jays want him. How stupid a reason is that. Wonder if they want Buck too. I am sure the Jays have at least one more pitcher with his arm falling off.

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I can't wait for this to end just to see how crazy the Baltimore media and fan base will get when they are let down from their lofty expectations of receiving half a major league team + all assets from the farm of their choosing for an asset that doesn't play the game.

Ask Ed why he is doing thing. Not us.

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