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Rick Ankiel's Slick New Website

Migrant Redbird

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As introduced during an MLB Online Chat Session today.

Ankiel: Hey everybody, this is Rick. I'm ready to chat, so lets go.

wardsp: How do you like the Babe Ruth comparisons?

Ankiel: To even be mentioned in the same sentence as Babe Ruth is an honor.


vetrano: Do you like pitching or hitting better?

Ankiel: Hitting for sure. I like being on the field every day versus once a week pitching.

vetrano: Would you ever go back to pitching?

Ankiel: No chance. See above.


stpetemo: How well do you think Johan Santana will do in the National League?

Ankiel: He is an amazing talent, he will do well anywhere.

skimmi0012: Outside of St. Louis, what are your favorite places to play?

Ankiel: Anywhere the ball carries well.


Snuggles: Are you happy Tony La Russa is staying for another 2 years?

Ankiel: Absolutely. We have developed a great relationship over the years and I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.

Brosnan27: What is the better feeling -- blazing a fastball by a hitter to strike him out or blasting a home runs into the right field stands?

Ankiel: Striking out someone was fun, but hitting homers rocks.


redbirdmom: Just wanted to let you know that we are proud of you! We miss you in Memphis. How is your knee?

Ankiel: Thanks! The knee is doing great.

stlcard38: How old are you? Are you married and do you have any kids?

Ankiel: I am 28 and married, no kids yet.

tollini: Who was the toughest pitcher you faced in 2007?

Ankiel: Brad Penny.


cardsjd: How would you describe the support of the fans in St. Louis?

Ankiel: The fans in St Louis are like a second family to me. There are none better.

knup: How involved are you with the Internet? Do you have your own Web site? Do you blog?

Ankiel: I don't blog, but I have just launched RickAnkielOnline.com, check it out.

onfia: What position did you grow up playing?

Ankiel: Outfield and first base.

johnginder: What is the main reason I should draft you in my fantasy league?

Ankiel: Cause I do damage!

Ankiel: Thanks everyone, till the next time. See you at the ballpark.

Doesn't sound much like the same kid I met at Johnson City in 2001, while he was trying to pitch himself out of that Bill Blass hole. Much more relaxed, less media shy. Has lots of photos of himself and his new wife on his web site, but mostly of him fishing. There's a photo of him in a St. Louis Cardinals uniform as a little leaguer, and another of him posing with a fish as a young kid, wearing his StL baseball cap. "Destined to be a Cardinal"....

I have to admit that the whole celebrity website thing kind of turns me off a little, but Rick's site does seem to be well designed and not overly commercial. I guess it's the "tooting one's own horn" thing? The site designer's other clients include Nick Swisher, C.C. Sabathia, Barry Zito Enterprises, ESPN, Cartoon Network, Godiva Chocolates, Cornell University, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft Foods, Steven Spielberg, Time-Warner, and The Pujols Family Foundation. Not exactly Ross Fleege and Shawn Everhart pasting together the Frozen Tundra and HardRockSports while working their way through the University of Wisconsin in Lansing.

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