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Dan Duquette Duplicity Thread


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Frobby called me out for thinking that the story begat itself here.

I watched a bit of the idiotic banter about this whole situation, I think that anyone who believes for a moment, no matter what the outcome, that Dan Duquette is not serving the Orioles faithfully and with full effort through all of this is off their rocker. That is not what that man is about.

I am the one who started the compensation at the level of Pompey and Sanchez rumors. There is no reason to believe that should the Orioles back down and allow Dan to be poached while until four more years of control that they would get any anything other than a sore armed reliever back.

I am not very happy that Dan's integrity is being called into question here, or that a fake mole has been planted in the front office to stir up the dissent charges. It is simply not true and rumor an innuendo is all that is being reported.


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Frobby called me out for bashing Ken Rosenthal again.

I watched a bit of the idiotic banter about this whole situation, I think that anyone who thinks for a moment, no matter what the outcome, that Dan Duquette is not serving the Orioles faithfully and with full effort through all of this is off their rocker. That is not what that man is about.

I am the one who started the compensation at the level of Pompey and Sanchez rumors. There is no reason to believe that should the Orioles back down and allow Dan to be poached while until four more years of control that they would get any anything other than a sore armed reliever back.

I am not very happy that Dan's integrity is being called into question here, or that a fake mole has been planted in the front office to stir up the dissent charges. It is simply not true and rumor an innuendo is all that is being reported.


FTFY. I don't know much about Ken Rosenthal, but then I seldom listen to talking heads much. But everything I have seen related to DD has appeared totally professional and I have supported his decisions very much. The complex job he is doing involves considerable planning and execution. While I do not believe that he would do anything that is duplicitous, I also believe that the internal dynamics of his office are in disarray as he apparently has an employee or employees who are acting out with leaks, etc. And the 100 percent devotion to the planning and execution aspects of his job could be affected by any mental energy he is having to spend either considering or being agitated about the situation with Toronto. What is necessary now is a clear and public resolution so that the acting out stops and that he can also not have to be distracted by the inevitable press attention this story will continue to attract if he does not.

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Frobby called me out for bashing Ken Rosenthal again.

I watched a bit of the idiotic banter about this whole situation, I think that anyone who things for a moment, no matter what the outcome, that Dan Duquette is not serving the Orioles faithfully and with full effort through all of this is off their rocker. That is not what that man is about.

I am the one who started the compensation at the level of Pompey and Sanchez rumors. There is no reason to believe that should the Orioles back down and allow Dan to be poached while until four more years of control that they would get any anything other than a sore armed reliever back.

I am not very happy that Dan's integrity is being called into question here, or that a fake mole has been planted in the front office to stir up the dissent charges. It is simply not true and rumor an innuendo is all that is being reported.


Unfortunate thread title. Led me to expect a rant about how Duquette was being duplicitous. Glad that it wasn't.

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I don't doubt that Duquette is interested in the idea of the Jays position, although again there is no position available right now. However, I agree with you that to question Duquette's commitment to the Orioles and whether he is acting on the best interests of the Orioles as it relates to the offseason is ridiculous. Some people had no problem letting Markakis and Cruz walk because they were going to cost too much money or at least more money than people were willing to spend. Some of you had no issue with that, a clear decision made largely because of Dan Duquette. Never mind that Dan has made a lot of moves that he's done every offseason, small moves that stock up the depth of the organization or taking fliers on guys who could be useful parts this coming season. Dan Duquette is not out to screw the Orioles, he's not tanking the offseason, because nobody in a position like that is going to do deliberately do that.

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I've been fairly detached this winter (still stinging to a minor degree from the Royals series, and largely unimpressed by the team's decisions in the interim), so I haven't followed every story concerning Dan's alleged interest in the Jays job.

From what little I have read, it seems like his responses have amounted to "I work for/am under contract with the Orioles," as opposed to "I love working for/in Baltimore." If that's accurate, I imagine that's what really bothers most people (who otherwise understand the appeal of a major promotion in virtually every line of work). Dan could evolve into something of a Baltimore icon, but he might not want to do so at the cost of a "better" position with another club.

Again, if that's accurate, I get the fan frustration/mistrust. He wouldn't have to do an intentionally bad job for the O's to be slightly less invested than he was previously, particularly if he feels trapped here (justifiably or not). Either way, I hope this story goes away/gets resolved soon. It doesn't really set a good tone for the O's heading into spring.

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I think that Duquette has been both "complicit" and "duplicit" in this entire matter. From all of the reports we've heard and read Duquette wants the job in Toronto. Otherwise why doesn't he just come out and say, "I am not interested in the job in Toronto I am staying with the Orioles". The extent to which he has not done that encourages, supports, and otherwise assists Toronto in their efforts to make him their next president and CEO. In that sense he is assisting them in furthering his and their interests. In effect they're working together on this. The fact that Duquette has made public statements disassociating himself from the matter, like those he made at the winter meetings, is deceitful. If we are to believe the recent reports from Buster Olney and the Toronto Sun, he and the Orioles were completely aware of Toronto's interest back in December. Having said that, I don't believe Duquette has done anything to undermine the Orioles efforts to improve the team this winter.

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OTOH it's nice that we are relevant again and people actually care what we do. Who knows what motivates people? If DD has seen his run here constantly squelched by the $$ factor, why wouldn't he go elsewhere? It's cool to search the bargain bin and come up with nuggets, but that gets old too. What fan here doesn't want us to be more competitive monetarily? I mean the freakin Astros, Padres and Mariners spend like there is no tomorrow.

But to coin a phrase ;), it is what it is and we will all sit back and speculate to our hearts' content, duplicitous or not.....

C'mon ST and Frobby and wildcard optimism! :clap3:

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I have no doubt DD will do his job to his utmost ability till such time as it is not his job. That said Weams I dont have a clue how you can deny there are clear and obvious signs of issues going on at the warehouse. When Roch says his sources describe the situation as "toxic" I have no reason to not believe that is true, especially when guys like Connolly have also alluded to it. Its not just national guys at this point.

I hope at the end of the day that the Blow Jays turn their attention elsewhere when the price is to high to get DD. I also hope that things can get back to business as usual. A lot me thinks that is wishful thinking. PA is not a guy who takes disloyalty or unethical behavior lightly, we have seen that in the past. DD clearly has indicated he is interested, not faulting him for that but there is no way Toronto continues down this road unless they are confident DD wants the job. I have a hard time PA being anything other than infuriated with that and rhe fact that after he put his foot down once we are back at this again. I got to imagine thjngs are at best awkward, at worst not good at all in that relationship. I hope they can get back tk what it ince was but i have my doubts...really hope I am wrong though

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What's interesting to me is that the first sentence says "Frobby called me out for bashing Kenny Rosenthal again". The thread is about whether folks have lost confidence in Duquette over all of this. Are we suggesting that the story never would have come out if Ken Rosenthal did not exist? Tony S. suggests that Toronto wanted the story out there and leaked it to Rosenthal. Are we suggesting that no other writer in the world would have run with the story Rosenthal had?

I believe Rosenthal spun it anti Orioles. That is my belief. Why did he not break the Kenny Williams news when Kenny was threatening to quit. Or the fact that the Nationals denied Rizzo?

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Don't know on the Kenny Williams and Rizzo. There would be nothing to spin if the Jays weren't interested in Duquette and vice versa. You say spin. Has he lied or made anything up regarding this story?

I'll drop the subject now. But you know I believe he has.

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weams, I hope you didn't interpret my remark as suggesting that I think that Dan Duquette is being duplicitous or isn't giving the O's his best effort. I think he's handling the offseason exactly as he intended with respect to the Orioles' strategy, and very consistently with everything he's done in the last three years.

However, I do believe he has interest in the Blue Jays job, and that there have been discussions between him and PA about this, and that the subject is not a dead letter, and that Rosenthal was just doing his job by reporting what he has been hearing.

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I'll drop the subject now. But you know I believe he has.

But you don't know what has and is really happening. Your take is as speculative as the DD is duplicitous view. This is a business deal that involves two rich and powerful owners and a bunch of anonymous sources in and out of both organizations. Nobody knows the full story. Maybe DD gave Toronto a wink-wink to encourage this, maybe not. It's all speculation.

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