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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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I honestly don't know what Angelos has to do with this. Angelos isn't making the decision on dealing Roberts...MacPhail is.

Yea, these Cubs fans are beyond clueless....PA has given the ok to deal BRob probably in part because BRob would like to be traded and has likely expressed that Angelos himself.

AM is waiting for the deal he wants. At this point, both teams should know where the other stands so some kind of resolution should be made and should have been made by now.

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Yea, these Cubs fans are beyond clueless....PA has given the ok to deal BRob probably in part because BRob would like to be traded and has likely expressed that Angelos himself.

AM is waiting for the deal he wants. At this point, both teams should know where the other stands so some kind of resolution should be made and should have been made by now.

Funny, because that's got to be speculation, or read in the paper. But it's also been written in the paper that McFail and Hendry both agreed on a package only to have it poo pooed by PGA. So let's not get carried away calling people "beyond clueless". Everyone on this board, O's fans, Cub fans, and everyone in between is speculating by what they read in the papers, on the net or on boards like this. So let's not get crazy about what we think we know. The bottom line is that there isn't one person on this board who knows what has really happened so far.

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Funny, because that's got to be speculation, or read in the paper. But it's also been written in the paper that McFail and Hendry both agreed on a package only to have it poo pooed by PGA. So let's not get carried away calling people "beyond clueless". Everyone on this board, O's fans, Cub fans, and everyone in between is speculating by what they read in the papers, on the net or on boards like this. So let's not get crazy about what we think we know. The bottom line is that there isn't one person on this board who knows what has really happened so far.

It was reported, by CHICAGO writers that this happened and basically laughed at by MacPhail.

Its not speculation, it is what it is.

You Cub fans are becoming a joke about this.

You hear some whispers because everyone assumes PA is holding it up because it is BRob. Its quite funny actually.

We have heard that someone like Ceda is untouchable yet I know for a fact he has been offered a few times. It is just becoming very amusing watching you guys cry about this.

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It was reported, by CHICAGO writers that this happened and basically laughed at by MacPhail.

Its not speculation, it is what it is.

You Cub fans are becoming a joke about this.

You hear some whispers because everyone assumes PA is holding it up because it is BRob. Its quite funny actually.

We have heard that someone like Ceda is untouchable yet I know for a fact he has been offered a few times. It is just becoming very amusing watching you guys cry about this.

Unless it comes from McFail/Trembley or Hendry/Lou, I don't believe jack about this trade and who's been offered and who hasn't been offered. That includes what you "know for a fact". So if you guys want to attack Cub fans for running with information that they read in the paper, or hear on talk radio, or whatever, that's fine, but you should look in the mirror and realize that O's fans do the same thing. Remember it was THIS website that reported in January that the deal was done. And everyone ran with it.

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Unless it comes from McFail/Trembley or Hendry/Lou, I don't believe jack about this trade and who's been offered and who hasn't been offered.
Good for you! Am i supposed to care?
So if you guys want to attack Cub fans for running with information that they read in the paper, or hear on talk radio, or whatever, that's fine, but you should look in the mirror and realize that O's fans do the same thing.
If things are so bad in these negotiations and PA keeps turning down trades, why in the hell is Hendry still talking to us and why do a lot of people still think the deal will get done, including both Chicago and Baltimore writers/radio personalities?
Remember it was THIS website that reported in January that the deal was done. And everyone ran with it.
So what? THIS WEBSITE was told by reliable people inside the organization. Those people had false info..It happens. Quit crying about it.
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Good for you! Am i supposed to care? If things are so bad in these negotiations and PA keeps turning down trades, why in the hell is Hendry still talking to us and why do a lot of people still think the deal will get done, including both Chicago and Baltimore writers/radio personalities? So what? THIS WEBSITE was told by reliable people inside the organization. Those people had false info..It happens. Quit crying about it.

Who's crying? This started because you made the comment that Cub fans are "beyond clueless" and then spouted off about how PGA has given McFail permission to trade BRob. If the information the Cubs fans have makes them "beyond clueless", is it not possible that the information you have is incorrect as well? And would that make you just as bad?

Which brings me back to my original point, nobody on this board (or any other board) knows for FACT what has happened so far in regards to these negotiations. And to say otherwise is what I believe is actually "beyond clueless".

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Who's crying? This started because you made the comment that Cub fans are "beyond clueless" and then spouted off about how PGA has given McFail permission to trade BRob. If the information the Cubs fans have makes them "beyond clueless", is it not possible that the information you have is incorrect as well? And would that make you just as bad?

Which brings me back to my original point, nobody on this board (or any other board) knows for FACT what has happened so far in regards to these negotiations. And to say otherwise is what I believe is actually "beyond clueless".

Not trying to get in the middle, but YOU were the one blaming it on Angelos.

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This started because you made the comment that Cub fans are "beyond clueless
Well,. they are. It is just a fact.
and then spouted off about how PGA has given McFail permission to trade BRob.
Because he has...see, another fact!
If the information the Cubs fans have makes them "beyond clueless", is it not possible that the information you have is incorrect as well? And would that make you just as bad?
Again, i ask you...If things are so bad in negotiations, why is Hendry still talking? Why are our beat writers saying the deal will get done? Why are some of the Chicago guys saying the deal will get done?
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THIS WEBSITE was told by reliable people inside the organization. Those people had false info..It happens. Quit crying about it.

Also, if reliable people inside the O's organization told people on this website that the deal was done, wouldn't that support the idea that a deal was made between AM and Hendry? And if that's the case then why didn't it go through? Is it even possible that PGA nixed it? Wouldn't that give some credibility to what was reported in the Chicago papers? And wouldn't that also then make Cub fans perhaps just clueless instead of beyond clueless? Maybe they actually have a clue after all?

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Not trying to get in the middle, but YOU were the one blaming it on Angelos.

Yep and this is why the Cubs fans are clueless...PA has nothing to do with this.

If a deal doesn't get done it is because Hendry wouldn't meet AM's demands or vice versa....It has nothing to do with Angelos.

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Also, if reliable people inside the O's organization told people on this website that the deal was done, wouldn't that support the idea that a deal was made between AM and Hendry? And if that's the case then why didn't it go through? Is it even possible that PGA nixed it? Wouldn't that give some credibility to what was reported in the Chicago papers? And wouldn't that also then make Cub fans perhaps just clueless instead of beyond clueless? Maybe they actually have a clue after all?
No because a deal was never done...It was just false info from the beginning...Nothing more, nothing less.
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Well,. they are. It is just a fact. Because he has...see, another fact!Again, i ask you...If things are so bad in negotiations, why is Hendry still talking? Why are our beat writers saying the deal will get done? Why are some of the Chicago guys saying the deal will get done?

And this website has never gotten bad information before right? So we're all supposed to just agree with you that these are all FACTS??

Who's really clueless?

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And this website has never gotten bad information before right? So we're all supposed to just agree with you that these are all FACTS??

Who's really clueless?

LOL...You keep avoiding the question.


Why do many people still feel this will be a done deal, including our beat writers who have said that this week?

Answer those questions.

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