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Nestor banned from Camden Yards?

Hank Scorpio

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So who decides when a reporter's criticism of the Orioles is too much and the media should be denied access? Who's next to face the Orioles wrath? Is the Hangout reporters? Does Paul need to make his game recaps less critical? Maybe he should only do a recap if the Orioles win. :002_ssuprised:

The removal of Jon Miller as the voice of the O's, the radio station move from WBAL this year in favor of a less critical home station, and the withholding of media credentials, is sending those who report on the Orioles a message. Criticize us, and you will face retribution.

The Orioles can do what they want, but we as fans shouldn't condone it or tolerate this heavy handedness. Just as the Orioles have the right to do all the things they've done, we've got the right not to support the Orioles with our money.

Angelos is really short-sighted if he thinks that muting the critical reporting of the team will do anything more than make the situation worse.

I would agree with you if Nestor actually reported on anything. Instead, he sits atop his mighty perch and whines to the masses. He yells to everyone about how he hates PA and how he doesn't go to games anymore. If was merely a legit reporter pointing out the numerous flaws in a once-proud franchise, I'd me outraged as well. But, he's far from that. He's nothing more than an obnoxious screamer. He certainly has the right to complain. And, he still has that right. But, if he's not reporting, they certainly have the right to revoke his credentials. Media credentials are not a right, they are a privilege.

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I agree. These are the same points that I have been attempting to make.

Some can't get past their dislike of Nestor to see the bigger issue- PA's extreme pettiness and his continued attempt to silence any criticism.

I guarantee if it was Tony or Paul that PA was singling out- the Nestor haters would be singing a different tune.

PA really thinks the world is his kingdom and he can just shut up whoever he wants.

But, it is ok this time, because it is Nestor ?:confused:

Tony and Paul actually report on the Os. I find it borderline absurd to relate what Nestor does to that of Tony and Paul. And, calling him a reporter is an insult to reporters everywhere.

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Tony and Paul actually report on the Os. I find it borderline absurd to relate what Nestor does to that of Tony and Paul. And, calling him a reporter is an insult to reporters everywhere.

And the people from WNST who actually report still have their credentials.

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I agree. These are the same points that I have been attempting to make.

Some can't get past their dislike of Nestor to see the bigger issue- PA's extreme pettiness and his continued attempt to silence any criticism.

I guarantee if it was Tony or Paul that PA was singling out- the Nestor haters would be singing a different tune.

PA really thinks the world is his kingdom and he can just shut up whoever he wants.

But, it is ok this time, because it is Nestor ?:confused:

It'd be a much different story if every person who has ever written negatively about the Orioles (which is the entire staff of the Sun and the Post) were denied credentials. It's not. It's Nestor. That very reason why this shouldn't be news and WILL be news.

I guarantee you if anybody from this site (staff that is) had started a personal vendetta smear campaign (even if they're right) against the O's organization, they'd have been black listed, too. The organization is making a statement here. They are basically saying "You are no longer media to us. You don't have media rights anymore." In reality, that shouldn't be news. It'd be news if they had black listed the entire station. Which, incidentally, Nestor proves his stripes by having that be the initial story. There's a reason why they don't trust him with a press cred.

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Tony and Paul actually report on the Os. I find it borderline absurd to relate what Nestor does to that of Tony and Paul. And, calling him a reporter is an insult to reporters everywhere.

Not every member of the press is a "reporter".

He is still a member of the press. He still occasionally writes editorial columns.

So, he basically isn't any different than Boswell, Schmuck, Charles, Jackman, Eisenberg, etc.......

The only difference is that he is too vocal about his criticism of PA. Others can criticize only to a point. When he says enough- back down. Or else...

Like Davey, Jon, WBAL, etc- Nestor faces the same fate as the others who don't obey his commands.

That is all this denying Nestors passes is about.

Don't you wish he had as much passion to one-up the Sox and Yanks on the field like he does when it comes to his personal battles (Raffy I, Mussina, Jon, Davey, etc....) ???

We can criticize Nestor until the cows come home for his actions- and that is fair.

But, it doesn't mean that PA is the "good guy" in this stunt.

Two wrongs don't make a right. :D

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But, it doesn't mean that PA is the "good guy" in this stunt.

Two wrongs don't make a right. :D

I am in no way calling PA a "good guy." But, Nestor acted like a fool, completely overdid his act, and now he's facing the consequences. I don't blame the Os at all for doing this, and it seems to be completely within their right. He crossed the lines of a responsible media member, so they aren't treating him like one. Is PA a "good guy"? Absolutely not. But, I don't believe the organization did anything wrong here.

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Just heard about this and read Maese's blogs on this. I don't have any real problems with the credential thing except that the O's are stupid to take another public relations black eye with this. They may be justified in their actions, but it looks bad.

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-- Well, what about Forrester? He's certainly a regular on-air personality, yet he was also denied a credential. Stetka explained that Forrester was granted a credential last year but never even picked it up. Stetka said that Forrester could still be given a media credential on a game-by-game basis.

Follow Up

What a crock. It's nothing more then the team holding a grudge.

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To go out of their way to deny Drew and Nestors' credentials will only serve to give them the opportunity to get more publicity for their anti- Angelos cause. The organization comes off looking like arrogant SOB's, as if they can shut people they don't like out from editorializing about the team. There is no one in the warehouse that can say that denying credentials to these guys is advantageous to the Orioles from any standpoint. In fact, they have made "victims" of their two biggest public detractors, while not actually doing anything that will shut them up. How did the organization possibly think this could turn out well for them? Other than a few "Nestor haters" on this board, everyone will look down on the Orioles pettyness. Just when you think they can't possibly act in a more publicly unfriendly way, here they go again.

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To go out of their way to deny Drew and Nestors' credentials will only serve to give them the opportunity to get more publicity for their anti- Angelos cause. The organization comes off looking like arrogant SOB's, as if they can shut people they don't like out from editorializing about the team. There is no one in the warehouse that can say that denying credentials to these guys is advantageous to the Orioles from any standpoint. In fact, they have made "victims" of their two biggest public detractors, while not actually doing anything that will shut them up. How did the organization possibly think this could turn out well for them? Other than a few "Nestor haters" on this board, everyone will look down on the Orioles pettyness. Just when you think they can't possibly act in a more publicly unfriendly way, here they go again.

These guys don't need any opportunity, as they would continue to fight their battles anyway. Do you really think that if they had been given credentials (and, according to Tony they may have been), they would stop bashing the team?

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These guys don't need any opportunity, as they would continue to fight their battles anyway. Do you really think that if they had been given credentials (and, according to Tony they may have been), they would stop bashing the team?

No, I said that everyone that had credentials last year has them this year. According to the Orioles Nestor did not ask for credentials for himself last year.

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These guys don't need any opportunity, as they would continue to fight their battles anyway. Do you really think that if they had been given credentials (and, according to Tony they may have been), they would stop bashing the team?

If the Orioles hadn't decided to be the heavy, would anybody on OH have even so much as mentioned Nestor or Drew's name here today?

Of course Nestor and Drew wouldn't have stopped bashing ownership if tey were credentials! But they wouldn't have had the "victim" megaphone to do it with. Now they do. Good thinking, warehouse.

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A nice little blog entry from Rick Maese.

Of course PA wouldn't. He doesn't silence critics or hold a grudge. Just ask Davey, Jon, numerous sports hosts on WBAL, Sun reporters, etc........

The issue isn't about Nestor. He is just one little blow hard. Ironically, if PA would just ignore him, he would go away- or at least be harmless. PA continues to legitimize Nestors cause.

It is about PA's repeated attempts to silence anyone who dare speak out against his team.

It isn't just Nestor and Forrestor- he doesn't want to hear any of your criticism or mine either. The new Orioles flagship had to promise NO live callers (fans) on any pre or post game shows.

At least someone gets it.You criticize the team,you are "silenced" by the fascist that runs this sorry excuse for a franchise.

Got news a for ya Pete,we arent going away.And we will just add this to the list of reasons to despise you and everything associated with the way this team has been destroyed and run into the ground.

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