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April 6th: O's vs. M's


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Not at the major league level he can't. They're not going to throw a kid to the wolves by suddenly sticking him in a game at a position he was moved away from in the low minors because he wasn't very good there.

That makes sense. Or what Trembley could have done is pinch hit LH with Jones and then put Fahey at short in the 9th. I am cool with Jones resting today though.

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I agree about Bierd, between him and Albers I am very impressed witht he pen. Then there is Sherrill and others that have pitched well, sure would be nice if we can get Aquino in a low pressure game so that he could gain some confidence.

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For all the crap Peyton takes about his defense, I just don't see it. He has played center quite well today. He has also hustled like hell on every grounder.

I'll never forget a play last year where he completely gave up on a looper to left that landed just inside the foul line. If he had tried to catch the ball, he would have. Instead, he slowly jogged to the general area, it fell, and run(s) scored.

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