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Gallardo - Roch: deal is DONE (signed)


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I like how the beat writers just drop this on everyone and don't give a timetable for when it will be resolved and then continue posting random workout quotes as if nothing ever happened. Unreal.

Do you believe they know more and aren't telling us?

I don't.

I am sure they asked all the questions, got all the answers they could, and gave us that information. There might not be a timetable, it all might depend on what the new scans show. Meanwhile, there are other things to cover.

So would you rather they not tell us anything, or tell us as much as they can find out? I'll vote for telling us as much as they could find out, which is what I think they did.

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Roch sounds pessimistic now.

Orioles manager Buck Showalter made a couple of veiled (and comical) references to the Yovani Gallardo physical today while meeting with reporters and other assorted media. He didn't address it specifically. It was the elephant in the room.

Showalter isn't going to say much about Gallardo until he's on the team. Gallardo won't attend tonight's meeting unless he passes the physical, and there's some doubt that it's going to happen.

There's been a strange vibe in camp all day, with rumors circulating early that the Orioles held some concerns about the results of Gallardo's physical. They picked up steam in the afternoon, with the Orioles apparently ordering more tests after reviewing an MRI.

The club was prepared to set up Gallardo's locker, but it remains empty.


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Nope. The docs were not willing to sign off on a long term deal and Sele's arm fell off in what would have been year three.
Not for four years. They were not. 7 WAR at 2.5 million per WAR was 17 Million, not the 29 Million that he had signed for.

Sele stayed productive for two more years but his K rate was on the Gallardo plan. They were probably right, but his total collapse didn't happen right away. I hope they get two years out of Gallardo before he coughs up a 128 inning, 5.77 ERA season.

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Just give a timetable. It's not hard. I'm sick of the anxiety that comes with checking for updates on this crap. It's been two weeks of this and I'm sick of all of it, all the cryptic tweets that don't fully explain the situation, everything.

We're about to lose a pitcher and a very good outfielder and we're getting little to no updates concerning it.

So? Whatever happens happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. The O's WS chances fall from 2.5% to 2.2%. The world will continue mostly unchanged.

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Roch sounds pessimistic now.

Orioles manager Buck Showalter made a couple of veiled (and comical) references to the Yovani Gallardo physical today while meeting with reporters and other assorted media. He didn't address it specifically. It was the elephant in the room.

Showalter isn't going to say much about Gallardo until he's on the team. Gallardo won't attend tonight's meeting unless he passes the physical, and there's some doubt that it's going to happen.

There's been a strange vibe in camp all day, with rumors circulating early that the Orioles held some concerns about the results of Gallardo's physical. They picked up steam in the afternoon, with the Orioles apparently ordering more tests after reviewing an MRI.

The club was prepared to set up Gallardo's locker, but it remains empty.


Of course there is a strange vibe today. We backed ourselves into a corner and this is the absolute last guy available to sign. We sign him (or attempt to) and now there is another problem with an Orioles physical. If I'm Gallardo I'm really upset too. If we are truly being sticklers this could ruin his market (which was pretty much non-existent anyway because of the pick) and now he could lose any chance at a deal and may not even sign with a team until after the pick goes away. I'd hate for this to be a Sele situation where we are scared off by something that could come up a few years down the road.

Once again if this deal goes south we have only ourselves to blame for not adding a pitcher and waiting until the last minute.

I wonder if Santiago is still available?

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Told there's "more work to do" on Gallardo physical. Diagnostic tests. So.....stay tuned <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>? Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="
">February 23, 2016</a></blockquote>

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Could be as simple as EKG or X-rays. If this is taking place in Florida, it would explain delays. Not like John Hopkins is down the road.

Delay for what, FLorida probably has 5x as many EKG/XRAY/MRI machines then Maryland combined. Ihave had multiple of the above and never waited more then an hour. Yes I live in FLorida and it's not Canada or a 3rd world country

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Told there's "more work to do" on Gallardo physical. Diagnostic tests. So.....stay tuned <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>? Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="
">February 23, 2016</a></blockquote>

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Here we go again, spin it any way you like not good.

Hoping it's just some double check.

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So.. you know, for me if you want to criticize Duquette and Co., it should be for waiting so long to sign the Very Last Pitcher. Because when you do that, yeah you get a good deal, but should you run into a problem like this, you're now totally screwed.

We really need to put a name to "and company", because that is the reason we get into these scrap heap, last minute decisions. To save a few marbles.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yes, there was a pall over the Oriolespitchers after the Gallardo news spread at 10</p>— Peter Gammons (@pgammo) <a href="

">February 23, 2016</a></blockquote>

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