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PED Suspensions Coming


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How about allowing tests at time time and any place, including your home or the team hotel at 3 AM or 8 AM? It would disrupt family life and sleep but everyone would be subject to the same rules, and it would address Conte's theory that you can take some substances after you get home from a game, and they will be out of your system by the time you get to the park the next day.

That crossed my mind too, but it seems to cross a line. Should this stuff be so intrusive that it is disrupting the lives of entire families? I think that is going too far. We can only go down this prohibition road so far, but I

really don't get why this is still the preferred approach to drugs. It has never worked anywhere it has been tried, so maybe it's time to try something new. Does everything have to be banned? Can there be some kind of

compromise where we allow some PED's, but restrict dosages and require constant monitoring by a doctor and maybe even administration of the drug by a doctor? I just think this road has been traveled enough times to

know that it simply does not work. This bullheaded, prohibition approach only creates a black market that will always be better than your testing program. You just can't win this way.

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That crossed my mind too, but it seems to cross a line. Should this stuff be so intrusive that it is disrupting the lives of entire families? I think that is going too far. We can only go down this prohibition road so far, but I

really don't get why this is still the preferred approach to drugs. It has never worked anywhere it has been tried, so maybe it's time to try something new. Does everything have to be banned? Can there be some kind of

compromise where we allow some PED's, but restrict dosages and require constant monitoring by a doctor and maybe even administration of the drug by a doctor? I just think this road has been traveled enough times to

know that it simply does not work. This bullheaded, prohibition approach only creates a black market that will always be better than your testing program. You just can't win this way.

I think there need to be limits and a balance of testing vs. intrusiveness. But also get the feeling that popular opinion might side with getting the rich baseball player out of bed at 3am and canceling his family vacation so we can be extra sure he's not taking HGH.

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I think there need to be limits and a balance of testing vs. intrusiveness. But also get the feeling that popular opinion might side with getting the rich baseball player out of bed at 3am and canceling his family vacation so we can be extra sure he's not taking HGH.

I would be surprised if players found that to be reasonable. At that point, you'll be disrupting family life for players based on constant suspicion without a shred of proof to warrant it. I think that would be a deterrent to

being a baseball player at all. What if they have kids that wake up at 3AM and can't go back to sleep making the parents have to get up instead of getting up 4-5 hours later with the extra rest. I think disrupting life to

that extent is too far and will elicit push back. I wouldn't stand for being subject to that kind of invasion of my private life based on nothing but baseless suspicion. Ridiculous. I think a compromise is the way to go.

Prohibition doesn't work.

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I would be surprised if players found that to be reasonable. At that point, you'll be disrupting family life for players based on constant suspicion without a shred of proof to warrant it. I think that would be a deterrent to

being a baseball player at all. What if they have kids that wake up at 3AM and can't go back to sleep making the parents have to get up instead of getting up 4-5 hours later with the extra rest. I think disrupting life to

that extent is too far and will elicit push back. I wouldn't stand for being subject to that kind of invasion of my private life based on nothing but baseless suspicion. Ridiculous. I think a compromise is the way to go.

Prohibition doesn't work.

Rights don't apply to people making a lot more than me!

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Or the guy that was a big leaguer, so has money to burn, but isn't currently under the control of MLB.

What is to stop someone pitching for say, the Sugarland Skeeters, from undergoing an intensive regimen of PEDs in an effort to regain a few MPH on his fastball?

So you're saying Matt Hobgood still has a chance? lol

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Or the guy that was a big leaguer, so has money to burn, but isn't currently under the control of MLB.

What is to stop someone pitching for say, the Sugarland Skeeters, from undergoing an intensive regimen of PEDs in an effort to regain a few MPH on his fastball?

Clemens did.

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