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Today is our 20th Anniversary


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I remember finding this site back then. I think my handle was NY_O'S_FAN. Lol. Man that was ages ago.

I only found out about this site because Tony Pente was "critiqued" by other posters at the Baltimore Sun back in 2009.

Even though their intent(ions) was/were pretty nasty, something good came out of it for me.

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I only found out about this site because Tony Pente was "critiqued" by other posters at the Baltimore Sun back in 2009.

Even though their intent(ions) was/were pretty nasty, something good came out of it for me.

Those guys led a lot of people here. I was always thankful of them bashing me on what was then a pretty popular board. Usually the people would wander over looking for this Hitler character I was made out to be and found out almost all of that stuff was hyperbole, hearsay or just plain made up.

I would have people sending me stuff that was said there of some of things I supposedly said or did and would just laugh. That board actually made my grow much thicker skin. Now, I could care less what anyone says and I don't visit any other place other than here.

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