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Bowden: Manny's agent proposed a long-term deal to the O's before the season started


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I said this today in a different thread: no opt out, but a clause that can raise his salary to the top three in any given year, after year 3. If the Orioles don't want to go that high, Manny can choose to be a FA.

You sure you are allowed to do that? That sounds like a football contract to me.

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That would be a good clause. Puts it in the Orioles hands. Has a deal like that happened before? Is it allowed? Interesting.

Again, you sure that works within the rules? Or are we just spit-balling propositions?

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The history of those types of deals is not very encouraging.

They work in the context where trading pieces for prospects is the most entertaining thing happening with your beloved team, and you combine the proceeds of those trades with top 5 draft picks over multiple years.

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I'm not in favor of a blank check but extending Machado is a far different proposition than giving Ubaldo a four year contract. Manny is significantly younger and more talented.


That's a poor comparison. Ubaldo had plenty of question marks before he got here in COL and CLE. Manny Machado is a top 5 player in baseball. Ultimately, paying a guy 30M give or take a few a season is always going to be rough at times, but Manny is HOF level talent. Not many like him come around. Get him inked the rest of his career. He'll end up being one of the greats.

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Totally agree. This can't drag out and end like Mussina.

The problem is they would have to trade him by next year's deadline to get optimal return. And that would only be in play if we are out of it.

How much worth is a year or less of Manny Machado at whatever his arb 2 cost is? Probably not as much as we'd like to think and there is only a handful of teams that would empty their system for a year of Machado.

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They work in the context where trading pieces for prospects is the most entertaining thing happening with your beloved team, and you combine the proceeds of those trades with top 5 draft picks over multiple years.

I've always said that there's only three scenarios where you trade a HOF-caliber player in their prime.

1) The team is buried in the basement and is several years away from contention.

2) The player has only one year of team control remaining and has zero chance of re-signing with the team.

3) The team gets a proven young stud with more years of team control back in return. By that, I mean a Xander Boegarts, Carlos Correa, Francisco Lindor-type player.

#1 and #2 doesn't apply in this situation and #3 is very unlikely to happen. As long as Machado is under team control, the Orioles should do everything they can to resign him. I'm not worried about losing Machado at the moment. If you look at the history of elite players re-signing with their teams, many of them signed their extension just before the start of their final season under team control. The Orioles still have time.

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I consider signing Manny to be the paramount consideration of the franchise. But, from a management standpoint, I would think they are looking at paying Manny his arbitration money for next year to pursue some pitching & hopefully, try to sign Trumbo to a decent package before Free Agency skyrockets his salary .

As other commenters have said .... every minute his value goes up. So does Trumbo's.

(I know the Trumbo deal is a long-shot .... but I'm hoping)

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I think the next best thing for a franchise (after a World Series win) is to be associated as the home of a Hall of Fame player. And signing Manny Machado to a longterm contract is about as close to a slamdunk of ensuring one of those two things for your franchise as you are ever gonna get. It would be criminally irresponsible to the franchise not to get it done.

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I don't think it's allowed. Doesn't seem like something that players union would allow. Favors the team too much.

I don't know if it's allowed or not. But this favors the player, and maybe I didn't explain it well.

Let's say Manny signs for 13/390.

12,18,30,33 for 10.

Things go nuts and in year four 33M isn't a top 10 contract. The third highest contract (AAV) is $40M. Manny would then make $40M if the Orioles agree to it. Manny remains an Oriole. If $40M is too much, then the Orioles can decline. Manny then has the choice to opt out. If he doesn't want to opt out, the Orioles still owe him $33M.

He would still be guaranteed $390M. But he protects himself if the market goes bonkers and he could make more.

Don't know if it's allowed. Don't know why it wouldn't be. Just spitballing.

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That's a poor comparison. Ubaldo had plenty of question marks before he got here in COL and CLE. Manny Machado is a top 5 player in baseball. Ultimately, paying a guy 30M give or take a few a season is always going to be rough at times, but Manny is HOF level talent. Not many like him come around. Get him inked the rest of his career. He'll end up being one of the greats.

Lol you cannot say that with any possible certainty when a guy is 24. I don't know why I should believe his knee rebuilds are any less of a question mark than Ubaldo's question marks, just a different kind.

Everybody's ready to throw a quarter billion at one man. If he's given such a deal, he'll make up anywhere from about 1/5th to 1/8th of payroll for about a decade. You want to hinge every season on this one guy? What's that about putting your eggs in one basket? Categorically I want the Orioles to avoid those kinds of deals.

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