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Kruk Bashes O's


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I was floored last night watching BBTN. I have no problem with them bashing the O's, but I you are going to bash them, please make it informed bashing. They had no clue. Sam was not the problem??? His bullpen mismanagement easily cost this team 7-10 games.:rolleyes: In the end, the team did the right thing.

That should tell you the value of most of these moron's comments. They really aren't worth watching, except to see highlights of the day's games.

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Guest rochester
I was floored last night watching BBTN. I have no problem with them bashing the O's, but I you are going to bash them, please make it informed bashing. They had no clue. Sam was not the problem??? His bullpen mismanagement easily cost this team 7-10 games.:rolleyes: In the end, the team did the right thing.

A couple of things:

Whether I agree with Kruk or not, his diatribe appeared mainly about it being personal....there is no doubt that the players on this team (generally) are prima donnas, let alone underachievers with an attitude. Seeing it from a personal point of view it must be frustrating. Then have your friend canned because of this perception is even worse.

Second, although Sam made some mistakes with his BP moves I also believe that IF the BP could do their jobs things would be a lot different. Was Sam the right guy for the position at this time? I do not think so.

Bottom line? Although I do not completely understand the love for Girardi based on one year of managing, I do like his "old school" attitude and the fact that he tells it like it is. Whether that will equal success I do not know, but it is needed, and will make things more interesting.

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I happened to catch Kruk on ESPN radio yesterday afternoon, and he was just killing the O's even worse there.

He repeatedly called their roster "junk" and said they were fools to throw that team out on the field and ask/expect Perlozzo to "make us a winner."

He ripped them hard in that segment.

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I happened to catch Kruk on ESPN radio yesterday afternoon, and he was just killing the O's even worse there.

He repeatedly called their roster "junk" and said they were fools to throw that team out on the field and ask/expect Perlozzo to "make us a winner."

He ripped them hard in that segment.

The "junk" was better than the Yankees for two months. And they could be right with them now if it wasn't for Perlozzo.

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I was about to post a thread on this, ill just put it here.

Phillps and Kruk both say that they think Mazzonne will stay, and of course Davey Johnson and Girardi are the leading names being thrown around.

What I don't like is when discussing the woes of the O's, Kruk throws in "If Im a Manager out there I would take any other job before taking the job there, its the last team I would want to manage"

Steve Phillips added that the team is no where near contending and its almost entirely due to our bullpen.

This team has a lot of young talent, and even more in the farm system, I can think of many teams I would rather not manage if Im a Manager looking for a job.

Kruks a fool.

I'd be interested to see that list.

Compared to most teams, the O's do not have a lot of young talent, nor do they have a strong farm system -- by most objective analyses, it's in the bottom third of baseball.

And the organizational mess speaks for itself; unless/until it gets cleaned up, it's a major deterrent to prospective managerial candidates.

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How is the weather in fantasyland today?

The 8 games identified in the Sun were ones that we should have won. There have been others as well. All in all I think Perlozzo cost us 8-10 games with his management. We should be right there...

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The 8 games identified in the Sun were ones that we should have won. There have been others as well. All in all I think Perlozzo cost us 8-10 games with his management. We should be right there...
No chance he has cost us this many games.

Im not trying to defend Perlozzo here but come on, this roster is a joke. More blame should fall at the feet of the players and GMs than Sammy.

Sammy was awful and had to go but to think he is the difference between us and being in the thick of things is absurd.

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Just ripped this team apart on Baseball Tonight. Granted, I don't think either of these guys are particularly bright. Their main points were as follows:

1) Phillips: Perlozzo not the problem, the bullpen is the problem

He is correct here, but fails to realize the lineup was the even bigger problem

2) Both: The team is horribly put together, and the blame should be on Flanagan moreso than Perlozzo.

I tend to agree here, altough Perlozzo definitely should've been fired.

3) Kruk said he talked to Perlozzo, and is convinced Mazzone will stay because he really loves the pitching staff.

Cosidering this is coming from someone bashing the O's, this is good news.

4) Kruk: He would take any managing job in baseball over the Orioles job.

5) Both: The Orioles are not only bad, they are becoming irrelevant

Kruk is an idiot and nobody would give him a managerial position, that's why he's up in the booth!

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Buck Martinez on XM just said that Kruk was dead on. That we don't have another Markakis and everybody is in A ball.

Of course Kruk is dead on...Anyone thinking he isn't is dreaming.

That being said, his emotions make things worse and he isn't giving enough credence to the idea that Perlozzo was in over his head as a manager.

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I also heard Phillips tell Mike and Mike that Don Baylor is actually the #2 guy on our wishlist. Anyone else hear any thing of this? And if so, what do ya'll think?

I would rather have Baylor than Baker or Manuel, but I'd rather have Trembley than Baylor.

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He did say Don Baylor was #2 but I think he got his initials mixed up, maybe Dusty Baker! His whole piece really ticked me off, "wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft. pole!"

Note to Steve: Organizations don't make changes when things are going beautifully, if you don't have the talent or ability to turn a once proud franchise back into a winner just say that!

Duquette followed him as the G.M. of the Mets when he was fired in mid-season 2003, so it's not like he is completely objective here either.

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