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Thank You, Mark Daniel Trumbo


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9 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

No, the worst thing in the world would involve the sun going prematurely red giant before mankind is able to transition to another planet.  But offering a potential place on the team to a mid-30s DH with one foot already in retirement, and an abysmal health record would be very counterproductive.  I would be stunned if Elias left the door open for his return even a tiny, tiny bit.  This should be Trumbo's swan song, and if he wants to try to continue it mostly certainly should be with another organization.

Sadly, I agree with you.   I really like Trumbo, and think it’s possible he still has a little gas left in the tank. But he’s simply not a fit with a rebuilding team that already has a surplus of 1B/DH/slow COF types. I hope he finds another team and has success in 2020, but it shouldn’t be with us.   

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Under the previous regime, not only would I have been not surprised if we brought him back, I’d have practically expected it. Could easily have seen him getting an ’18 Tillman-type deal. With this regime, no way.

I’m a big fan of his, and there’s something to be said for the intangibles he brings even now, as he declines, but there’s no place for him on this roster and considering where this team is now.

My ideal scenario is that he retires at season’s end and we bring him in to next year's ST as an unofficial instructor/mentor of sorts, with a possibility of eventually attaining a more formal position (preferably after some MiL seasoning).

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2 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

He smoked two balls last night. The guy can still hit. He’s off to his usual fast start. It’s just in September and not April. It also seemed like the dugout was really into it when he picked up a late double. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to offer him a milb deal and ST invite. If anything he could be like a 2nd hitting coach and could mentor Mountcastle like he did Mancini. 

It's too bad that Davis can't hit a lick at age 33 and appears not to contribute to the team's or young players' development, while it looks like Trumbo at 33 can still hit and might be able to make other contributions to a rebuilding team. But that's what we've got -- just one more regrettable consequence of having the team's general manager and its owner trying to build the team on separate tracks. 

I might be able to see this for next year if we didn't already have Davis clogging up the DH/1B role and shortening the bench, or if Trumbo would be a serviceable fifth outfielder, and if he would be available on the cheap. It would be cool to have Trumbo return as a part-time DH/pinch-hitter as the Orioles chase a playoff spot in a few years. (No pies, though.) And maybe he wants to stay in the game as a coach.

For now, though, it's time to move on.

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5 minutes ago, spiritof66 said:

or if Trumbo would be a serviceable fifth outfielder, and if he would be available on the cheap. It would be cool to have Trumbo return as a part-time DH/pinch-hitter as the Orioles chase a playoff spot in a few years.

That might have been more plausible in the eras before 13-man pitching staffs and three-man benches.  Back when Benny Ayala was a thing, and you could carry Mike Squires to play defense at first six innings a week.  Today you wouldn't want to stand in the way of your 8th pitcher of the game.

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1 hour ago, spiritof66 said:


It's too bad that Davis can't hit a lick at age 33 and appears not to contribute to the team's or young players' development, while it looks like Trumbo at 33 can still hit and might be able to make other contributions to a rebuilding team. But that's what we've got -- just one more regrettable consequence of having the team's general manager and its owner trying to build the team on separate tracks. 

I might be able to see this for next year if we didn't already have Davis clogging up the DH/1B role and shortening the bench, or if Trumbo would be a serviceable fifth outfielder, and if he would be available on the cheap. It would be cool to have Trumbo return as a part-time DH/pinch-hitter as the Orioles chase a playoff spot in a few years. (No pies, though.) And maybe he wants to stay in the game as a coach.

For now, though, it's time to move on.

I would say it’s a bonus Davis isn’t trying to mentor the younger players. At the very least the coaches can point to Davis and tell any prospects to do the opposite.


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