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Kevin Gausman 2017


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4 hours ago, FanSince88 said:

If he's still sporting a 7+ ERA in early June and Asher/Aquino are doing better, then hell yes Gausman should go to the pen for a while.  Or the DL, if it's injury related.  Chances are he'll recover, but two horrible months in a row would be something more than mere chance or a slump.  

Not going to happen.

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16 hours ago, Diehard_O's_Fan said:

Send Gausman to Norfolk as soon as the game is over. He is not helping the team right now.

I agree with this 100%. He needs a message sent to him that we are not going to tolerate this ineptness at the Major League level. He obviously is struggling. Let him work on his pitching in Norfolk. We got guys, ( Asher, Aquino, etc. ) that have pitched there buts off up here and deserve to stay. Why would we send them down and keep this guy who looks like crap, every outing, up here? He needs time in the Minors to get his act together. He hadn't spent much time down there anyway. We rushed him to the Majors and now it's time to realize that maybe, he needs time in the minors. I totally disagree with Roy Firestone. I don't think he's going to be fine. Now he is feeling the pressure and that is not helping him. Let him go back down and start to relax again and get his head on straight and start working on righting the ship. I feel it's just going to be more of the same, as we go forward because the pressure is mounting.

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3 minutes ago, joeyc said:

I agree with this 100%. He needs a message sent to him that we are not going to tolerate this ineptness at the Major League level. He obviously is struggling. Let him work on his pitching in Norfolk. We got guys, ( Asher, Aquino, etc. ) that have pitched there buts off up here and deserve to stay. Why would we send them down and keep this guy who looks like crap, every outing, up here? He needs time in the Minors to get his act together. He hadn't spent much time down there anyway. We rushed him to the Majors and now it's time to realize that maybe, he needs time in the minors. I totally disagree with Roy Firestone. I don't think he's going to be fine. Now he is feeling the pressure and that is not helping him. Let him go back down and start to relax again and get his head on straight and start working on righting the ship. I feel it's just going to be more of the same, as we go forward because the pressure is mounting.

I Didn't realize Gausman can't go to the Minors. He needs to go to the pen then and work as a long reliever. Either way, he needs to come out of the rotation. It's an automatic loss, right now. Let him work in games where the outcome is decided, blow outs.Whether we are blowing out another team or they are blowing us out. I would stop pitching him, immediately, in close games, and he needs to come out of the rotation, he's horrible right now.

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23 minutes ago, joeyc said:

I Didn't realize Gausman can't go to the Minors. He needs to go to the pen then and work as a long reliever. Either way, he needs to come out of the rotation. It's an automatic loss, right now. Let him work in games where the outcome is decided, blow outs.Whether we are blowing out another team or they are blowing us out. I would stop pitching him, immediately, in close games, and he needs to come out of the rotation, he's horrible right now.

If Buck feels he is a liability and needs some "work", then DL him and give him a few assignments in the minors. Our pitchers always have some type of arm soreness. I would give him at least another start or two though, or until Tillman gets back before doing anything.

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1 hour ago, joeyc said:

I Didn't realize Gausman can't go to the Minors. He needs to go to the pen then and work as a long reliever. Either way, he needs to come out of the rotation. It's an automatic loss, right now. 

That's a preposterous statement.   The Orioles have won 3 of the 5 games Gausman started.   You can't overreact any time a starter has two bad starts in a row early in the year.    I'm not happy with the way he's pitched lately, but he's not leaving the rotation any time soon.

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Gausman's recent outings have certainly been disappointing. He certainly seemed like a sure thing, now this. Pitching, in the current vernacular, is a grind both physically and mentally. Bundy seems to have taken the leap mentally, Gausman has not IMO. They are not going to take him out of the rotation. I have faith he will get  over this bump. The question is whether the bumps lessen over time. Pitchers cannot ever think things are great based on their previous performance(s). Every start, every pitch is a new beginning...yes it is a grind being a pitcher.

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1 minute ago, UpstateNYfan said:

Gausman's recent outings have certainly been disappointing. He certainly seemed like a sure thing, now this. Pitching, in the current vernacular, is a grind both physically and mentally. Bundy seems to have taken the leap mentally, Gausman has not IMO. 

I don't see it as mental at all.    He's simply not commanding the fastball right now.     

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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

I don't see it as mental at all.    He's simply not commanding the fastball right now.     

That and he's hung a bunch of breaking stuff.  I'd have Caleb catch him next time.  It'll be in Yankee stadium.  Be aggressive and don't worry about the breaking stuff until the 2nd time through the lineup.  

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7 hours ago, Frobby said:

That's a preposterous statement.   The Orioles have won 3 of the 5 games Gausman started.   You can't overreact any time a starter has two bad starts in a row early in the year.    I'm not happy with the way he's pitched lately, but he's not leaving the rotation any time soon.


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I think that it's a bit early to think about putting Gausman in the pen. As I recall,  it took about the middle of June last year when Buck put Ubaldo into the pen when his ERA reached a 10 plus. If Kevin is making similar "progress " in June, that's when it's time to think about a bit of mop up duty for him. For now, let him try and work it out with some good coaching.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Diehard_O's_Fan said:

What happened to Kevin? Why was he ejected? The Orioles bullpen is going to be absolutely fried now. Ubaldo is also pitching tomorrow. We are going to need a whole new bullpen after tomorrow.

Ejected after accidentally hitting Bogaerts with a curveball in the second inning. Ubaldo is now in the game in relief. So, two interesting questions-- 1) Who starts tomorrow? 2) Do they give Gausman a start this weekend since he only threw 20 pitches tonight?

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