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Trading Bedard


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Bedard needs to be extended or traded between now and July 31 of 2008. Waiting until 2009 shouldn't be an option IMO.

Ideally, you go to him now with a 4 year extension in hand..You offer somewhere between 32-40 million...Include a 5th year option for 12-15 million.

If he says no to that, you look to trade him now but you do not do it for less than 3 players unless the 2 players are amazing prospects/young ML talent.

Absolutely correct.

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Bedard needs to be extended or traded between now and July 31 of 2008. Waiting until 2009 shouldn't be an option IMO.

Ideally, you go to him now with a 4 year extension in hand..You offer somewhere between 32-40 million...Include a 5th year option for 12-15 million.

If he says no to that, you look to trade him now but you do not do it for less than 3 players unless the 2 players are amazing prospects/young ML talent.

If you can't extend Bedard, you must trade him. I would hope the Orioles front office would learn from the BJ Ryan debacle, and not hold on to Bedard too long. The Orioles front office has held on to too many players to well past the peak of their trade value.

At some point, you just take the best offer for Bedard. I seriously doubt that Bedard's value is going to get much higher than this year. In fact, he could get injured next year near the trading deadline or he could have slump and have some bad outings, and then we'd be forced to keep him until his last year before free agency.

I would also hope the front office learns something from the Alfonso Soriano debacle with the Nats last year. Take the best offer while Bedard's value is very high. I am sure MacPhail can drum up some very good offers for Bedard this year.

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Guest rochester

re: Asking Bedard now if he will extend or fly away??

Do you really believe that he would answer that?

If I was him I would say if you want to go for it now throw some numbers in front of my agent. If you are asking me to provide what I think will happen in 2+ years without that forget it.

Of course, I would like to stay (cute negotiating ploy) but I have to take care of my family. Now, if you can give me release language that states I can leave at anytime if there is an opening in the MFYs or Cubs rotation you have a deal (oops.. wrong subject);)

Anyway, I think what I am saying is that he would be a complete fool to mention to anyone that he is thinking of jumping ship...and a bigger fool to answer to an extension without $$ in my face....

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I wouldn't trade Bedard for anything less than a Nick Markakis and an Adam Loewen.

I'm thinking most here might lose their minds if the O's traded Bedard for a guy batting .278 and a pitcher on the DL.

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Not every player is like a Kevin Millar when it comes to press... there are plenty of players that are not as open to the press. Eddie Murray and Mike Mussina come to mind...

Again- as I said, I know not all players are are media friendly- or enjoy those interviews. I have been in the locker room for them many times. I just know the look of someone who seems disinterested. I've seen him on camera before in a different dimeanour, so when he is interviewed post game and comes off that way- it stands out. I'm not saying this is definitely the case with Bedard- but it sure doesn't say otherwise. I just surely was not saying that all players ARE that way.

But good points you brought up- Murray and Mussina. Murray was a self-professed media hater... and Mussina- umm yeah, he didn't stick with the orioles when he became a free agent. Have you seen what team he plays for now?

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Again- as I said, I know not all players are are media friendly- or enjoy those interviews. I have been in the locker room for them many times. I just know the look of someone who seems disinterested. I've seen him on camera before in a different dimeanour, so when he is interviewed post game and comes off that way- it stands out. I'm not saying this is definitely the case with Bedard- but it sure doesn't say otherwise. I just surely was not saying that all players ARE that way.

But good points you brought up- Murray and Mussina. Murray was a self-professed media hater... and Mussina- umm yeah, he didn't stick with the orioles when he became a free agent. Have you seen what team he plays for now?

Mussina leaving doesn't have anything to do with the Baltimore media. You can blame that one (for better or worse depending on what you think of Mussina) on Angelos.

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i would not call him a ace yet, an ace will pitch 7 inn min. All he seems to care about is a K he needs to let people hit him early in counts to keep his pitch count down and if u can trade him for a player like tex that plays every day not every 5th day you have to do it....

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BRob is among the best 2B in baseball, both defensively and offensively. Perhaps you should run a comparison to the other 29 starting 2B in the league and I think you'll find that he is not over-valued at all. The guy is among the best leadoff men in baseball; he is a helluva player.

When I say "over-valued" I mean considered non-tradeable. Personally the only players I would try to hang onto at all costs would be Markakis, Bedard, Guthrie and Lowen. I just think Roberts is easily replaced. I like the fact he steals a lot of bases and is a switch hitter, but sometimes I cringe when I see him hitting from the right side and wonder if he would be a better overall hitter if he just hit lefthanded.

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I'd be looking to trade Bedard just as much as Tejada. Bedard, from what I've heard, doesn't want to be an O, he's probably got a ton of trade value now (especially with his SO ratios this season), and there are legit questions about his mental toughness playing for the O's. The O's should be able to get 3 quality young pieces for him.

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Roberts easily replaceable? Since his job is to get on-base so that the guys behind him can drive him in... and not necessarily be clutch (face it, he doesn't have too many chances to drive in runners because the bottom of the lineup sucks). Anyway...

Amongst all MLB 2B...

Brian Roberts - .402 OBP

Chase Utley - .398 OBP

BJ Upton - .396 OBP

Orlando Houston - .387 OBP

Placido Polanco - .382 OBP

So, what other 2nd baseman is going to replace Brian Roberts getting on base 40% of the time when he comes to the plate? Name just 1 player...

Unlike you I don't place singular importance on OBP. I would also analyze the ability to hit with RISP which with Roberts I believe is below par. I know the excuse will be he's a leadoff batter, but you are only guaranteed to hit once per game without a RISP and I like a leadoff man who does both (gets on base and can hit with RISP.)

Futhermore, Roberts is a very streaky hitter. He seems to go through spurts when he gets three hits per game only to then got through a slew of 0 for 5's which is a killer from your lead off man. I would prefer a leadoff hitter with more day to day consistency than Roberts. Sorry, that is the way I see it. He's replaceable.

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