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Bedard gets a talking to


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I dont take this as a private thing either. Bedard was suppose to meet with the media and he didnt. Trembley simple said sorry on behalf of bBedard and the Orioles and let them know we will make it to his future meetings.

To me that is certainly better then making Bedard appraoch the media to say he is sorry.

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Holy crap, this ant hill is not Mt. Everest.

Part of Bedard's job responsibility is to talk with the media. It's in the rules, and I think even part of his and every player's standard MLB contract, though I'm not sure. Trembley showing a little courtesy to the media isn't a bad thing. It's actually rather nice of him to make them aware of the situation, since it had become rather routine.

That said, when the hell was Bedard ever going to walk up to MacPhail and ask for a new contract? And if this single incident is going to be a deal breaker of sorts then wow, good riddance anyway. This ranks right below whether the locker room has gatorade or powerade in stock. You guys are amazing sometimes.

Thanks for the dose of reality, John. I'm a member of the media but a great admirer of Eddie Murray, but I still think Erik needs to grow up a bit in this regard. Eddie at least was able to tell reporters he didn't feel like talking that night.

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If he doesnt want to talk after a game then who cares. He just pitched a great game, maybe his best. Most guys would be looking for a camera to gloat, but Erik doesnt really give a ****. As long as he is available the next day, then fine. And he should always make time for the national media.

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I agree with John. Trembley did the right thing to talk to Bedard. Whether he "lectured" him as Roch put it, I don't know, but from what I've seen Trembley knows how to be direct without being offensive. Last night I saw Trembley grab Bedard by the shoulders and look him right in the eyes from a distance of 6 inches away to pay him a compliment at the end of his start.

Trembley is in charge and doesn't let his stars get away with stuff. Good for him. I love Bedard and couldn't care less whether he talks to the media, but rules are rules, they should be followed, and common courtesy shoud be extended.

As to Trembley telling the media about his conversation with Bedard, that's more debatable, but at the end of the day it's no big deal one way or the other. If Bedard leaves 2 years from now, this won't be the reason.

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You know, it's funny. He doesn't talk to the press and gets labeled a prima donna. Guys talk to the press and complain, they're labeled as whiners and malcontents. So basically, everybody wants all the players to talk to the press and be all warm and fuzzy and never say anything bad?

I really don't have a problem with Bedard not wanting to talk to the press.

I also don't have a problem with Trembley apologizing to the media for it, and saying he's talked to Bedard. I suppose Bedard should be available to spout a few clichés after a game.

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I am absolutely floored people would think that Trembley should have done anything else.

Bedard was supposed to meet with the media and didn't. Trembley apologized to the media, explaining he spoke with Bedard and said it won't happen again. Not speaking to the media is a problem.

Part of the manager's job is to deal with the media on behalf of his players. He did, nipping any issues in the bud, instead of forcing EB into what is apparently uncomfortable for him to do, which is meet with the media.

Would people have rather him ignored the issue or "forced" Bedard to meet with the media?

I completely agree. Trembley is again showing why is should be given every chance to manage this club (although the lineup he has today has me head scratching).

In one smart move he just told everyone, players, coaches, front office folks, fans and press that his players will act like professionals, and not some diva.

I'm a huge Bedard fan when he's on the mound. I personally think he's a first class jerk off it. I don't really care overall, but he does have a responsibility to talk to the media after games in my opinion.

Personally, I don't see him resigning with the Orioles anyways so make sure he knows he needs to act like a professional while he's an Oriole.

Great job Dave.

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I am absolutely floored people would think that Trembley should have done anything else.

Bedard was supposed to meet with the media and didn't. Trembley apologized to the media, explaining he spoke with Bedard and said it won't happen again. Not speaking to the media is a problem.

Part of the manager's job is to deal with the media on behalf of his players. He did, nipping any issues in the bud, instead of forcing EB into what is apparently uncomfortable for him to do, which is meet with the media.

Would people have rather him ignored the issue or "forced" Bedard to meet with the media?

Exactly, I like the way Trembley is a no BS, in your face kinda guy. We had enough tippy-toe, reserved manager types so this is a good change. I hope he stirs up more s@#$, this team needs it.

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What did he do to make you think he is a jerk Tony?

Trust me, he's a jerk. He's been a jerk since he was in the minor leagues. That never stopped me from rating him highly or even knowing that he was a special prospect, but it does stop me from liking him.

Do I root for him when he pitches, absolutely. would I trade him if I could get two or three top prospects, absolutely, but only because I don't think the o's are close to competing in the AL East and only a major influx of young talent will enable this club to turn things around. Bedard is probably the only player that can net this return.

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Wow, I was going to get ready and defend Bedard and say he's just a quiet guy who wants to go about his business and not want to be bothered...shy, reserved, speaks only when spoken to...nothing wrong with that...

But Tony's revelation is quite a surprise...I'll definitely take his word for it.

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You have no problem with him telling the press about a private conversation?

It wasn't a private conversation if Trembley didn't consider it one. And he initiated it.

A doesn't get along with B. C is responsible for A's general conduct, and maintaining good relations with B. C told A to be nice to be B, and apologized to B for A's behavior.

This is excellent. This is the kind of responsible behavior you teach children.

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If he doesnt want to talk after a game then who cares. He just pitched a great game, maybe his best. Most guys would be looking for a camera to gloat, but Erik doesnt really give a ****. As long as he is available the next day, then fine. And he should always make time for the national media.

Well this is an easy one -- the media cares.

These guys and gals have game recaps and columns to write immediately, for a newspaper that will be out in the morning.

Getting a quote from Bedard the next day is basically worthless.

I'd tend to think plenty of O's fans care, too.

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Time and time again, I'm struck by how dumb athletes can be. How the simplest things can elude them.

Bedard has played on the same team as Kevin Millar for almost two seasons now. You'd think he would notice the difference in how the press regards Millar vs how he (Bedard) is regarded by the press.

Hey Erik: FAKE IT. It takes just a couple of minutes, doesn't hurt, and--in the end--it makes your life better. Pretend you're playing the role of the nice guy baseball player for a bit.

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Trust me, he's a jerk. He's been a jerk since he was in the minor leagues. That never stopped me from rating him highly or even knowing that he was a special prospect, but it does stop me from liking him.

Do I root for him when he pitches, absolutely. would I trade him if I could get two or three top prospects, absolutely, but only because I don't think the o's are close to competing in the AL East and only a major influx of young talent will enable this club to turn things around. Bedard is probably the only player that can net this return.

WOW!-between your view here and your view that he will not resign here---this should be bumped so anyone arguing against his trade be aware.

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He’s being paid $3,400,000 this year to play the game and represent the Orioles.

He owes the Orioles, their fans, the media, and the game of baseball his best effort and respect on and off the field.

I may disagree with his roster/lineup choices and his in-game strategy, but Dave Trembley has shown me more of the “Oriole Way” than any Orioles manager since Davey Johnson.

As a fan, I want this team to win and I deserve the players’ respect.

I don’t want any jerks on my team.

Dave Trembley has earned my respect – we’ll see about Erik Bedard.

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