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Slow Offseason around MLB

Redskins Rick

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The market for 30+ year old hitters with defensive issues may have undergone a major, long-term realignment.  The MLBPA and MLB are going to have to find a way to shift that money to younger, more productive players.  Maybe a two years to arbitration and four years to free agency scheme along with a higher minimum wage.  They should also allocate more to minor league players who don't make squat.  Among other things that brighter minds than mine have mentioned recently.

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6 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

Does Jones get 3 years in this market next year? Its not going to blow open next offseason save for the top guys. 

I don't think if anyone has figured out if this market is here to stay or not.

Argument that it is:

   -- owners have suddenly "figured out" that veteran free agents aren't good investments and are showing restraint

   -- owners see cable TV bubble getting ready to burst and are cutting back spending accordingly

   -- due to the success of the Cubs and Astros, a significant # of teams tanking for the future in any given season will now become a permanent reality of the game, reducing the field of competitors for veteran free agents and thus depressing the market

Argument that this year is an anomaly and next year we will go back to the big money free agent markets of the past:

   -- several key big spenders are trying to get under the luxury cap THIS YEAR so they can go over it with abandon next year and face less penalty

   -- teams are saving $$$ for the big money superstars next year like Harper, Machado, possibly Kershaw whose talent dwarfs the guys that are FAs this year; they'll spend like crazy next year

   -- owners are colluding or doing something shady this year and the union will force their hand in some way with legal action to prevent it from happen again


The last CBA was so easily negotiated, I wonder if the owners didn't just say let the CBA stay with the status quo but all agreed in principle that as soon as the ink was dry and they had the players locked into a CBA for (5?) years, they would start showing significant fiscal restraint.   The players' hands are tied, they are stuck with this agreement for a while.   It could lead to ugly negotiations down the line but it could set up some huge profits to build a warchest for the next several years.

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