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Just now, atomic said:

Do you say that when someone dies and others express their sadness?

I'm just honest enough to admit I have, over the years, had co-workers that had to be carried and that I was pleased they were removed from their position.  This includes some folks in the military that would have gotten folks killed in a combat situation(not suggesting I ever saw combat).

Some folks have jobs but don't want to work and just increase the work and stress load of everyone else there.  I'm pleased when I no longer have to deal with those people.  I assume they don't really need the job if they aren't willing to do the required work.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm just honest enough to admit I have, over the years, had co-workers that had to be carried and that I was pleased they were removed from their position.  This includes some folks in the military that would have gotten folks killed in a combat situation(not suggesting I ever saw combat).

Some folks have jobs but don't want to work and just increase the work and stress load of everyone else there.  I'm pleased when I no longer have to deal with those people.  I assume they don't really need the job if they aren't willing to do the required work.

There are more to people than what they provide as workers.  I worked at a company that was doing layoffs every couple of months back in 2002 and 2003 when the job market was really bad,  My department went form 14 people to 2 people.  The two of us who were left got more done than when there was 14 people.  But I still missed the people that were gone and it was sad when they lost their jobs,  A couple of years later when the other guy quit I got to do his work as well.  Still manageable but I quit a few months later as being a department of one is pretty boring and actually kind of depressing.


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2 minutes ago, atomic said:

There are more to people than what they provide as workers.  I worked at a company that was doing layoffs every couple of months back in 2002 and 2003 when the job market was really bad,  My department went form 14 people to 2 people.  The two of us who were left got more done than when there was 14 people.  But I still missed the people that were gone and it was sad when they lost their jobs,  A couple of years later when the other guy quit I got to do his work as well.  Still manageable but I quit a few months later as being a department of one is pretty boring and actually kind of depressing.


Cool story bro.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm popular at work.

The only people I have issues with are the ones that don't work.

Unless they make more money than me, I dont care.  They can sit around posting on Orioles Hangout all day for all I care.

There is some one who doesnt do much at my job but it is more of lack of competence than a lack of effort. Easier for me to do it myself than have to go behind them and fix it.  And less aggravating.

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm popular at work.

The only people I have issues with are the ones that don't work.


1 hour ago, atomic said:

Unless they make more money than me, I dont care.  They can sit around posting on Orioles Hangout all day for all I care.

Really?   I don’t care if people get paid more than me, but if they aren’t doing their work, I dislike it no matter what they’re being paid.  

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10 hours ago, Frobby said:


Facebook is pretty much passé anyway.   So my kids tell me.   I never used it.   Look for me on social media and you’ll find no trace.  


10 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

It's reasonably good as a newsfeed for your favorite obscure sports teams, web magazine-type pages, etc.  Makes it a little easier to follow 3rd-division German soccer, and keep tabs on when a new show or album is being released.  I don't post much besides the occasional picture of the kids or vacation.  I'll admit that I'm not completely immune to a tiny bit of bragging when I'm drinking a beer in Munich, or hanging out in Iceland.

I use it to keep in touch with family. Old classmates. A lot of them!

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7 hours ago, SilverRocket said:

“We have a very specific pitching program that we’re carrying out in the minor leagues and I think the results of that so far this year have been good and we want to make sure that every stop in the minor league ladder, whether it’s the rehab spot in Florida when pitchers are down there rehabbing, whether it’s the Dominican, whether it’s the GCL, whether it’s Triple-A, that they reflect the curriculum and the tenor of that program and that when players move from level to level there’s a smooth handoff. So nothing specific with any one outlet of that, but the whole chain is very important to us.” -Elias


That gives me warm and fuzzies!

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7 hours ago, tntoriole said:

Never glad to see someone lose a job, but, I like dynamic change.  This is part of the plan and I support it. 

This is the part where I would post Jimi Hendrix - If 6 Was 9, but that's not on youboob!

Now if a 6
Turned out to be 9
I don't mind.
I don't mind.


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