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Connolly article on pitching

Sports Guy

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Well, that is the question people have been clamoring for one of the beat writers to ask, and there it is. 

My interpretation: we’ll do it, but only when we think the time is right.   Could be they’ll dabble this offseason but we won’t see anything earth shattering.  

But I think this dispels the notion that we’re in permanent low payroll mode.   


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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

Well, that is the question people have been clamoring for one of the beat writers to ask, and there it is. 

My interpretation: we’ll do it, but only when we think the time is right.   Could be they’ll dabble this offseason but we won’t see anything earth shattering.  

But I think this dispels the notion that we’re in permanent low payroll mode.   


Only for those of us who choose to believe him.   

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

Well, that is the question people have been clamoring for one of the beat writers to ask, and there it is. 

My interpretation: we’ll do it, but only when we think the time is right.   Could be they’ll dabble this offseason but we won’t see anything earth shattering.  

But I think this dispels the notion that we’re in permanent low payroll mode.   


As the skeptic I don't feel all that assured.

He isn't going to go out and say that they plan to run a bare bones operation going forward.  He isn't promising higher tier signings.  He isn't willing to commit to a time table.

I don't expect him to do any of those things but if the plan is to keep expenses as low as possible going forward I would expect him to say the same thing as if the team was going to employ a model like the Astros.

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6 minutes ago, wildcard said:

The answer is there, if you want to believe it is the question.  

1) Tyler had TJ  surgery.

2) He has not pitched in games since the surgery until this year.

3) He recently has tendinitis and they don't want to push him.

4) They are being care with him because he is valuable to them in the future.

5) They have the whole off season to build him up physically before ST.

That all I have.  Take it or leave it.  I think I know what you will do. 

They reduced him down to one inning outings before the tendinitis.  

They can believe he is valuable to them long term while also not making him a starter.

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3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

He isn't promising higher tier signings. 

Honest question. Did you ever expect the Orioles to make those signings? And do the Orioles need to make those signings to be perennial contenders? There's a team in our division that is proving that is very much not the case. 

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8 minutes ago, LTO's said:

Honest question. Did you ever expect the Orioles to make those signings? And do the Orioles need to make those signings to be perennial contenders? There's a team in our division that is proving that is very much not the case. 

I'm not expecting current ownership to ever have a payroll in the top half of the league.  I'm expecting bottom third.

That would generally preclude them from making those types of deals. 

Obviously you don't have to have those types of signings to succeed but it is significantly harder to do so without at least a few long term big money contracts, be they extensions, free agents or contracts acquired via trades.

I also don't think it is reasonable to expect "perennial" contenders.  Even if this works you will have some down seasons.


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24 minutes ago, wildcard said:

OK, over the last decade.

I’d look at this a slightly different way.  We went into the 2021 season with a certain group of pitching prospects.   Who’s made good progress, who’s sort of stagnated, who’s gone backwards?   Using Tony’s pre-season top 30:

Forward - Rodriguez, Rom (despite recent hiccups), Brnovich*

Neutral - Hall**, Zimmermann, Baumann, Bradish, Smith, Hanifee**, Baumler**

Backward - Akin, Kremer, Lowther, Wells

* Not in the preseason top 30 
** Injured most or all of season.  

Tony currently has Knight and Peek in his top 30 in the power rankings, but I’m not that giddy over either of them.   

Now, I’m still waiting to see how the season finishes gor everyone, but especially Baumann and Bradish.  Baumann has been very good lately and easily could move into the “forward” category.   Bradish has been really inconsistent but has his moments where he looks very good, so jury’s out on him.  I liked him better than Tony going into the season, relying on things I’d heard from Elias and Blood.   He hasn’t quite lived up to that hype, but he’s interesting, and I might move him up if he finishes well.     

I could have put Zimmermann in the forward category, but it’s hard for me to do that based on 59.2 IP.   

I think I’m being generous putting Smith in the neutral category for now.

 Basically, I’m very unhappy with the bottom group, who were the furthest along of everyone but Zimmermann and expected to perform better than they have.   I haven’t written any of them off yet, but next year they’d better show something or they could be off the radar entirely.   


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50 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I’d look at this a slightly different way.  We went into the 2021 season with a certain group of pitching prospects.   Who’s made good progress, who’s sort of stagnated, who’s gone backwards?   Using Tony’s pre-season top 30:

Forward - Rodriguez, Rom (despite recent hiccups), Brnovich*

Neutral - Hall**, Zimmermann, Baumann, Bradish, Smith, Hanifee**, Baumler**

Backward - Akin, Kremer, Lowther, Wells

* Not in the preseason top 30 
** Injured most or all of season.  

Tony currently has Knight and Peek in his top 30 in the power rankings, but I’m not that giddy over either of them.   

Now, I’m still waiting to see how the season finishes gor everyone, but especially Baumann and Bradish.  Baumann has been very good lately and easily could move into the “forward” category.   Bradish has been really inconsistent but has his moments where he looks very good, so jury’s out on him.  I liked him better than Tony going into the season, relying on things I’d heard from Elias and Blood.   He hasn’t quite lived up to that hype, but he’s interesting, and I might move him up if he finishes well.     

I could have put Zimmermann in the forward category, but it’s hard for me to do that based on 59.2 IP.   

I think I’m being generous putting Smith in the neutral category for now.

 Basically, I’m very unhappy with the bottom group, who were the furthest along of everyone but Zimmermann and expected to perform better than they have.   I haven’t written any of them off yet, but next year they’d better show something or they could be off the radar entirely.   


You completely ignored Tyler Wells.    Bradish never pitched above A+ before this year.  He blew through AA and is now progressing in AAA. I don't know how you call that Neutral.   I am impressed with what Baumann is doing at AAA.  You say you need to see more.  OK.  I am sure we will talk at the end of the season about that.

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1 hour ago, wildcard said:

You completely ignored Tyler Wells.    Bradish never pitched above A+ before this year.  He blew through AA and is now progressing in AAA. I don't know how you call that Neutral.   I am impressed with what Baumann is doing at AAA.  You say you need to see more.  OK.  I am sure we will talk at the end of the season about that.

I forgot about Wells since he wasn’t on Tony’s 2020 postseason list.   He’s certainly been a pleasant development.  I’m being a little strict on Bradish and Baumann.  Based on what Elias and Blood had said last year at the end of the season, I thought they both might start the year in AAA.   But, the O’s were conservative in their placements.   I was really happy with Bradish’s domination in AA, but kind of expected it, and his AAA performance hasn’t been consistent.  Baumann was hurt and then inconsistent in AA, but finally came around and is now doing well in AAA.   Like I said, I can still see moving both of them into the forward category but I’d like to see good performance the rest of the year from them.  

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Does anyone have informed opinion on Rocker's health going forward to think he could recover to a top pick next draft?

If he does regain his pre-draft status do you pick him over the HS OF?

Could you buy out the last 1-2 years of Carter Stewart contract in Japan $7 M over 6 years, ends in 2024 but he is an unrestricted FA after he turns 25 in Nov 2023.

Imagine GRod backer by those 2.

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