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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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I wasn't aware that the people on the Sun boards hated OH so much...but I see it from reading that joke of a thread.

...it's anyone who reads threads that claim you have a source for something when in reality you know nothing like the rest of us. A lot of people act like OH is also so important in the grand scheme of things....but it's not. Someone posted on one of the threads that because OH "broke" or "leaked" the story that B-Rob was being traded that it resulted in the Orioles canceled the trade because they were mad the news leaked out. Seriously? Do you seriously think that anything posted on this site will influence the Orioles front office in any way, shape or form? Does anyone actually think there are "sources" in the Warehouse who are going to reveal information to you?

Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of good things on these treads, but some of the stuff on here is so stupid that it takes away from the site's creditability to the point where most people think anything posted here is just pipe dream, fantasy land speculation.

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Has anyone noticed a shocking lack of rumors coming out today regarding Tex? Whenever this happens, I see a signing looming.

Why would an absence of rumors signal that a signing is imminent?
It would not.

Premise of the first post... agreed, to me it alone doesn't indicate an end to the saga is close.

Likewise, I see the same reporting (or non-reporting) as has been evident over most of the last few weeks. A rumor of one team or another dropping in or out of the bidding. Offers supposedly raised, lowered or altered. Nothing much confirmed.

Same old routine to me... and besides.. it's only 2:33 EST. Plenty of time for BIG NEWS!!!!! to happen today. ;)

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I saw that on ESPNNews, they pretty much said what SportsCenter has been saying all morning that the Angels pulled their offer, rehashed the Henry statement, and saying the Nats and O's are the two options left. Nothing new here IMO....they're just restating old news.

We should be able to win the bidding...

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Despite losing a lot this year, and players declining,

My prediction

Sabathia 22 wins

Burnett 19 wins

Wang 20 wins

Chamberlain 16 wins

Sadly, I don't think they need to fret that much about not signing Tex... though Tex certainly makes a TON more sense to the Yanks then to the Red Sox.

Sorry, your predictions are not even close.... Sabathia might get to 18, Burnett won't win more than 15, Wang could hit 20, but I doubt it and Chamberlain hasn't proven he can stay healthy

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Sorry, your predictions are not even close.... Sabathia might get to 18, Burnett won't win more than 15, Wang could hit 20, but I doubt it and Chamberlain hasn't proven he can stay healthy

Good thing these are only personal predictions and no one knows what will actually happen then ;)

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...it's anyone who reads threads that claim you have a source for something when in reality you know nothing like the rest of us. A lot of people act like OH is also so important in the grand scheme of things....but it's not. Someone posted on one of the threads that because OH "broke" or "leaked" the story that B-Rob was being traded that it resulted in the Orioles canceled the trade because they were mad the news leaked out. Seriously? Do you seriously think that anything posted on this site will influence the Orioles front office in any way, shape or form? Does anyone actually think there are "sources" in the Warehouse who are going to reveal information to you?

Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of good things on these treads, but some of the stuff on here is so stupid that it takes away from the site's creditability to the point where most people think anything posted here is just pipe dream, fantasy land speculation.

You don't know what you're talking about, obviously. In case you haven't noticed OH is more than just a fan forum, take a look around!

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Olney gets paid to get people to read his blog and to draw hits to the site.

I love the O's to death, but everyone and there mother knows anything about the Sox and Yanks will get more hits.

With that said, he is adament about the Red Sox getting him, so we shall see. He must think he has pretty good sources.

To be fair, his daily blog during the season posts alot of great links and really puts all of the infomation out there right at your finger tips.

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I don't know about you guys, but if we sign Tex, I am shelling out however much I need to to get myself a ticket to opening day AND one of those brand spankin new away jerseys. O's Yanks at Camden Yards, the debuts of Tex and CC, perhaps Manny on the respective teams. That's gonna be a great game.

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Premise of the first post... agreed, to me it alone doesn't indicate an end to the saga is close.

Likewise, I see the same reporting (or non-reporting) as has been evident over most of the last few weeks. A rumor of one team or another dropping in or out of the bidding. Offers supposedly raised, lowered or altered. Nothing much confirmed.

Same old routine to me... and besides.. it's only 2:33 EST. Plenty of time for BIG NEWS!!!!! to happen today. ;)

Glass is half full. I like it. Few fan bases are more deserving of some holiday cheer. I'm foolish enough to hold out some hope.

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