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Kevin Brown absence explained?

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13 minutes ago, accinfo said:

The most disheartening thing in this thread are the posts from the now banned @2001OriolesFan.  That person has to be either John Angelos or someone who he is instructing to counter what is going on here.

I don't know man, internet trolls love getting on other people's nerves, for no reason whatsoever.  It's where they get their jollies in their sad, sad lives. 

If he was part of the John Angelos Sleeper Cell, he was certainly playing the long game.  His profile says that he signed up on the board a little more than a year ago, and had made about a hundred posts since then prior to today. 

So if that were true, how many other accounts here have been signed up for at least a year, averaging a post every three or four days?  We have several legit lurkers that would have their box checked by those criteria.

Simplest explanation is that he's a troll, and saw his biggest opportunity for trolling people on this board since he signed up a year ago... and like Cookie Monster in the Keebler factory, he just couldn't resist and went nuts. 

Much less likely that John Angelos is maintaining an army of trolls standing ready to do his bidding in various O's fan spaces.  Although after the last 24 hours (and really, the last 24 years), I certainly couldn't put the chances at zero 😆

Edited by Morgan423
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50 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Boros is steering his guys to the place where they will make the most money. Pure and simple. 

Most players could care less about the owner. They care about their teammates, coaches and manager. I don't think the rest of this stuff matters to them. Players aren't going, "Man, I don't want to play on the good, young, up and coming talented team because the owner was mean to their announcer."

That used to be true in DC with the Redskins too, but it became so bad that it seeped into football operations. Of course, that owner also meddled in football operations, so as bad as Angelos is, it's not really close.

I think he would have to continue these menial things (brown, the PA announcer, opening the books on MLK day) to an epic level to have a material affect on the team.

But if he refuses to pay the young guys, or retain the front office/manager, that could be a problem. And we have reason to suspect that he won't open the checkbook to keep guys. We just don't know yet. Let's hope this embarrassment is enough to pressure him into doing fan-pleasing things like extending Adley and Gunnar this offseason!

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11 minutes ago, LA2 said:

I know it's too early to request it, but I wish this thread were closed and locked. It's time to play ball.

I tend to agree cause this all has made me up my meds. But then, if nothing else, this thread is therapeutic. Just think if we had to suffer this as fans without an outlet like this? Being able to follow and "upload" at times helps me endure this ownership while I await their next stupid move. Its like The Never-Ending Story. it will just come back in another form.

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19 minutes ago, Morgan423 said:

I don't know man, internet trolls love getting on other people's nerves, for no reason whatsoever.  It's where they get their jollies in their sad, sad lives. 

If he was part of the John Angelos Sleeper Cell, he was certainly playing the long game.  His profile says that he signed up on the board a little more than a year ago, and had made about a hundred posts since then prior to today. 

So if that were true, how many other accounts here have been signed up for at least a year, averaging a post every three or four days?  We have several legit lurkers that would have their box checked by those criteria.

Simplest explanation is that he's a troll, and saw his biggest opportunity for trolling people on this board since he signed up a year ago... and like Cookie Monster in the Keebler factory, he just couldn't resist and went nuts. 

Much less likely that John Angelos is maintaining an army of trolls standing ready to do his bidding in various O's fan spaces.  Although after the last 24 hours (and really, the last 24 years), I certainly couldn't put the chances at zero 😆

From the "John Angelos sleeper cell" phrase and on to "like Cookie Monster in the Keebler factory" and completing the trifecta with "an army of standing trolls"...this post belongs in the OH HoF!

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Reflecting on this fiasco, now I understand why Brandon Hyde is always walking on egg shells during his pre & post game interviews.

How does the ownership ever expect to recruit top talent if that talent is always run out of the organization? People don't watch the Orioles to see an executive. They watch to enjoy the talent that's featured in front of them all game long. (Players, Manager's, and broadcast team.) People want themselves to be entertained. They watch to see the best talent! 

Top talent is what's good for business, but how are you going yo have a good business if all the top talent refuses to work for you because of your history of how you treated your previous talent so poorly? There is a level of fellowship and community that occurs within job professions, and word travels fast.

If you don't have good talent, people aren't going to commit their time and money to see your product. If you treat all your talent poorly, you're not going to get top talent.

Petty behavior is self destructive and it's bad for business.

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1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

Betcha  one comment was when he said he thought that his wallet was stolen while he was in the splash zone. That one was cringe worthy.

I know they don't want to talk publicly about employee disciplinary manners, but maybe they should re-examine that position when it comes to in-the-public-eye members of the organization.

If it was due to the wallet comment, and they'd been transparent about that, most people would have probably thought, "Sure, that could be seen as an insult to fans.  A suspension might be an over-reaction, but I could also see where they'd find it actionable."  And everyone (except Kevin Brown probably) would have been over it in five minutes and moving on.

But they didn't do that, and this got blown up into the mother of all PR nightmares.  I'd hope they'll learn a lesson from this about transparency, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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2 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Betcha  one comment was when he said he thought that his wallet was stolen while he was in the splash zone. That one was cringe worthy.

Tony I gotta give it to you, I thought you were being a bit harsh on Brown in some of the game threads. But you were certainly on it in terms of noticing that some of the things he said were at least a deviation from typical broadcasting language. Let me be clear that I don't think anything Tony said was at all disparaging of KB, I just remember him pointing out a few things KB said during game threads that caught his attention, and now that looks prescient given that some things KB said clearly caught the organization's attention as well.

Personally I noticed some of the corniness/quirkiness from Brown but chalked it up to his youth and thought it's better to try and fail with that stuff than be boring. Lots of formality/decorum around baseball/journalism I suppose and especially when the team employs you.

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10 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Betcha  one comment was when he said he thought that his wallet was stolen while he was in the splash zone. That one was cringe worthy.

Cringe worthy...yes.   Juvenile...yup.   But, did anyone get offended by that type of remark?   It was purely a joke, albeit a very bad one.

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1 hour ago, 25 Nuggets said:

I like to say that when Snyder was caught stealing money from the other owners, that's when he really got in trouble.  🤑

Considering that (under oath in a lawsuit) Louis accused John and his mother of embezzling $10 Million from Peter's law firm bank accounts, it might be prudent for Major League Baseball to investigate to make sure they didn't do the same thing to the Orioles and/or steal money from the league. 

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19 minutes ago, Too Tall said:

I tend to agree cause this all has made me up my meds. But then, if nothing else, this thread is therapeutic. Just think if we had to suffer this as fans without an outlet like this? Being able to follow and "upload" at times helps me endure this ownership while I await their next stupid move. Its like The Never-Ending Story. it will just come back in another form.

Ok, I get it--it has its function. Thanks for explaining.

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  • Posts

    • What do you mean starting for Slater? He is not a starter. The Ragans matchup makes things interesting because he has reverse splits. I don't know the numbers but they need to start the guys with good numbers vs Ragans and/or LHP changeups, whether they are LH or RH.
    • Perhaps. I'm just saying he could stop the Chiefs, the Raiders disaster, and the Cowboys debacle certainly gave me pause.  Last night they certainly looked better, but the first 3 games gave me pause. I think we'll know more after a full season.
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    • All of the October ones will.    Tomorrow good chance to be the least important one if things go any kind of good. Granted ~40% chance it is the only one, but that is short series baseball, not him. I won't have warm feelings if he handles these guys but is bad twice the next series.
    • Would be upsetting to start Slater in any playoff game at this point. Even if you think Mullins/Cowser cant hit LHP (news flash Slater cant either)- keep the defense and the guys who "got you there"
    • If the point was "Skubal is better" you kind of proved that for them. More innings, more K's, less ER, less Walks, less hits, better W/L. Across the board. Ragans is very very very good- but Skubal is better, and the runaway for AL Cy Young. Either is capable of shutting down an offense- and Ragans did just that earlier this year. But we also roughed up Ragans in the other start. No matter who we face, we're going to find things that make it tough, its the playoffs. Lets keep playing good ball and get payback for 2014. 
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