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5/28. Hernandez Debut. O's vs. Tigers


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Doesn't seem like I can remember any sliders yet. That's supposed to be his strikeout pitch. If he's doing "this well" without his number one pitch (I figure the rain affects the grip), then I'm pretty pleased.

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It has to be great for BB, Berken, DH, and Reimold to all be coming up at the same time. You can add Wieters to that list tomorrow. I bet having that support group that you are comfortable with makes it a lot easier to relax and feel like you belong. It seems to be showing in the way they have been handling there first shot.

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What does PFX stand for on MLB Gane Day? In pitch by pitch it has SPD (speed), BRK (break) and then PFX.

Thanks for the help and go O's.

I had to look that one up:

Q: What is the PFX value?

A: The "Pitch-f/x" value is currently defined as the measurement of the distance between the location of the actual pitch thrown over the plate, and the calculated location of a ball thrown by the pitcher in the same way, with no spin; this is the value we provided in Enhanced Gameday last season as "Break". The new Break value, which we feel is more appropriate for the common understanding of the term, is defined as the measurement of the greatest distance between the trajectory of the pitch at any point between the release point and the front of home plate, and the straight line path from the release point and the front of home plate. By this definition, a Barry Zito curveball will have a much greater Break value than a Brad Penny fastball.

(By the way, the "camera control" in the 3D batter area allows you to view each pitch from any of six different viewpoints, so you can see the trajectory and location of each pitch from multiple angles.)

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What does PFX stand for on MLB Gane Day? In pitch by pitch it has SPD (speed), BRK (break) and then PFX.

Thanks for the help and go O's.

I wonder it it has anything to do with the side to side movement, or maybe the break is side to side movement...if you look at Fastballs the pFX is higher than the Brk but on sliders the Brk is higher then pfx.

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:D Think I like Pumpkin better than Papa Bear. Can you see the guys in the dugout calling him Pumpkin? :rofl:

Papa Bear Bergesen, Big Nole Reimold, Bubblegum Jones, Kakes, B-Rob, Huff-Daddy, Melmo, Hail Cesar, Guts, Luuuuuuuuuke, and GOD. I think we're set for nicknames for a while.

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