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How can you guys not be talking more about Sano?

Mashed Potatoes

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Question for anyone who has been following this signing closely. If Sano is such a great prospect (and I'm not saying he isn't), where are the Yanks, Sox and Mets? Those teams throw around money all the time, yet they don't appear to be too interested. Plus, didn't Sano's agent, Rob "liquid0623" Plummer say that it was all going to come down to $$.

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Don't give up so quick. The O's may sign this guy. I hope they do.

I'm generally positive, the Yanks just have a knack for busting the door in with a wheel burrow of diamonds, in the eleventh hour.

I hope I'm wrong or else JTrea's head is likely to explode like the little dudes on Mars Attacks.

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"Source: #Orioles not on the verge of anything with Sano. Said this will be a long process and wouldn't label the team as a favorite."

Peaks and valleys....now I don't feel good about this whole thing.

And yes, I have been following twitter (I was hoping I would never have to say that my entire life) since JTrea posted that last link.

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"Source: #Orioles not on the verge of anything with Sano. Said this will be a long process and wouldn't label the team as a favorite."

Peaks and valleys....now I don't feel good about this whole thing.

And yes, I have been following twitter (I was hoping I would never have to say that my entire life) since JTrea posted that last link.

Roch chimes in.


The thread title is misleading. He seems to indicate that this isn't happening soon, primarily because of the age investigation. This shouldn't really surprise anyone, considering MacPhail's MO.

These reports leave me highly skeptical. Since I already was, I guess that's not much of a change. I'm still holding out a small bit of hope.

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Like I posted earlier today, Kiley McDaniel said it would probably take up to a week for this to get finalized. The teams are waiting for MLB to finish its investigation. MacPhail can say this today then sign him next Thursday and what he said today will still be true.

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I just hope that some other team doesn't swoop in and sign him while we are waiting for MLB to conduct the investigation.

From Arangure's comments earlier, his age will be hard to disprove because as long as the DNA points to his mother being his real mother then they've got to assume he is who he says he is and not his dead brother.

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