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Holliday to St.Louis Final

BOH's and O's

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Thank God.

Well Said...too much for a good butg not great player. Way too much..now I would like to see AM be aggressive. There are good players available, to steal from Ozzie, right player, right place...now get to work Andy.

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I'm not going to bash anything you said here. I think you said what you were feeling, and you did a nice job.

I agree with your premise that we need to get a difference maker in this lineup. I thought Holliday may not have been the perfect fit, but he would have been a very good fit for this team in that it would have allowed us to use some "inventory" of outfielders to help fill other positions.

All that being said, the 7 year commitment would have been a bit much for my tastes. I would have offered him 5 years at 92/95 million because I think he's going to be a productive player through his age 35 season. Those extra 2 years could be killers.

I'm glad it's over with. I wish he was in black and orange. I'm just very glad he's not in Boston or New York.

EDIT: This was in response to JTrea's "Gettysburg Address"! :-)

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Well Said...too much for a good butg not great player. Way too much..now I would like to see AM be aggressive. There are good players available, to steal from Ozzie, right player, right place...now get to work Andy.

I was saying thank God moreso because we no longer have to hear about it day in and day out.

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So, 6 years from now, will the Cards be glad or sad about this?

I'm guessing sad...

Perhaps, though I am guessing they'll simply see his cost at that time as "part of doing business" in today's baseball, a sunken cost. The latter years of most free agent contracts are always going to be less positive for the team/club, but you have to pay these type contracts to get the premium talent. Apologies (to Mashed Potatoes), but "it is what it is".

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Don't worry, be happy....:D

-- Reimold/Scott > Holliday

-- Wigginton/Atkins > Beltre

Not to mention we save a whole lot of money.

I could see Reimold/Scott better than Holliday...afterall Nolan put up a 831 last year and all indications are that he will get better. After almost 2000 at bats in a non Coors field Holliday put up a 800.

The second part, I'm not so sure.

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Orioles want LaRoche for 2 years...But if SF is willing to give him similar money/years, I would guess he goes there.

Would you be happy with a two year deal for LaRoche? Not that I know much, but it seems like Snyder will be a similar bat (from an opposite side of the plate, or course).

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