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A-Rod: Contract Opt-Out a "Debacle"

Migrant Redbird

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Which is what I said when he did it. He recovered rather gracefully, but only because the Yankees broke their word and resumed negotiations.

Rodriguez finalizes $275M deal with Yankees

Rodriguez said opting out was "a mistake that was handled extremely poorly."

"It was a huge debacle," he said, calling the timing "distasteful and very inappropriate."

A-Rod said Boras gave him the impression the Yankees weren't interested in bringing him back, which surprised him.

"Our goals were not aligned," Rodriguez said. "It felt funny to me."

He said he and Boras agreed the slugger would opt out of his deal, but Rodriguez thought the move would be revealed after the World Series.

"I made mistakes. I've got to look in the mirror. If I had to do it again, I would've called Hank from Day 1 and negotiated myself," Rodriguez said.

Pretty harsh words. Has A-Rod severed his relationship with Boras?

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On another forum, one of the members posted that it's "been reported" that Boras would receive $11M from A-Rod's $275M contract, or 4%. I didn't ask where it was reported, but this member is usually pretty credible. It sounds as though A-Rod hasn't severed his relationship with Boras.

Maybe. Or maybe he has fired Boras but the terms of his contract with Boras requires him to pay him this time, because of the timing of everything. We don't know.

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Maybe. Or maybe he has fired Boras but the terms of his contract with Boras requires him to pay him this time, because of the timing of everything. We don't know.

I'm pretty sure that's it. It seems pretty clear he is firing Boras, since he accused him of lying. But under the terms of his deal with Boras and I think also under the CBA, he was not supposed to negotiate a deal without Boras. I think technically he should be on the hook for all of Boras's fee, even though Boras didn't do anything. But because Boras lied to him, supposedly, the two of them are probably settling on a lower fee.

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It strikes me as just a little odd that Miss Pay-Rod stepped away from taking a long, hard look at herself in the mirror, and announced this on the day the Mitchell Report came out!

Tone-deaf as always? Or did the Yankee$ ask Miss Pay-Rod to do them a solid on this rather dark day?

You be the judge.

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