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Troy Glaus anyone?


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I don't think Buck cares that much about our lack of headline-worthy moves. He has pretty much every critical member of a 93 win team coming back next year, and DD already addressed one of our biggest REAL deficiencis- a lack of RH depth beyond Lew Ford. I doubt Buck lost much sleep over Hamilton and Greinke signing elsewhere.

I think your kidding yourself Fermi. Buck wouldn't hae passed on Hamilton.

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The overreactions by people on here are ridiculous. You'd think he was suggesting giving him 8 MM to be our DH. No harm giving him a ST invite with the possibility of being a platoon partner.

That being said...I'm not sure I really want to have 2 guys on the roster that can't play in the field. No...Betemit cannot play in the field.

I don't have a problem with them signing him to a MiL deal...someone else will.

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Why haven't we explored the cryogeneticly frozen head of Ted Williams yet? The guy hit over .400. Is that not worth a spring training invite? And a league minimum contract would be quite a raise from Ted's playing days.

Get on this DD. You've got the Sox connection to sell him on.

I don't think ol' Ted has the body to make a comeback on the field...put him in the booth where the O's could always use another talking head.

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I'm certain you wouldn't be calling me a child if you weren't hiding behind a anonymous Internet poster handle.

Second in 11,000 posts over 5 years and all the times we've been in agreement ( mostly in the Ravens threads ) I've never been rep'd by you 1 single time. Yet the fact that you neg rep'd me to stick up for a new poster who has been spewing Penny pinching money ball split approaches to building the Orioles roster is just comical. What's more comical is your need to air it here rather than in a PM. I personally don't care if you post or not. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't. Im just sick of the I'm right and your wrong view point by many of the veteran posters here. The Orioles (Angelos) specifically can afford to upgrade the team. The Orioles are not small market despite what he would like everyone to believe. We've given him every reason spend money to improve the team this off season. Attendance spiked with the first signs of life this team has shown in over ten years. Mr Angelos and company picked up additional playoff revenue.... So far the team has retained McLouth and a whole lot of depth type moves and let Reynolds walk. while our division rivals make moves to improve their teams. The fans here that aren't happy with the outcome so far have the right to feel that way without being called names (like thick headed) and ridiculed by other posters. The masses here have chased away many good posters in my time here mainly because they want better for our team and are tired of hearing the excuses.... This guy cost way too much money....That team overpaid in players for _________________. It's the same excuse every year.

You know, I felt like we should have made a big splash in free agency and/or trade this off-season until I realized there was no good free agent fit with our team and I wouldn't want to give up one of our top 3 prospects at this point until we have more depth to trade from in the minors. Duquette did a great job of supplementing our core for the entire season with role players that helped us get into the playoffs. Because we made the playoffs last year, I think a lot of people have a sense of urgency that they wouldn't have otherwise.

We can't spend huge on a free agent that isn't a good fit just to spend, and we can't trade our few valuable chips now for the same reason.

I know its hard to hear, but Duquette needs to do the same thing he did last year, find value wherever he can to supplement our core. A core which I believe has increased by one player (McClouth) because of the front office's fine scouring.

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He seemed about the only player that didn't have a thread for this offseason. Any interest? Maybe he can be our MOO we don't need? Thoughts?:)

He did play in the independent league, so that is a big plus that the O's might be interested:)[/

No to Miggy. I am sorry but he is way past his prime. IMO

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Why haven't we explored the cryogeneticly frozen head of Ted Williams yet? The guy hit over .400. Is that not worth a spring training invite? And a league minimum contract would be quite a raise from Ted's playing days.

Get on this DD. You've got the Sox connection to sell him on.

LOL! Could you imagine Ted's head on Felix Pie's body? The ultimate five-tool player! :D

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