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Jones today


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I really don't see the point in tweeting him this thread. It's obvious he was beating himself up, why rub it in his face that fans are, I dare say, over reacting. Now, I do AGREE with the sentiments on this board, but I am venting here. If I were to write Adam Jones directly, I would phrase my language much differently, and show some respect in tone to what he has done and what he has and still means to this team and fan base. Reading some of the things so hastily said about him here isn't going to help anything.

He didn't deserve any respect today. Even he would admit that. That's the point. I still love him, he's our leader, but he needs to be called out, whether he admits to his faults or not.

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I have been one of the AJ apologists just as some slam him when he picks his nose with the wrong finger, however, there is NO reason for a lack of hustle... none, zero, nada. Especially from someone who wants to be (or is) a leader. Frankly, I really don't care what he said after the game.... he could have given his team a chance to win by hustling... there is no excuse, even if he would have been out (not sure).

Wholeheartedly agree. I believe if he would have given 100% today in all 9 innings, we would have won. He makes that much of an impact.

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I think you misunderstood my post. Maybe. I remember the play vividly. Jones "loses" the ball almost immediately. Right there we agree. It's what happens next where maybe we disagree. The outfielder has a choice here. Keep your head up and keep looking for the ball to appear somewhere up in the sky and then make the adjustment. Some guys throw their arms up in the air to show they can't see it and need help. What did Jones do? After losing the ball for a split second, he looks over at Reimold and points to him to help him out. Now he looks back up and it looked to me like he saw it but it was too late to recover. I'm suggesting that he should have kept his head up and trying to pick up the ball in the sky instead of looking over at Reimold and then looking back up. If he had done this, I think he would have picked the ball up sooner and still made the catch.

Just watched it again. Ball is hit maybe 20 feet to Jone's right. He takes 3 or 4 strides looking like he has it measured and then quickly looks to Reimold and points to him. Then he looks back up and it looks like he picks the ball up again but now with the ball about to land about 5 feet right in front of him and sees Reimold racing across and avoids the possible collision as Reimold can't quite get there either. Again, if he doesn't look to Reimold for that second I think he recovers and makes the catch.

I agree here. Jones just absolutely misplayed this. He's our CF for a reason. If he lost it in the sun immediately, there is no reason he should've LOOKED at Reimold while the ball was sky high. If he had no idea where it was, throw your ams out to let everyone know you've lost it, while keeping your eyes towards to the sky in hopes you can track it.

But that mental error by Jones really wasn't a big deal. Sure it was a factor, but his lack of hustle the rest of the game b/c of his mental error was 1000x more detrimental to our team.

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Guest rochester
You guys are horrible. Lose a few games and you take it out on the players. You do know two twins lost balls in the sun. If you can't see the ball you can't catch it.

I don't agree... It has nothing to do with losing, it has to do with not hustling, which, in my opinion, is what has made AJ a leader, let alone an All-Star. He is what is right about the turnaround with the O's and has been one of my favorites since he got here. I believe that some are too hard on him here but the lack of hustle? My issue isn't the sun or the loss.

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Likewise. Adam Jones, of all people. Buck is defending him now, and I like that publicly, but he will talk with Adam Im sure. Its his first time being the star of a playoff team, I think missing the pop fly and then feeling like he wasted his last AB just got to him mentally. He got caught up in himself and lost the team for a moment; he'll be disappointed with himself I wager. I would be shocked if he doesn't bust his ass through everything in Boston.

This guy seems on target.

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I agree here. Jones just absolutely misplayed this. He's our CF for a reason. If he lost it in the sun immediately, there is no reason he should've LOOKED at Reimold while the ball was sky high. If he had no idea where it was, throw your ams out to let everyone know you've lost it, while keeping your eyes towards to the sky in hopes you can track it.

But that mental error by Jones really wasn't a big deal. Sure it was a factor, but his lack of hustle the rest of the game b/c of his mental error was 1000x more detrimental to our team.

He looks to Reimold because that's the direction he's running to-LF, and he knows that he is the closest person that may be able to help on the play. He may have given up on it too early but again, many people seem to be missing the fact that Jones was never in proper position to make that catch. His body wasn't turned slightly off center with his gloved raised trying to shade his eyes from the sun. Very poor technique for playing a ball like that hit into a high sky with the sun in your eyes.

As someone else said, though, the Twins also had trouble out there. Those aren't easy plays and I'm sure after he lost it he panicked a bit. No sense picking it apart after he lost it, he needs to change what happens before that happens again.

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He looks to Reimold because that's the direction he's running to-LF, and he knows that he is the closest person that may be able to help on the play. He may have given up on it too early but again, many people seem to be missing the fact that Jones was never in proper position to make that catch. His body wasn't turned slightly off center with his gloved raised trying to shade his eyes from the sun. Very poor technique for playing a ball like that hit into a high sky with the sun in your eyes.

As someone else said, though, the Twins also had trouble out there. Those aren't easy plays and I'm sure after he lost it he panicked a bit. No sense picking it apart after he lost it, he needs to change what happens before that happens again.

Home field for O's, AJ???... Believe this is one of those "teachable" moments. Buck knows best. The lack of hustle afterwards by AJ and a few others... bit of a downer. Saw it 1st w/BRob last week... Then started creeping into others. Some of it has to do with "old ways," 162 game season, extended ST. This is why days off are necessary for most. And for guys like Lew Ford, Nate McLouth, Steve Johnson, Travis Driscoll, John Stevens, Melvin Mora to be around.

I would have went with outfield today of Nate in center, Nolan in right. AJ, Matty, fresh for tomorrow, next week against Bo Sox (home opener for them) and Yanks - always a challenge. As it was, Matt and eventually AJ would have made appearances anyway.

Guys like Brooks, Frank Robinson, Palmer, BJ Surfoff, Mike Bordick, Brady Anderson, Dave Johnson, Earl Weaver, Buck, Cal Sr...... not giving 150% never even part of their personalities.

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There is never an excuse for not hustling. I know AJ owned up to his mistake on Twitter, but his lack of effort on the check swing was brutal. Casilla dogged it big time on the final out. I'm sure that the team heard about it in the clubhouse after the game.

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There is never an excuse for not hustling. I know AJ owned up to his mistake on Twitter, but his lack of effort on the check swing was brutal. Casilla dogged it big time on the final out. I'm sure that the team heard about it in the clubhouse after the game.

Maybe there's never any excuse, but every team has a couple thousand routine grounders they have to run out every year, and 98% are just routine outs that no amount of hustle would change. It's human nature to not bust your butt on every single one of them. Most people aren't Pete Rose, diving headlong into first base on plays where he's out by six steps in Mid-May games down 11-1 in the 8th. Most people are, well... people. Go get 'em next time.

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Maybe there's never any excuse, but every team has a couple thousand routine grounders they have to run out every year, and 98% are just routine outs that no amount of hustle would change. It's human nature to not bust your butt on every single one of them. Most people aren't Pete Rose, diving headlong into first base on plays where he's out by six steps in Mid-May games down 11-1 in the 8th. Most people are, well... people. Go get 'em next time.

AJ had just dropped a ball in CF and didnt run out a pop fly of his that was dropped (which would have put him on 3rd with one out if he had hustled). It is magnified because the pitcher bobbled the ball, but you don't have to be Pete Rose to hustle down the line.

Cassilla is fighting for playing time and it was the final out of the game. Show a little effort. Especially since you're brand new to the team.

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There is never an excuse for not hustling. I know AJ owned up to his mistake on Twitter, but his lack of effort on the check swing was brutal. Casilla dogged it big time on the final out. I'm sure that the team heard about it in the clubhouse after the game.

According to the Sun, Casilla didn't see the ball and thought it had gone foul behind him. What actually went behind him was a shard of his bat. Buck seemed to give him a complete pass. As to Jones, Buck wrote it off as a one-time aberration for a guy who usually plays very hard.

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AJ had just dropped a ball in CF and didnt run out a pop fly of his that was dropped (which would have put him on 3rd with one out if he had hustled). It is magnified because the pitcher bobbled the ball, but you don't have to be Pete Rose to hustle down the line.

Cassilla is fighting for playing time and it was the final out of the game. Show a little effort. Especially since you're brand new to the team.

What gets to me about Jones, is that he is usually the one hustling and setting a good example. Hopefully this was an isolated game.

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