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"Doctor" Bosch Needs to Come Clean


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Well...proving that these players cheated isn't going to get them out of baseball. They'll just be suspended because MLB obviously can't go against the CBA.

Also...I'm thinking Bosch should go to jail for a long time because what he's doing is arguably worse than what any of these players are doing.

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I can back giving him immunity. Only if he rolled over on EVERYTHING. The suppliers, ALL the players. And any info or leads he has on his competition. Who else does he know that is offering these services.

That would be worth it.

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Give him immunity and get Arod and these other fools out of baseball!

Practicing medicine without a license... Get him!

Why should the Government, the group that would be giving immunity, care about getting Arod and those other fools out of baseball?

Two totally different groups that should have two entirely different agendas.

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