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Update your offseason grade after the Yoon, Jimenez and Cruz signings


What's your revised grade for this offseason?  

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  1. 1. What's your revised grade for this offseason?

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I don't know if the timing of events was in accordance with their original plan, but Duquette has been saying since the day he traded JJ that he expected to sign a couple of veteran pitchers and that the payroll would be higher than last year's. He has said those things at least 5-6 times between early December and when he finally pulled the trigger, and never backed off those statements.

Just a few quick points.

First, I don't know why we spend time interpreting GM/Manager/Owner speak. I'm not picking on our guys but they so frequently can't say what they really believe that there's no way to tell if they mean it or just need to say it publicly.

How many times have we heard that we want to improve our OBP and we sign Cruz, and D. Young and the like. It obviously isn't a priority.

Probably not so important.

I don't really love the Ubaldo signing. It's very high risk/reward and I think there were other guys available earlier in the offseason that cost less and will likely produce similar results.

I don't like N. Cruz but admit that he was so cheap the deal makes some sense. Still, we have to remember, there's a reason no other team would give him a better offer.

When I look at these moves in isolation (and the others), I guess maybe I give the offseason a "B."

But then I step back and realize that I still don't believe we're likely to make the playoffs. We certainly could -- but i would be a bit surprised. And if that's right, we've now lost our top 3 draft picks (includes the supp pick in the Norris deal) which is going to hurt.

Perhaps my expectations or hopes are too high but given all this, I'd settle on a "C." I realize that in the glow of two significant moves in a week, most will not agree but...so be it.

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Moves I have opinions about:

- Ubaldo Jimenez - A. Immediately fulfills a need where a fifth starter was needed and we got a #1. He might have some issues and not statistically fulfill the needs of a #1, but if he makes for a better #4 than Zach Britton would have, that's not really all that bad.

- David Lough for Danny Valencia - A. Solid trade. Need for a need. A guy with some speed, some power, good defense. Just needed a shot to start full time. I think he's going to be a fan favorite in Baltimore.

- Nelson Cruz - B. It's the DH we wanted but never had. Hopefully we aren't reliving Sosa or Guerrero, and I'm pleased that we aren't running out 5 different DH's every week.

- Jemile Weeks - B. Low risk high reward move. I suspect he will be on the bench to start the season and spell Flaherty on Sundays. He'll also pinch run. If he can be anything like the .303/.340/.421 hitter he was three years ago, we robbed the A's.

- Suk-Min Yoon - B. I have no idea what to think about this. Is this Koji? Is this Wada? I imagine we'll find out in Spring Training if it was a good use of funds.

- Ryan Webb - C. I've never really understood the need to BUY relief pitching, when the Orioles have enough failed starters to stick out there and succeed *cough Britton cough*. But it worked when we had Ayala, and he was a stud in Miami so there's that.

- Brad Brach - D. I'd honestly rather have Devin Jones than Brad Brach. Seems dumb to get worked up about this trade, but my O's irrationality knows no bounds.

- Delmon Young - D. Don't like the player and don't see the point of wasting a roster spot on a half-trick pony. He can't even do a whole trick!

Other notes:

- Francisco Peguero. I imagine we'll see him up at some point if the David Lough experiment goes horribly wrong. He'd even be a good candidate to replace Reimold in the event that he's thrust from the team.

- Michael Almanzar. I'm convinced that the only reason they signed him was in case of Machado's leg falling behind schedule. It doesn't sound like it has, so I expect him to be on the first flight to Boston in April.

- Johnny Monell, David Freitas. This tells me that Caleb Joseph has no future in Norfolk, let alone Baltimore, and that makes me sad.

- Matt LaPorta, Cord Phelps, Julio Borbon, Ivan DeJesus, Quintin Berry, Aaron Laffey, Alex Gonzalez, Evan Meek. A stack of guys I really like. Seeing any one of them in Baltimore means something went terribly wrong, but nevertheless I like these depth signings.

- Olelky Peralta, Carlos Andres Diaz, Jomar Reyes. This is going to be the most spanish team in history in four years.

Can anyone on this team play centerfield besides Adam Jones?

Lough can play CF and Weeks saw some time there last year.

Young isn't on the 40 man roster, he is depth. He may have an opt out but not sure. Either way it's a wash with Cruz on board.

Webb is a ground ball guy similar to Jim Johnson. I see him as a sleeper to take the closers role. This is one of the underrated moves of the off-season.

I was going to dispute your comments on Brach but then I saw his career 5.1BB/9 and I'm no longer a fan. Though he has an option so he is depth.

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I think B- at the moment. DD has added value and depth throughout the organization. Not much you can do if Burnette did not want to come. I thought Tim Hudson was the perfect addition, but we missed that one early. Jimenez and Cruz were valuable signings for less that it was thought to have been earlier. Jimenez may have been a steal.

The Johnson trade is the wildcard for me. If we struggle in the back end of the BP, then was Johnson worth $10 million since we are apparently going for it? Is Cruz more valuable to a championship team than a properly handled Jim Johnson?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I agree with the premise... but if you're going to go all in, you trade Bundy and Gausman for Price and/or Scherzer while expanding payroll to $160M to sign Cano and Choo. THAT's going all in to take the current team from fringe playoff to WS contender.

DD didn't go all in. He took a cautious approach of "I believe in the guys we have here" and then did a little dumpster diving when a few FA were at their most desperate. It cost him draft picks though and that's why I gave him the C+. It's not a bad strategy but it's also not committing fully to the now or to the future, it's more of a little of both.

I disagree with a lot of what you're saying. He committed to winning now with minimal sacrifice of the future. You're right in that the draft pick loss sucks but it's the price to pay. I see no reason as to why DD shouldn't believe in the guys we have here and I think the upper mid tier FA splashes to supplement an already very strong core was the right route.

I don't really have a comment on the Bundy/Gausman fiasco you mentioned. If that happened then DD should be fired but thankfully for everyone except the Tigers or Rays that won't be happening. Not to mention Choo/Cano AKA the worst contracts of the off-season.

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This is what I said earlier this week, right after we signed Jimenez:

Also, as happy as I am about the Jimenez signing, I'm still going to refrain from voting.

I really cannot make up my mind, although I feel much better after the signings of both Yoon and Jimenez.

Anywhere from an A-Minus to a C-Plus. :confused:

I'm glad that Dan, Peter, and Bucky are running the show, and not me. :o

I still feel the same way.

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I don't think I voted before, but I would have given them a C- or D. Now, I give them a B+. Even though I hated giving up the draft picks, I think they needed to make a splash to give them credibility in the sense that they needed to show they want to WIN. And they did it without breaking the bank.

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I am guessing losing the picks was actually a plus for signing those guys. I don't know how much the alotments for the first and the second but you are probably close to paying half Cruz's salary with not paying bonuses for the lost picks.

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In all seriousness though, between Lough and Peguero, they've played 19 games at CF. Those were all by Lough.

EDIT to your EDIT: Weeks has 25 minor league games and 2 major league games in Center. And Borbon is AAA filler.

Lough has played quite a bit of CF in the minors. He's the backup.

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My inital grade waa a C. I voted B+. Signing Yoon, Jimeniz, and Cruz has obviously improved the club. I really like signing Cruz for a year at 8 million. Let him reestablish his value. Also, the Orioles will be able to acquire a compensation pick if he signs elsewhere next year.

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