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One more nail in the coffin of Bedards Oriole days. Could something like the M's contacting Bedards agent behind the scenes and offered to pay full 8 asking, 11mil next year and a 15 mil buyout of his first FA year. Would make the deal to the M's even more valuable because they would then control Erik for 3 years.??

Moe, thanks very much for the post. Most of the rumours and glints of info is sure leaning towards a trade to the M's

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Again' date=' I have a friend in the press, who is a big O's fan like me. He again talked to someone in the press in The Seattle area, and this is what was passed along.

His contact told him that a deal with another AL team,for a big pitcher is almost done. The Seattle contact speculated it would be Bedard & a possible thrown in player, for four Mariner prospcts headed by Jones. He didnt have any other Mariner names, but heard the name Tillman being linked.

My guy said he would call me tomorrow if he heard anything else.

Take it for what its worth, ME I take everything with a grain of salt these days, but it was something to throw out.


Moe knows O's. ;)

Regardless of what happens, thanks for keeping us informed. :)

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One more nail in the coffin of Bedards Oriole days. Could something like the M's contacting Bedards agent behind the scenes and offered to pay full 8 asking, 11mil next year and a 15 mil buyout of his first FA year. Would make the deal to the M's even more valuable because they would then control Erik for 3 years.??

Moe, thanks very much for the post. Most of the rumours and glints of info is sure leaning towards a trade to the M's

Devil's Advocate -

I think you would call that "playing with fire". No way Seattle is talking to EB or his agent at this point IMO.

His agent could say, no, we're really not interested in a long term thing with you guys, which would make him not very valuable at all.

Do the trade and THEN talk.

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The Seattle contact speculated it would be Bedard & a possible thrown in player' date=' for four Mariner prospcts headed by Jones. He didnt have any other Mariner names, but heard the name Tillman being linked.[/quote']

I wonder who the throw-in might be. Payton makes sense, considering their huge outfield and the fact that they have to give up Jones. I just hope we eat some contract to get better players back.

Also, as many others have said, I still don't get the fascination with Sherrill. Seattle needs him more than we do.

My cynical prediction:

Bedard, Payton (whole salary)

Jones, Tillman, Sherrill and mid-level prospect

My ideal prediction:

Bedard, Payton + $4M

Jones, Tillman, Clement and mid-level.

Eat some salary to get better players.

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I just hope we don't do something stupid like include Penn and only walk away with a Chen type guy.

In another thread, another poster heard that it's a 5-for-1 deal for Bedard. Bigbird mentioned a 5 player deal last night, I think.

I have my fingers crossed for Jones, Tillman, Sherrill, Butler and Chen.

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