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Manny Machado expected to have surgery on knee within a week.


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That is the #1, 3, and 4 prospects. That is beyond crazy.

I don't know. I am 43 and really only been old enough to truly appreciate one world series run. And with the expanded playoffs it is so much more difficult to get there. My opinion is it would be worth it if we went at all. But of course it is a huge gamble.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Able to confirm <a href="https://twitter.com/TBrownYahoo">@TBrownYahoo</a> report on Machado pending knee surgery. Next question: What happens at 3rd base.</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">August 22, 2014</a></blockquote>

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What Roy said! It's a blow, no doubt. But we play the hand we're dealt. And we're still pretty good.

I find this info comforting......

Steve Melewski @masnSteve

The Orioles have played .573 ball (47-35) this year when Machado starts at 3B and .591 (26-18) when someone else starts there.

6:34 PM - 22 Aug 2014

We also don't seem to have missed Wieter's all that much.

I'm not saying losing both can't affect how far we go in the playoffs, if we get there, but maybe not as much as some fear.

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I hope you're right, but I severely doubt it. I've lost all optimism. We don't his consistently enough to start losing bats before having to fave pitchers like that of Oakland in short series.

Both our opinions are worth squat. :P Our pitching is and has come around. Starters good, bullpen amazing. To me that's everything. A little downgrade on D won't kill us. And IMO, overall, it's just a little downgrade. :noidea:

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Able to confirm <a href="https://twitter.com/TBrownYahoo">@TBrownYahoo</a> report on Machado pending knee surgery. Next question: What happens at 3rd base.</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="
">August 22, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Can someone explain how Tim Brown gets the story before Roch? How is it that our own beat writers can't get these scoops out before the national writers? Roch basically works for the Orioles!

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Can someone explain how Tim Brown gets the story before Roch? How is it that our own beat writers can't get these scoops out before the national writers? Roch basically works for the Orioles!

Brown may have gotten the info from a contact within the agent's office or even the MLB office. Roch doesn't have those kinds of contacts, and it's unlikely this info came out of the warehouse.

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To trade multiple top prospects for Beltre would be the Bedard trade in reverse and is extremely short sighted. This is a good TEAM. Very resilient and can adapt to almost anything. And the lead is pretty substantial. Take a deep breath and think of logical options for this year, and the future.

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Can someone explain how Tim Brown gets the story before Roch? How is it that our own beat writers can't get these scoops out before the national writers? Roch basically works for the Orioles!

Our local reporters aren't good at breaking news.

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I find this info comforting......

Steve Melewski @masnSteve

The Orioles have played .573 ball (47-35) this year when Machado starts at 3B and .591 (26-18) when someone else starts there.

6:34 PM - 22 Aug 2014

We also don't seem to have missed Wieter's all that much.

I'm not saying losing both can't affect how far we go in the playoffs, if we get there, but maybe not as much as some fear.

This team has a Kwan. I can't put it any better.

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the fact that Machado can't even get through 1 season at 3b without having knee surgery leaves me no hopes of him ever being able to play SS.

Mind you, neither of the injuries occurred in the field....But, I just don't know how anyone could watch Machado go in the hole and not think his knee is gonna blow out every time

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