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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Didn't Roch confirm a few weeks ago that discussions about compensation had occurred?

Yes, on Dec. 24. Already pointed out several times previously in this thread. Rosenthal has reported nothing new here, only adding his spin (innuendo) that some in the organization "want him to go." This was later corrected to (paraphrase) "are willing to let him go if he wants to go." The difference between those two statements is an illustration of how some use spin to attract attention to themselves, without really "lying."

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It's the same person who responded to the longest tenured Oriole who'd busted his rear end for 9 seasons leaving by posting a childish gif.



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Ken never made the money that these players did he is trying desperately to stay relevant.


Ken is known as one of the best reporters in sports.

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Ken never made the money that these players did he is trying desperately to stay relevant.

Ken is known as one of the best reporters in sports.

Ha to both of you. Ken is plenty relevant, he frequently has good information, but I would not say he is known as one of the best reporters in sports; what is the basis for that statement?

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Dont think that poster is far off base. McPhail brought in a boat load of talent includling Jones, Davis, Tillman, Manny, Hardy, much of the bullpen plus Schoop, Rodriquez (who we traded for Miller) and some other pieces Duquette traded for help. I think we have to give McPhail some credit here as much as I like what Duquette accomplished here in his brief stay..

Thank you.

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I do not want to let DD go. I don't want him trapped either, so my preference is for us to compensate him more.

A few days ago, Jim Duquette was speculating that if Dan leaves before this season, he'll be replaced by an interim GM for 2015 and then Buck will move up to that role, with someone else taking over as manager in 2016. JD speculated that Buck probably would want the new manager to be John Russell, but he wasn't sure Angelos would go along with that.

I could see this as a contingent plan for sure. Would make a lot of sense.

Those who want DD gone may be very sorry once they get their wish.

Absolutely. Especially this season. The whole story is so contaminating to OUR club.

It's not worth debating. Dan is our GM through 2018 and will act with all interests of the organization, unless the ownership sees more value in whatever compensation they may receive. That's a fact. Jack.

I think this is likely true. If DD was handcuffed by inner turmoil, he'd be less the man I think he is. And if it was clear he was to his bosses, I'd think they'd want to make things very uncomfortable for the Jays.

First of all, there is no "news" here. The report that compensation has been discussed was already made by Roch in a Dec. 24 post: "He isn't walking around with Canadian money in his wallet, but his departure remains a real possibility despite the four years remaining on his contract. And if it happens, the Orioles will be compensated for it. Those discussions have taken place, according to sources."

Second of all, this may well be the very first stage of the discussions (following the zeroth stage of someone in the BJ's administration leaking the original story before a request for permission to interview was even made to PA). In other words, Angelos may well be saying we have to discuss what compensation we would require before we even grant permission for you to interview Dan. If the compensation demand is high enough, it might convince the BJ's to look elsewhere. Or, as Wildcard speculated, it might launch a lengthy negotiation that delays any interview access long enough that the BJ's decide to move on.

The fact that discussions have occurred tells us very little about the likelihood of Dan's even being interviewed, let alone leaving. In fact, it tells us as little as Rosenthal saying that someone in the organization, at who knows what level, wouldn't mind seeing Dan leave. It is not Rosenthal's "facts" that manifest his bias, but his manner of presentation, suggesting that Dan is somehow being "forced out." And the facts were already reported weeks ago.

Again, I hope so. The story has a tremendous negative effect on our club (or maybe it's just having a negative effect on me.)

I would be shocked to see Pompey or Sanchez coming to the Orioles as compensation. The only reason why I could actually see it happening is the length of DD's current contract.

IF we deal him to Toronto, length of contract will hopefully come into play. The Os organization was long term planning with DD as evident in his contact. I want the Jays to pay or I want Ken to. Now I sound like the bad coach in karate kid.

Now Rosenthal is clarifying his tweet saying the reason they would want him to go is because it is an uncomfortable situation.

GAH I hate Ken.

I've been extremely agitated by his cavalier words this whole time insinuating, nay tweeting that "Dan wants to go but Os won't let him." He said those words in the last round, is that not incendiary at this stage of talks?

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