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For What it's worth.....


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Marte would be a useful guy to take a flier on, but I agree that there doesn't seem to be room for him on the roster as it is currently constructed. We'd have to deal Millar or Huff, I would think.

So, probably not a good fit.

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Bruce Levine of espn radio chicago who first reported saturday that trade talks are heating up between the Cubs and Orioles just reported the Orioles are looking for young pitching and the Orioles sent a 3rd scout to AZ yesterday. One was on hand to see Marshall pitch today.It will be a 5 for 2 trade with the Cubs taking on Payton and his full salary.

It will be interesting what the names are. I'm not surprised we are hearing about a fifth Cub's player. AM likes to get 5 guys plus shedding Payton would be a huge plus.

How many of these guys have to be on our 40 man?

I was hoping we'd be delving lower into the Cubs prospect list for one of the youngsters in the 10-20 range with more upside - like Huseby, Burke and Suarez.

Not very excited by Marshall and would be disappointed if he were to be considered ahead of Penn, Olson, Liz and Albers. Sure, if Marshall is better than those guys, that's fine .... but I think it sends the wrong message and I'm very skeptical that Marshall is better than Penn, Olson, Albers and Liz.

We were previously excited about the competition for the five and how the young guys would respond. Wouldn't they respond in a less positive manner if what they've been working toward has been put farther away by the acquisition of an average/below average pitcher like Marshall?

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If it's indeed 5-2, I'm guessing the deal will be Gallagher, Cedeno, Epatt, Murton and Marshall/Marquis (w/ cash) for BRob and Payton

That is pretty close to what I had. I would do this deal. If I had a choice though, I would take Marshall over Marquis.

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I think Am has his choice between Murton and Patterson.

Is Veal still in the deal? Or would the Os have the choice of Veal/Marshall?

I would be surprised if AM didn't take a flier young prospect in this. Is this where we are:





Younger prospect

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I agree...Put those 2 with Peralta and you have a deal for me.

I think that is a solid and fair offer for each side...if the Indians really want BRob.

Let's make it interesting by forcing them to take Mora, and we throw in something like $4 mil. And they throw in a mid level prospect, so that we can call it a 4 for 2 deal.

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I agree with you Patterson has real ability and is really working on his defense.Plus he is playing well this spring and really working hard on his defense.

I would take a Gallagher, Cedeno, Patterson, Colvin deal over the 3 Cleveland IFers.

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Veal has more upside but Marshall is ready to pitch right now.I think Marshall would come in and be your 4th stater right now.He has real good composure and pitches real well with runners on base.I think AM might take a flier on Veal just because of his upside.

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My comparison of Payton and Marquis still holds. I agree that Payton does have some value to a contending team, especially an NL team, but not at his salary. The same with Marquis, who has value as an innings-eater, reasonably young, veteran starter, but not at his salary. One important point for a team like the O's is that Marquis will likely have more trade value at the deadline than Payton. My original point was that getting Marquis may not be desirable, but it's not as bad as it looks on the surface.

Yes it is...Marquis is terrible and may have no value at the deadline and you still have him for another year.

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Veal has more upside but Marshall is ready to pitch right now.I think Marshall would come in and be your 4th stater right now.He has real good composure and pitches real well with runners on base.I think AM might take a flier on Veal just because of his upside.

Thing is we don't need someone to pitch this instant, we just need them to be close. We're rebuilding so if someone is a year or two out, but will end up being better for our long term plans then that is the way to go IMO.

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