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No Buck on postgame?


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We need to reinstate the Sun board. It's been like this ever since it closed. Buck's a coward, The GM's schizophrenic, the O's can't hit, and the season is over, 2 G out of the WC 5 G out of first with 50 G to go. :rolleyestf::rolleyestf::rolleyestf:

I know reading comprehension has never been your strong suit, but try not lumping my take in with some of the other drivel like calling Buck a coward. I spelled out exactly why DD's move are not making sense and you can choose to agree or not to agree all you like, but seriously, if you read me entire take and came away thinking it's in the same mold as the reactionary stuff then I was simply say in my best Gene Wilder Willie Wonka voice, "Good day, Sir!"

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I know reading comprehension has never been your strong suit, but try not lumping my take in with some of the other drivel like calling Buck a coward. I spelled out exactly why DD's move are not making sense and you can choose to agree or not to agree all you like, but seriously, if you read me entire take and came away thinking it's in the same mold as the reactionary stuff then I was simply say in my best Gene Wilder Willie Wonka voice, "Good day, Sir!"
You could characterize DD's approach a number of less insulting ways, like "they don't make sense to me", but you choose to use Schizophrenic. I wonder why. I read your "article" and to me the gist of it is that you don't feel trading Davies for Parra moves the needle enough to be worth it. Hardly justifying the implication that DD hears voices, suffers from delusions and hallucinations, believes others are reading his mind, things that actually characterize schizophrenia. Seems pretty reactionary to me.
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You could characterize DD's approach a number of less insulting ways, like "they don't make sense to me", but you choose to use Schizophrenic. I wonder why. I read your "article" and to me the gist of it is that you don't feel trading Davies for Parra moves the needle enough to be worth it. Hardly justifying the implication that DD hears voices, suffers from delusions and hallucinations, believes others are reading his mind, things that actually characterize schizophrenia. Seems pretty reactionary to me.

Somehow, I think the Schizophrenic Community would let that slide.

...at least every other day.

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"Schizophrenic" has a technical meaning and a broader meaning. From the context, Tony-OH was obviously not implying that DD has a mental disorder.

I think it is a fair criticism. He has been kinda-sorta all-in, without ever going fully all in. He has held onto our best prospects, but given up some really good guys for what, exactly? 2014 the team on its own was good enough to contend, and Miller gave us a better chance. Fine. But this team seems more like 2013. The moves just never seemed like they would be enough and in the meantime DD has given up guys that could have helped long term.


1.Psychiatry.. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.

2. a state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.

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The comparison with 2013 is interesting. I think DD's haul back then was potentiallybigger than what we've done this season: Norris, Feldman, K-Rod, and Michael Morse *could* have made a big difference, but didn't. Of course, part of the reason we got more back then was we had more to trade away, such as Arrieta, Strop, and Hoes. We've run out of marketable spare parts.

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The comparison with 2013 is interesting. I think DD's haul back then was potentiallybigger than what we've done this season: Norris, Feldman, K-Rod, and Michael Morse *could* have made a big difference, but didn't. Of course, part of the reason we got more back then was we had more to trade away, such as Arrieta, Strop, and Hoes. We've run out of marketable spare parts.

Sorry, but Norris was pretty darn good last season, so you can't say he didnt help make the difference.

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Somehow, I think the Schizophrenic Community would let that slide.

...at least every other day.

My guess Tony doesn't know much about schizophrenia, but was using it as hyperbole for 'crazy" or "it doesn't make sense". Just feel it is irresponsible for some one in his position. Lots of ways one can critique DD's performance without suggesting he is unbalanced. Feeds the he wanted to go to TOR BS IMO.
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My guess Tony doesn't know much about schizophrenia, but was using it as hyperbole for 'crazy" or "it doesn't make sense". Just feel it is irresponsible for some one in his position. Lots of ways one can critique DD's performance without suggesting he is unbalanced. Feeds the he wanted to go to TOR BS IMO.

See Aristotelian's post. Tony clearly was using the word in its second accepted sense, and it made perfect sense in that context. Without using that word, I expressed the exact same sentiment on the day of the trades. It seems DD is trying to go two directions at once. That's all Tony meant.

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My guess Tony doesn't know much about schizophrenia, but was using it as hyperbole for 'crazy" or "it doesn't make sense". Just feel it is irresponsible for some one in his position. Lots of ways one can critique DD's performance without suggesting he is unbalanced. Feeds the he wanted to go to TOR BS IMO.

Check out a dictionary.

A LOT of DD's moves have been schizophrenic. The penny pinching moves like the Dodger's deal vs. wasting money on De Aza, Matusz, etc. There are definite indications that DD is either balancing dramatically different commands from Angelos' (win now, be cheap) or DD is having trouble deciding where the O's are going in the next few years.

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See Aristotelian's post. Tony clearly was using the word in its second accepted sense, and it made perfect sense in that context. Without using that word, I expressed the exact same sentiment on the day of the trades. It seems DD is trying to go two directions at once. That's all Tony meant.
My point. The use of the word was unnecessarily inflammatory, especially in the reactionary climate of coming off being no hit. Also the general use of the word is a common mischaracterization of the clinical term. 'Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia isn't a split personality or multiple personality. The word "schizophrenia" does mean "split mind," but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking." Maybe Tony meant DD's thoughts were with the O's but his heart was with the Jays? http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/01/schizophrenia_definition_and_metaphor_schizophrenic_does_not_mean_multiple.single.html
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Check out a dictionary.

A LOT of DD's moves have been schizophrenic. The penny pinching moves like the Dodger's deal vs. wasting money on De Aza, Matusz, etc. There are definite indications that DD is either balancing dramatically different commands from Angelos' (win now, be cheap) or DD is having trouble deciding where the O's are going in the next few years.

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