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Let's Chill With Huff Boo's


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eh...I thought the booing was rather lame. Sure people have the right to do it,but why? Because he made some comments about the cities nightlife?

Are we that incredibly thin skinned that a ballplayers comments to a shock jock rile us up, yet we praise a show like the 'wire' that shows us in a much worse light? I would just rather enjoy the game as hard as it may be to watch the O's this season.

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I am a listener of the Bubba the Love Sponge show and let me tell you first hand, Aubrey Huff was not sincere with his apologies. I am sure he is sorry he said what he said because he is getting heat for it. But he meant every bit of what he said. In fact the show continued it "on his behalf" (their words) by making a parody of some kind of country song that Aubrey made and retitled it "Horse **** Town" Also Huff continued to make appearances on the show even after he apologized. Real sorry huh?

I agree with what someone else said, its not the fact that he put down our city. But the guy bragged about getting drunk and how partying until 2 a.m. wasnt late enough. News flash guy, You are a professional athlete, you should never ever be out getting trashed a night before a game and if by chance you do go out to have a few you are telling me 2 am isnt late enough? Shouldn't the guy be worried about getting in shape and playing well rather than getting trashed until the wee hours of the morning?

News flash, a lot of these guys show up to the ballpark hungover. Heck even Kevin Millar and Johnny Damon did shots of whiskey before the games in the 2004 World Series. And I remember seeing pictures of Loewen and Markakis together barhopping. It's not like Huff is the only Oriole going out partying.

And if Bubba wants to make fun of Baltimore, that's his business. He's just a shock jock trying to get ratings. Huff is a regular on that show and he's friends with them. Just because he appears on the show doesn't mean he hates Baltimore. If MacPhail tells him he can't be on the show I doubt he'd have any more appearances.

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News flash, a lot of these guys show up to the ballpark hungover. Heck even Kevin Millar and Johnny Damon did shots of whiskey before the games in the 2004 World Series. And I remember seeing pictures of Loewen and Markakis together barhopping. It's not like Huff is the only Oriole going out partying.

And if Bubba wants to make fun of Baltimore, that's his business. He's just a shock jock trying to get ratings Huff is a regular on that show and he's friends with them. Just because he appears on the show doesn't mean he hates Baltimore.

So you are the guy who will jump off a bridge if everyone else did! Glad to meet you!

But seriously, because other players do it its right? I can't believe a fan of the orioles would justify someone playing hungover. You think youd want your team to have a clear mind and be at their peak level of fitness, but nah its cool come in hungover.[sarcasm] I am sure being hungover has no effect on a players performance.[/sarcasm]

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So you are the guy who will jump off a bridge if everyone else did! Glad to meet you!

But seriously, because other players do it its right? I can't believe a fan of the orioles would justify someone playing hungover. You think youd want your team to have a clear mind and be at their peak level of fitness, but nah its cool come in hungover.[sarcasm] I am sure being hungover has no effect on a players performance.[/sarcasm]

I'm saying you can't single out Huff when a bunch of other guys do it too, Huff is the only one to admit it and make fun of himself. Is it cool, no, but you can't just go after Huff like he's the only one on the team that shows up to a ballgame hungover. He's just the only one who brazenly admitted it.

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Come on now i understand in made an insult on the Radio against Baltimore. That is fine he deserves a Booo When his name was announced. From now though lets get give him some Cheers because he still has Oriole on the front of his jersey. The guy did hit for cycle last season been a while since that has happen. He is a Oriole and if you are going to cheer on the O's you have to cheer the all on. Aubrey Huff i forgive you. GO O's

I'm sure this sentiment has already been echoed, but I'm posting it anyway.

He made his bed, now he has to hit his way out of it.

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Huff seems to have learned from the situation. It's his opinion of the city and so be it. Frankly, I thought the tee shirt at Fan Fest and the patience he showed yesterday spoke pretty well for him.

Time to move on.

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Having just spent some time in Tampa I have to ask - where does Huff get off calling Baltimore a horsesh*t town? I've never been to a city so entirely devoid of culture or things to do. Everything is completely spread out and the areas with nightlife remind of those new outdoor shopping malls that are popping up everywhere in the suburbs (Hunt Valley, White Marsh, etc.).

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Having just spent some time in Tampa I have to ask - where does Huff get off calling Baltimore a horsesh*t town? I've never been to a city so entirely devoid of culture or things to do. Everything is completely spread out and the areas with nightlife remind of those new outdoor shopping malls that are popping up everywhere in the suburbs (Hunt Valley, White Marsh, etc.).
Nightlife? Do you mean all those "gentlemen's clubs" around Legends Field and the Bucs football stadium? There must be several dozen in total around the Tampa-St. Pete metro area.

I always thought that (nightlife) was "culture" Frank.

Isn't "ballet" considered culture? :P:o


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I don't care if the fans keep booing him. These guys think that just by apologizing it makes everything ok. It doesn't.

This offense is the kind you can cure with an apology. All he did was make a stupid remark, he didn't kill someone. Most of the people booing probably never heard the show on which the remark was made. Get over it.

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But seriously, because other players do it its right? I can't believe a fan of the orioles would justify someone playing hungover. You think youd want your team to have a clear mind and be at their peak level of fitness, but nah its cool come in hungover.
Before a day game, you probably have a decent argument, but you'd have to drink a ton to still be hungover before a night game. The catch-22 is that if you're someone who stays out late and drinks consistently enough to potentially be hungover at 7pm the next day, then you've probably built up enough of a tolerance that you won't get hungover.

Booing him for one day was fine (I booed him). He said some dumb things, he's gotta take some heat for that. I don't think we should boo him beyond that first game though.

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Frankly I think the booing is counter productive. I can understand why people would boo him but I hope everyone got it out of their system on opening day.

I'd like to see him put up some monster numbers in the first half so he becomes attractive to a contender by the deadline.

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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Well you might as well shut down the message board if you beleive that platitude. Considering this booing is the closest thing he'll get by the way of punishment, your piusness seems misplaced. And yes, he deserves to be punished for being an ungrateful slacker.

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