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Let's Chill With Huff Boo's


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Well you might as well shut down the message board if you beleive that platitude. Considering this booing is the closest thing he'll get by the way of punishment, your piusness seems misplaced. And yes, he deserves to be punished for being an ungrateful slacker.

Much like the "O" in piousness? ;)

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I really could care less if Huff has a good game tonight, he's still a jackass and deserves all the boos he gets.

Oh get over yourself, he made some stupid comments during a crude morning show- plenty of people have done worse. I'm sure you've never said anything you've regretted. Huff has been able to poke fun at himself, take the booing and jeering like a man, and so far has been able to perform.

Hell of a game Aubrey. I booed at first, and I'll cheer now- until you give me a reason to not too ;).

In the words of Harry Dunn- You've TOTALLY redeemed yourself!

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It is really good to know that we have such a group of fine upstanding people here that have never once said something stupid.

Because Lord knows I have. If I am the only one, I might have to leave the board because I might be bringing down the collective morals of Orioles Hangout.

Good game Aubrey.

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