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Yeah Hernandez!!!!!!


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A few minutes ago, I tuned into tonight's Astros-Cardinals game to check out Tejada. Never guess what I saw. With a man on first base, the Cardinals' batter hits a ground ball to short, not far from second base.. Tejada dives and the ball hits the heel of his glove. No official error, but a clean catch would have produced a double play. Instead there are Cardinals at first and second.

A couple batter later, the two runners score on a double to deep right center.

The stats don't show Tejada's poor fielding because official scorers only record errors for the most egregious misplays.

And last night Tejada made a diving stop to prevent the go-ahead run from scoring in the top of the 9th and then hit a 2-run bomb to win it in the bottom.

Tejada was not an abysmal SS. Anyone who claims so is either blinded by hatred or simply does not understand what they are seeing when they watch him play. He certainly slipped from an above average SS when he first got here to a below-average one during his final season, but he's not so bad that he's a drag on your team.

And his bat is far above average for a SS and inarguably makes up for any defensive shortcomings he may have.

We may or may not be 6-1 if we had Tejada playing SS instead of Hernadez, but its impossible to argue that over the course of a season we'd be worse off. We'd be better by probably a handful of wins if not more.

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Many if not most posters don't miss Tejada.

People don't miss him because he needed to be dealt because the previous regimes drove this franchise into the ground.

If we were a contender, you better believe I would like to have Miggy on the team.

EDIT: Actually, there is a difference between not missing him and being happy he is off the team...I do miss watching him play but I am glad we traded him.

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Many if not most posters don't miss Tejada.
But those are only posters with grave misconceptions like "Tejada was never clutch", "Tejada was the worst defensive SS in baseball", or "Tejada kills puppies". Or guys who argue statements that are impossible to prove or disprove like "Tejada's attitude hurt the team".
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Right now LH is hitting .364 and he has 2 sac flies and 2 successful sac bunts to boot. Obviously nobody expects him to do that well all season. But batting 9th, where he is rarely going to bat more than 3 times and can be pinch hit for in critical situations, I don't think he will hurt us as badly as I first expected. I'm not in OldFan#5's camp here, but I do think that we may have overestimated the extent to which he'll drag down the offense.

Frobby...I hate to admit it, but the kid is growing on me a little, too! I like the fact that he truly seems to appreciate his time in the "Show".

The dude has a cannon, too. He threw a pea to Millar on Hamilton's grounder in the 7th.

I'm not saying I want him to be our shortstop for the next 10 years...but for where we are right now, he's not hurting us.

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Frobby...I hate to admit it, but the kid is growing on me a little, too! I like the fact that he truly seems to appreciate his time in the "Show".

The dude has a cannon, too. He threw a pea to Millar on Hamilton's grounder in the 7th.

I'm not saying I want him to be our shortstop for the next 10 years...but for where we are right now, he's not hurting us.

I like the fact that he isn't over-matched at the plate. He's been able to draw some walks, get some hits, sacrifice... not too bad for the ninth hitter in the lineup.

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But those are only posters with grave misconceptions like "Tejada was never clutch", "Tejada was the worst defensive SS in baseball", or "Tejada kills puppies". Or guys who argue statements that are impossible to prove or disprove like "Tejada's attitude hurt the team".

There are many reasons not to deify Tejada, from his pisspoor fielding to his lack of hustle to his un-clutchness to his atrocious attitude to his giving fans the finger to his steroid involvement.

If any Orioles fan was happy to see that go, that's their business. They should not be derided for simply stating that, or supporting Luis Hernandez, or disagreeing with those wearing Miggy underoos. I think some here are trying to rewrite history by selectively using stats or not producing the stats requested at all because they are drinking the Miggy koolaid, but I don't really know that for a fact.

What I can tell you is that the vast vast majority of Os fans I know are not sorry to see him gone. For some reason there is a substantial number of people on this board that are so fixated with him that they need to defend him at any cost. Like making hyperbolic statements such as claiming others said "he killed puppies."

So, good luck to Tejada in Houston. We can all agree on that hopefully.

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There are many reasons not to deify Tejada, from his pisspoor fielding to his lack of hustle to his un-clutchness to his atrocious attitude to his giving fans the finger to his steroid involvement.

If any Orioles fan was happy to see that go, that's their business. They should not be derided for simply stating that, or supporting Luis Hernandez, or disagreeing with those wearing Miggy underoos. I think some here are trying to rewrite history by selectively using stats or not producing the stats requested at all because they are drinking the Miggy koolaid, but I don't really know that for a fact.

What I can tell you is that the vast vast majority of Os fans I know are not sorry to see him gone. For some reason there is a substantial number of people on this board that are so fixated with him that they need to defend him at any cost. Like making hyperbolic statements such as claiming others said "he killed puppies."

There are also many reasons not to bash Tejada, such as his offensive prowess, his solid to good defense for his first 3 years here, the times he came through in the clutch, the great vibes he brought to the clubhouse in 2005, the 3 all-star games he made.

Anybody trying to argue that Miggy was anything short of a phenomenal player during his stay here is simply mis-representing the truth or even flat out lying. He certainly had his faults, and his final year to two years here did have more than a few off-field incidents that didn't reflect greatly on him. But, overall, he was probably the second best FA signing in Oriole history behind Palmeiro (the first time). Its not his fault the team around him wasn't good enough to win. He played at an MVP level his first two years here and then an AS level his 3rd year.

He clearly needed to be traded, nobody is arguing that. The direction the club needed to take and the direction Miggy's career was taking were opposite. He needed to win immediately, that was not possible here.

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