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O Man

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Poor guy. I hope he recovers OK. I never understood why the team let him go - he was rushed to the big leagues from A ball, but he looked like he could be a good 4th outfielder.
His being rushed to the big leagues was, in my view, the precise reason (or at least a big part of it) as to why he was let go. He was down to his last option; and at his current stage of development, it wasn't looking at all likely that he'd be a candidate for a spot on the 25-man by next year -- meaning he couldn't be on the 40 next year either. So there wasn't much point to continue carrying him on the 40 this year. If he'd stayed in A ball way back when he was first brought up, it would have delayed the entire process, and he could have been a 40-man guy playing at Norfolk right now, with a couple of option years still in his hip pocket.
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