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Wow, Kim is untouchable


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Another thing. He has an extremely low strikeout rate. Only 10 K in 82 AB. 10.8% K rate, not too far from Altuve territory. Low K rate plus good hard contact is a great combination.

He does not have the highest walk rate on the team, but that is because he is batting #2 and teams do not want to pitch to Manny with men on base. I can't prove it, but I still say he has the best eye on the team. He routinely spits on pitches that are three inches off the plate, more so than any player on our team. I mean he doesn't even flinch at them. But at the same time, you don't feel like he is trying to draw walks like Rickard. If he gets a pitch to hit, he will hit it and hit it hard.

Please check your math.

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He's been fantastic so far. His BABIP will come down some obviously, but his power should go up a little bit as well. This is a guy who hit 28 HR in the KBO last season, and while we know he won't do that here, I'd expect a little bit more power to come especially at OPACY.

Jung Ho Kang, in his second year and coming off a serious injury, has hit 8 homers in 90 at-bats so far.

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현 김 김 타격 기계 :clap3::smile11::boogie::2yay-thumb: How many PA/,whatever, does he need to quality for the ROY?

Impressive! I am really warming to Kim. He seems so professional. Every at bat looks like it has a purpose, and he is definitely a professional hitter. Many people are expecting him to regress, but I think it will be the opposite. He's clearly adjusted to the increased velocity in the MLB, and once he gets more experience with pitchers and pitches in this league, I think he will only improve. The KBO in Korea is a small league, so most hitters know all of the pitchers and their tendencies. Obviously the MLB is much bigger, but I think Kim has a good work ethic and will study the pitchers and continue to improve. Look at the other Korean hitters this year. Kang at Pittsburgh was good last year, but he's even better now that he has had time to adjust. Park at Minnesota has struggled at times, but his power has translated over to the MLB very well. Same thing with Lee in Seattle. And Kim was considered just as good, if not better, than all of those other Korean players when they played in the KBO. I'm optimistic about Kim's future with the O's, and I'm relieved that the O's didn't dump him after his poor Spring training performance.

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현 김 김 타격 기계 :clap3::smile11::boogie::2yay-thumb: How many PA/,whatever, does he need to quality for the ROY?

I think the only requirement is he no longer have rookie status.

Now how many it would take to get voters to vote for him is a different story.

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I think the only requirement is he no longer have rookie status.

Now how many it would take to get voters to vote for him is a different story.

Rookie status means he played less than x number of games last season. But if he only plays a few games this season is he eligible? Seems there aught to be minimum number.
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Rookie status means he played less than x number of games last season. But if he only plays a few games this season is he eligible? Seems there aught to be minimum number.

I don't know that they ever bothered.

Can't be often someone plays a very limited amount and is still in consideration of the award.

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Can you imagine the craziness that would be going on if we would have cut him in spring training and he would be doing this on another team. Yikes! Glad that patience won out!

I don't think it was patience on the O's part. I just think they didn't want to eat his salary

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My guess, just from watching his approach so far, is that .300/.360/.420/.780 is a reasonable expectation over the course of the season.

I think he's going to start walking a lot more as the season goes along and pitchers start to give more respect. You can tell Kim has a great eye at the plate. Who's to say he can't have a .380, .390 OBP this year?

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