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vs. TIGERS, 5/15


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"You're blowing it now, son!"

Angelo Dundee.

To Sugar Ray Leonard in September of 1981 against Thomas Hears,

And also to Muhammad Ali against Ken Norton in 1976.

Angelo Dundee to Sugar Ray Leonard...in the corner..round 13 vs Tommy Hearns.

ooo ;)

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">CYA! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IBackTheBirds?src=hash">#IBackTheBirds</a> <a href="https://t.co/noA44J6no9">pic.twitter.com/noA44J6no9</a></p>— Orioles on MASN (@masnOrioles) <a href="

">May 15, 2016</a></blockquote>

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.556 .619 .778 1.397 is what LHB do to Givens. I really hope Ausmus didn't leave one on the bench. Cla Rapada of RHP.

You mean 316/385/439/823 right?

Or do the innings he pitched last year (more than this year year's sample size) not count?

You do know that LHB put up a 555 OPS against him last year right?

I don't want to get all statty in the game thread but when you post misleading information...

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