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Do Long Term FA Contracts Ever Work Out?

Bahama O's Fan

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1 hour ago, webbrick2010 said:

Even when they work... do they really work?

Mike Trout is the best most valuable player in baseball, but the Angels still suck

If that's because of a resource allocation problem then I say they should have let him walk

I don't know if there's ever been a case of a single contract keeping a team from competing.  The Rays win all the time with a $60M payroll, which is several Mike Trouts shy of average. 

The Angels have a ton of resources, and certainly could win pay Mike Trout whatever.  But they don't develop talent, they plug holes with 30-year-old free agents, and forever they've been getting almost nothing out of Albert Pujols' $27M a year.  They're a random collection of below-average-ish talent with Pujols and Trout thrown in.  It's almost like they've convinced themselves that LA teams have to have big names, they can't rely on the farm.

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