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Sign Grandy for RF & Flip in July?


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Granderson, by all accounts, is one of the best guys in the game. I'm fine with him on the team as a mentor and stop gap..and reason to keep Mancini out of the outfield. That said, he's one of many solid options. I think he's someone that you could flip at the deadline to open up a spot, but you're not signing him as an investment to get a prospect. You're signing him a mentor and spot holder. Whatever you get for him is going to be someone with a UTL or RP upside at best and more likely a org guy. Count me among those not opposed to the idea while not exactly advocating for it either. I think his personality in the clubhouse could have a positive benefit. All in all, I'd rather go for free agents that are coming off really down years or injuries. I want the players that could really blossom with a chance, but too many questions for a contending team to rely on him to be the answer.

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If the team is as broke as Weams indicates, this type of move does not happen.  And if the team is as broke as Weams indicates, it should not happen.  Orioles seem to be fairly well positioned with talent.  Not exceptional talent but pretty deep talent.  The primary factor regarding success going forward will come from acquiring and developing talent.  Specifically high end talent.  This will have to come from high picks and international acquisitions.  

Duh right?  If the team is broke, and I am not as convinced as Weams but he should be in a position to know better than I, I would much rather see investment in acquiring and developing talent.


Of course, if the team isn't broke, and can do both.....well someone like Granderson makes a lot of sense.

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On 1/16/2019 at 9:56 AM, Moose Milligan said:

Yeah, that's about what I'd expect.  I mean, we need all the help we can get so it's not the worst idea in the world but we need some legit top 100 types.  I wish we had a Vlad Jr. type but we just can't have nice things.

That was last year, when Granderson was 37.   And he netted an outfielder who put up a .680-something OPS in the Carolina League. 

I think when you're past 35 there's a good chance that no matter what you did last year there's a decent chance this is your last year in baseball.  Signing him might be just setting $5M on fire.

This did make me ask the question, who did the O's flip Joe Carter for?  Answer: Darin Blood.  That's about all I'd expect out of Granderson.

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