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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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4 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

You could fix half his issues and he'd improve all the way up to replacement level.

My thought is that he promised his wife or God(only mention because I think I remember reading he was pretty religious) that he would quit abusing Adderall and tobacco after he signed his next deal.  While I am guessing it is his wife, I bet he wishes he was still taking Adderall so he wasnt playing so bad.  I feel sorry that he fell off a cliff, but I dont blame him for the contract and am happy he got it(wish it was with someone else).  I also feel as though he should get every dime and not retire or accept an early buyout unless it is mutually beneficial.  These guys work harder than almost anyone out there to get to a pay day and run the risk of losing everything with one injury.  Some of their best years are the most under paid before hitting arbitration or free agency and could win ROY and MVP out performing a $32.5 mm player while getting paid league minimum and then get in a career ending accident and have nothing to show for it.

And for the record, the Bryce Harper contract will prove to be the worst contract in history.  He batted .249 last year with a 1.3 war and is going to be paid off his potential to produce his 2015 and 2017 seasons.

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Didn't CD say in the beginning of ST  he did't want to have another year like last year and said there won't be another one ? I took that to mean he would probably retire with a buyout. Maybe I'm wrong but I think he said he would not go through another year like last year. He doesn't have to he is filthy rich and doesn't need all of the money. Even if he got half of it he's still super rich.

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1 hour ago, sevastras said:

My thought is that he promised his wife or God(only mention because I think I remember reading he was pretty religious) that he would quit abusing Adderall and tobacco after he signed his next deal.  While I am guessing it is his wife, I bet he wishes he was still taking Adderall so he wasnt playing so bad.  I feel sorry that he fell off a cliff, but I dont blame him for the contract and am happy he got it(wish it was with someone else).  I also feel as though he should get every dime and not retire or accept an early buyout unless it is mutually beneficial.  These guys work harder than almost anyone out there to get to a pay day and run the risk of losing everything with one injury.  Some of their best years are the most under paid before hitting arbitration or free agency and could win ROY and MVP out performing a $32.5 mm player while getting paid league minimum and then get in a career ending accident and have nothing to show for it.

Money that Davis is going to get for not playing is money that could be going to someone else.

If he got injured its one thing.  But if he just stinks, I don't see how he really earned the contract.  Also MLB injuries are almost never career ending except for older players.   

Look at Jones, took a team friendly deal, is still fairly productive, got nowhere near what Davis got, and will probably have to take a big paycut if he wants to play in the MLB again. 

So I will be a little salty if CD is allowed to walk away with 100% of his contract without having to at least go through the motions of being an MLB player.   Honestly, if I was the owner/GM/manager, I'd just keep trotting him out there until he's had enough, or his roster spot / batting spot actually meant something which its not apparent on this team it actually does.  


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7 hours ago, sevastras said:

My thought is that he promised his wife or God(only mention because I think I remember reading he was pretty religious) that he would quit abusing Adderall and tobacco after he signed his next deal.  While I am guessing it is his wife, I bet he wishes he was still taking Adderall so he wasnt playing so bad.  I feel sorry that he fell off a cliff, but I dont blame him for the contract and am happy he got it(wish it was with someone else).  I also feel as though he should get every dime and not retire or accept an early buyout unless it is mutually beneficial.  These guys work harder than almost anyone out there to get to a pay day and run the risk of losing everything with one injury.  Some of their best years are the most under paid before hitting arbitration or free agency and could win ROY and MVP out performing a $32.5 mm player while getting paid league minimum and then get in a career ending accident and have nothing to show for it.

And for the record, the Bryce Harper contract will prove to be the worst contract in history.  He batted .249 last year with a 1.3 war and is going to be paid off his potential to produce his 2015 and 2017 seasons.

Davis wasn’t on Adderall in 2015 when he had the season that led to his big contract.    He was on Vyvanse, for which he had a therapeutic use exception, and so far as we know, he still is.

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6 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Davis wasn’t on Adderall in 2015 when he had the season that led to his big contract.    He was on Vyvanse, for which he had a therapeutic use exception, and so far as we know, he still is.

Looks like you are correct.  I guess my theory is wrong, unless he got smarter with his Adderall use that season(I dont know the length of time it can be detected in your system and dont care to look it up).  At any rate, the Orioles over paid for him and he isnt hitting the HR that got him paid to begin with.  He did have a season, I think it was 14, that he hit .190 but had 36 home runs.  It isnt like he hasnt hit under .200 before the contract, he just hasnt been this historically bad before and it looks like a quick decline over the last two years.  I think they should keep putting him out there, maybe DH after trading Trumbo(hopefully he is worth getting something in return this year).  But if someone needs his spot or they start competing again, they should cut him and suck it up.  

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7 hours ago, section18 said:

Didn't CD say in the beginning of ST  he did't want to have another year like last year and said there won't be another one ? I took that to mean he would probably retire with a buyout. Maybe I'm wrong but I think he said he would not go through another year like last year. He doesn't have to he is filthy rich and doesn't need all of the money. Even if he got half of it he's still super rich.

Elias won’t allow another season like last year if he really has full control of the roster.  He already talked about intervening  with Davis yesterday.

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9 hours ago, sevastras said:

My thought is that he promised his wife or God(only mention because I think I remember reading he was pretty religious) that he would quit abusing Adderall and tobacco after he signed his next deal.  While I am guessing it is his wife, I bet he wishes he was still taking Adderall so he wasnt playing so bad.  I feel sorry that he fell off a cliff, but I dont blame him for the contract and am happy he got it(wish it was with someone else).  I also feel as though he should get every dime and not retire or accept an early buyout unless it is mutually beneficial.  These guys work harder than almost anyone out there to get to a pay day and run the risk of losing everything with one injury.  Some of their best years are the most under paid before hitting arbitration or free agency and could win ROY and MVP out performing a $32.5 mm player while getting paid league minimum and then get in a career ending accident and have nothing to show for it.

And for the record, the Bryce Harper contract will prove to be the worst contract in history.  He batted .249 last year with a 1.3 war and is going to be paid off his potential to produce his 2015 and 2017 seasons.

I find your post troubling in many ways that have anything to do with Davis. He has little chance to be even a marginal MLB player anymore IMO. No matter how hard he "works" he doesn't seem to have the ability to adjust and perhaps when you are sitting on 100 million plus, work just doesn't seem necessary anymore. If the Orioles deem it necessary to keep him and play him because of the contract, so be it (stupid)..bat him 8 or 9 and hope. Anyone that thinks he should get a buyout at a reduced cost is crazy.

These guys work harder than almost anyone out there to get a payday and run the risk of losing everything with one injury???? ML players (in all sports) are genetically gifted in one way or another (speed, height, eye hand coordination, eye sight, etc). Their early years, through HS (college) is play..they do work to develop their skills, but it still is play. They enjoy it and are good at it. Others work equally hard but don't have that genetic component that allows them to compete with them. This is not unlike a kid with a high IQ vs average, both can work hard, be successful, but one has a distinct advantage. Work harder?? Yep, those guys working 2-3 jobs trying to keep a roof over their family. Single parent families doing the same and don't have support. Soldiers in war zones, etc. One injury, losing everything??? Even before signed his big contract, Davis had earned millions...he hasn't lost everything. First year ML's earn 550 K and another 100 K or so on their share of ML franchise merchandising. That's 15 years of earnings for the "average" American family. If these guys get injured at 30, there is no career after they can do?

Your post makes sense in only the world of ML baseball (or all entertainment). Fans pay large amount of monies to leave their real "hard work" life for a bit of fantasy...thinking of what might have been but were slighted by a gene or two that would deny them no matter how hard they worked.

Again, pay Davis....just a bad contract from the beginning. I don't know who in the organization was the most adamant about signing him (I suspect BS, just like with Weiters). I personally can see nothing positive having him on the team if he continues as he has. Having a $100,000,000 guy riding the pines does no one any good.

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Chris Davis has started 1-for-12 with seven strikeouts. Do you have any concerns about that?

“Well, he’s in great shape. The work that he did this winter seems to be the right stuff to work on. He had a bad season last year, but we’re not dwelling on spring training results yet. But we’ll keep an eye on it. If a time comes to intervene and change direction with the work that’s going on, we’ll be ready to do that. But right now it’s very early.”

Elias on Davis from yesterday's broadcast.

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2 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

Boras also doesn't have any player he represents that's this bad at baseball.

Prince Fielder?   I assume he is still getting paid somehow?

I suppose it's an open question which one would be worse at this point.

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6 minutes ago, interloper said:

Chris Davis has started 1-for-12 with seven strikeouts. Do you have any concerns about that?

“Well, he’s in great shape. The work that he did this winter seems to be the right stuff to work on. He had a bad season last year, but we’re not dwelling on spring training results yet. But we’ll keep an eye on it. If a time comes to intervene and change direction with the work that’s going on, we’ll be ready to do that. But right now it’s very early.”

Elias on Davis from yesterday's broadcast.

Elias knows what the deal is with Davis, it's just a matter of timing and approval from the Angelos brothers to start talking buyout or what else they can do with Davis.

(Unless some miracle happens Davis manages to put up replacement level production. Even then is it really worth having him on a rebuilding team?)

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