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The Silver Lining Report: Game 56/162 (O's lose 4-2)


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Well it was an Orioles loss, what are you gonna do? Let's find the good stuff.

  • ?John Means: Just keeps throwing good games. 6 IP, 1 ER, 7 K. 2.80 ERA. Can he maintain it as he starts to see teams 2 and 3 times? We're gonna find out!
  • Mychal Givens: Yeah, he blew it again. BUT. He had a 1-2-3 7th inning with 2 Ks before coming back out for the 8th and giving up the homer. I'm going to say this is a positive outing for him.
  • Richard Bleier: Pretty clean inning, and Dick needs all he can get right now.
  • Renato Nunez: 2 doubles in the game including an RBI double in the gap to score Mancini. OPS back up to .771! Not bad. 
  • Keon Broxton: He's doing that thing that newly acquired Orioles do for a little while, and that's hit more than they did in their last organization. In this one, he hits a DEEP opposite field home run. He's been fun so far! 
  • Mini ?s: Martin SB, Wilkerson pinch-hit 2B, time of game 2:35. 
  • 2020 #1 pick: Right now, it's ours. 


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