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Elias J2 International Orioles


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54 minutes ago, CallMeBrooksie said:

It's not about where the player is from. You don't just give out that kind of money to a prospect just because you can afford it. If our scouts didn't like the Mesas enough to outbid Miami, then they made a great decision (though I'm not convinced that money was the deciding factor. May have just been dumb luck for us).

You asked "why not?" I gave you a plausible reason why not


Again,  I'm not arguing wether they can afford it. But you don't just spend for spendings sake. What if the money not spent on prospects that they don't believe in can go towards an Orioles facility in the DR? We don't know... But they're not going to be foolish and write millions of dollars in checks to prospects they don't like just because they have the pool.

We have a reason to believe Elias wants to continue spending this year's pool, so we'll see what happens.

Until we see Elias get to spend all the international pool, it’s safe to assume he’s not allowed to. For all the hub bub and PR spin, we fell behind at least 20 teams this most recent int’l period in spending. That’s not how you rebuild. 

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14 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Until we see Elias get to spend all the international pool, it’s safe to assume he’s not allowed to. For all the hub bub and PR spin, we fell behind at least 20 teams this most recent int’l period in spending. That’s not how you rebuild. 

This post represents an utter lack of understanding of the J2 process.  A process that takes 3-4 years to see the first results of due to signing agreements, personnel, and infrastructure needs.

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14 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Until we see Elias get to spend all the international pool, it’s safe to assume he’s not allowed to. For all the hub bub and PR spin, we fell behind at least 20 teams this most recent int’l period in spending. That’s not how you rebuild. 

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8 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

This post represents an utter lack of understanding of the J2 process.  A process that takes 3-4 years to see the first results of due to signing agreements, personnel, and infrastructure needs.

It also represents a lack of transparency into what we actually have spent, plan to spend, and the quality of that spending. We may have fallen farther behind 25 teams, or 10 teams. We don't really know.

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2 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

It also represents a lack of transparency into what we actually have spent, plan to spend, and the quality of that spending. We may have fallen farther behind 25 teams, or 10 teams. We don't really know.

They arent a public entity.  They have no obligation to provide that transparency to us as fans.  That will come in results and those results wont be evident for 5 years or more, at least as it relates to J2.

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19 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

They arent a public entity.  They have no obligation to provide that transparency to us as fans.  That will come in results and those results wont be evident for 5 years or more, at least as it relates to J2.

Note, the "it" I was referring to was the same post you had previously responded to, not the O's, or any obligation they do or don't have. My point is that we just don't know enough to draw strong conclusions about the success or failures of our J2 efforts. All we know is the org *seems* to be really focused on it, and that's a good thing.

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3 hours ago, Camden_yardbird said:

This post represents an utter lack of understanding of the J2 process.  A process that takes 3-4 years to see the first results of due to signing agreements, personnel, and infrastructure needs.

I honestly have a hard time with the idea that folks buy this "it takes 3-4 years to build a rapport up with these kids" line.

My guess as to what is happening:

MLB teams lock in on which 13-14 year olds they want and basically call dibs.  All the other teams respect this call of dibs since it cuts down on competition and keeps prices down.

I will never believe that, for the vast number of these kids, giving them 300K instead of 250K won't buy out any "rapport".  For most of these kids they get one payday and this is it.

Now if you think the other teams are going to make the O's sit out the next couple of years I can get behind that way of thinking. 


As for spending all the money.  All the money was spent last year.  That means that teams more into the international market than the O's figured value was to be hard.  My guess is unless the O's let some money go to pot all the money will be spent this year.  If the other teams can find guys after July 2 worth spending money on then the O's should be able to.

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From Joe Trezza's article: https://www.mlb.com/orioles/news/orioles-rebuilding-under-mike-elias


Given how the most highly coveted international prospects are often courted by teams years before they’re eligible to actually sign, the Orioles acknowledged from the start that it would take time before they played at the top of the market. They instead siphoned off much of their sizeable 2018-19 bonus pool in trades, then spent roughly $3 million of their 2019-20 pool on 27 players last July 2. Though the highest bonuses given out were between $400,000-$450,000, it still represented the largest international class in franchise history.

The hope is to be able to make seven-figure signings by 2021.

“We are on pace with where we thought we’d be. There are definitely improvements on what we had,” Perez said. “We are going to be in a much better spot this year than last year, as far as the higher-end talent.”


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