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Tracking Ex Oriole Thread


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I think you are missing the point. Theo knew when to trade and what to trade for. He was building a championship team. Remember it is Theo who initiated talks with DD to acquire Jake. Theo is a winner.

I think that Theo was not playing for first place from 2012-2014. I think Theo was trying to build something long term and that didn't include winning in the short term.

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Does anyone know what would happen to Gausman if he started throwing a cutter now?

Would Duquette order Showalter to take Gausman out of the rotation? Would he threaten not to re-sign Gausman when his contract is up?

Especially after what has happened with Arrieta, I would think that the pitchers in the majors could start throwing the pitch if they wanted to without any repercussions.

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Does anyone know what would happen to Gausman if he started throwing a cutter now?

Would Duquette order Showalter to take Gausman out of the rotation? Would he threaten not to re-sign Gausman when his contract is up?

Especially after what has happened with Arrieta, I would think that the pitchers in the majors could start throwing the pitch if they wanted to without any repercussions.

I don't know but if Bundy will never be able to throw it again, then forget him being a starter. His fastball got pounded on Sunday because just like Hunter's fastball it is straight as an arrow. Relievers can get by without the cutter and blow smoke for an inning. Take a reliever who has a great arm and let him throw a cutter and you mighthave Mariano Rivera!

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Does anyone know what would happen to Gausman if he started throwing a cutter now?

Would Duquette order Showalter to take Gausman out of the rotation? Would he threaten not to re-sign Gausman when his contract is up?

Especially after what has happened with Arrieta, I would think that the pitchers in the majors could start throwing the pitch if they wanted to without any repercussions.

I don't see how developing a cutter would make Gausman a better pitcher. His biggest problem is that his secondary offerings are well below average. Until he can develop a reliable off-speed pitch that can get outs, Gausman will not be a top of the rotation pitcher.

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I think you are missing the point. Theo knew when to trade and what to trade for. He was building a championship team. Remember it is Theo who initiated talks with DD to acquire Jake. Theo is a winner.

Exactly. Thank you.

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I don't know but if Bundy will never be able to throw it again, then forget him being a starter. His fastball got pounded on Sunday because just like Hunter's fastball it is straight as an arrow. Relievers can get by without the cutter and blow smoke for an inning. Take a reliever who has a great arm and let him throw a cutter and you mighthave Mariano Rivera!

I know enough about you to know you can't be bothered to actually look at evidence but just in case anyone else wants to.



Carry on with your baseless claims.

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I don't see how developing a cutter would make Gausman a better pitcher. His biggest problem is that his secondary offerings are well below average. Until he can develop a reliable off-speed pitch that can get outs, Gausman will not be a top of the rotation pitcher.

Yeah Gausman for whatever reason has not been able to come up with another off speed pitch for whatever reason. He has worked on two of the them and neither has came around while Tilman just picked up the slider in the off season and it has worked wonders. Some guys just can't get certain pitches to work as well as others. If it was easy to just show a guy a pitch and he can pick it up and be successful with it pitchers would be more dominant.

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Who is responsible for bringing Rick Peterson here? For all the accolades this board dishes out to DD, perhaps if he didn't hire Peterson, Jake Arietta would still be here and would have figured it out. Maybe Gonzo would be better. Maybe Wright would have figured it out by now and so on and so on....

I don't know but I know DD doesn't deserve all the blame for our SP woes, but these are questions nobody is really asking and holding him accountable for. He probably deserves some blame in all this.

If Peterson and or DD is causing issues with this cutter, which we have seen in report after report.....when there is smoke....

People are just happy the O's aren't losing a lot. I get it. But to win a championship, you need to thing like a winner. Theo Epstein is a winner. You don't play for 2nd/3rd place.

Should we lay the blame for Gonzo consistently outperforming his peripherals from 2012-2014 and Chen's success in the AL East at the feet of Petersen and Duquette as well? No one is more skeptical than I am about using rigid doctrine as a method for extracting the best out of an individual. Count me among those who believe the current policy in regard to using the cutter ought to be reconsidered, but the questions you allude to are being asked around here all the time.

Edited by 24fps
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Duquette is a narcissist and is more concerned with everyone thinking he's the smartest guy in the room than anything else. Period.

I've looked at a few of your posts recently as being reasonable. What data do you have for this one? BTW, calling someone that is un-diagnosed a narcissist is considered slanderous or otherwise disrespectful.

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I know this thread isn't about Hunter but I've seen his name mentioned a few times. My thoughts on his cutter are along the lines of bad location as opposed to bad pitch. He often threw his cutter towards the middle of the plate. Where a good cutter will either jam the hitter or fade away. Depending on what side of the plate the hitter is swinging from. The cutter is the horizontal cousin of the sinker. A good one gets soft contact and one in the middle of the plate gets crushed.

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His entire philosophy on pitching development reeks of it. He thinks he knows better than everyone despite results that show the exact opposite. As if he's some sort of baseball deity.

Nah. The real baseball gods crapped on him for ten long years. He doesn't want to have anything to do with those bozos.

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Nah. The real baseball gods crapped on him for ten long years. He doesn't want to have anything to do with those bozos.

He is an extremely engaging person to hear speak on any subject other than the team he is currently working with,

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He is an extremely engaging person to hear speak on any subject other than the team he is currently working with,

I have no problem believing that. He strikes me as someone who would be great to have a couple of beers with as long as no cameras or mics were nearby.

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