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Tracking Ex Oriole Thread


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Why do the O's seem to continually get the guys that like to "overcoach"? I've said it before but they've been doing fairly consistently with pitchers since they drafted Ben McDonald. They said he couldn't throw his splitter anymore because of unfounded fears that it would shorten his career. He had a fairly short career anyway so they might as well have let him throw it.

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Are we talking about the same Miguel Gonzalez that has a 4.40 ERA, 4.62 xFIP and 4.72 SIERA this year? That Gonzo?

I agree. His homeruns are down, but everything else is the same. I don't get these writers sometimes. He is basically the same as last year and last year was not a success story. Why are they calling it a success story in Chicago this year when nothing has changed.

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I agree. His homeruns are down, but everything else is the same. I don't get these writers sometimes. He is basically the same as last year and last year was not a success story. Why are they calling it a success story in Chicago this year when nothing has changed.

He would almost undoubtedly be our third best starter right now.

From what he looked like in Spring Training, I would call it a success story.

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I just don't get it.

I get that it might become a crutch for very young pitchers, but it should be handed right back to them when they are nearing the majors.

I heard a very sad conversation on a podcast where two analysts lamented Gausman's production. They basically just ended the conversation with "well, we just have to hope he gets traded from Baltimore so he can use that cutter again."

I don't recall him throwing a cutter out of college.


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Didn't they tell Tommy Hunter to stop throwing his cutter and he started hitting 100 out of the pen?

Yes, Hunter throws the straightest fastball you've ever seen. If anyone needs a cutter it is him. Good thing Mariano Rivera was not an Oriole.

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Gonzo never threw a cutter so it is not like the Orioles said don't throw one. He basically learned a new pitch and some argue if he throws a cutter or just a two seem fastball. There is lots of different thinking on which is which depending who you ask. Tilman has learned a new pitch this season as well and that has helped him this season and it has helped him.

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Just to be clear, there's nothing in this article to indicate that the Orioles ever told Gonzalez not to throw the cutter. He didn't throw them in Baltimore, but that doesn't mean he was under any instructions not to do so. It may just be a pitch Cooper has taught him that wasn't in his repertoire previously. And Gonzalez was pretty successful in Baltimore doing what he was doing, until the second half of last season. More successful than he has been in Chicago to date, in fact.

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Gonzo never threw a cutter so it is not like the Orioles said don't throw one. He basically learned a new pitch and some argue if he throws a cutter or just a two seem fastball. There is lots of different thinking on which is which depending who you ask. Tilman has learned a new pitch this season as well and that has helped him this season and it has helped him.

Maybe if they let Givens throw the cutter he doesn't throw he'd be better against lefties.

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Just to be clear, there's nothing in this article to indicate that the Orioles ever told Gonzalez not to throw the cutter. He didn't throw them in Baltimore, but that doesn't mean he was under any instructions not to do so. It may just be a pitch Cooper has taught him that wasn't in his repertoire previously. And Gonzalez was pretty successful in Baltimore doing what he was doing, until the second half of last season. More successful than he has been in Chicago to date, in fact.

Miggy lost some MPH on his fastball and was facing professional extinction. The cutter has allowed him to remain as a viable back-end starter. But the Orioles would not have taught him or allowed him to use that pitch. Good for him that he left the organization.

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Who is responsible for bringing Rick Peterson here? For all the accolades this board dishes out to DD, perhaps if he didn't hire Peterson, Jake Arietta would still be here and would have figured it out. Maybe Gonzo would be better. Maybe Wright would have figured it out by now and so on and so on....

I don't know but I know DD doesn't deserve all the blame for our SP woes, but these are questions nobody is really asking and holding him accountable for. He probably deserves some blame in all this.

If Peterson and or DD is causing issues with this cutter, which we have seen in report after report.....when there is smoke....

People are just happy the O's aren't losing a lot. I get it. But to win a championship, you need to thing like a winner. Theo Epstein is a winner. You don't play for 2nd/3rd place.

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Who is responsible for bringing Rick Peterson here? For all the accolades this board dishes out to DD, perhaps if he didn't hire Peterson, Jake Arietta would still be here and would have figured it out. Maybe Gonzo would be better. Maybe Wright would have figured it out by now and so on and so on....

I don't know but I know DD doesn't deserve all the blame for our SP woes, but these are questions nobody is really asking and holding him accountable for. He probably deserves some blame in all this.

If Peterson and or DD is causing issues with this cutter, which we have seen in report after report.....when there is smoke....

People are just happy the O's aren't losing a lot. I get it. But to win a championship, you need to thing like a winner. Theo Epstein is a winner. You don't play for 2nd/3rd place.

Theo's Cubs finished in 5th, 5th, 5th and 3rd his first four seasons.

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Theo's Cubs finished in 5th, 5th, 5th and 3rd his first four seasons.

I think you are missing the point. Theo knew when to trade and what to trade for. He was building a championship team. Remember it is Theo who initiated talks with DD to acquire Jake. Theo is a winner.

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