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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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Your're right. But the point is, we can do both. We can sign a cornerstone free agent like Teixeira, and develop core players from our minor league system at the same time. There's no reason that one can't complement the other. Tejada didn't help us win because we couldn't develop young pitchers to back up the offense. I believe that with guys like Tillman, Arrieta, Matusz, Patton, and Erbe coming up (not to mention guys like Olson and Penn who I haven't given up on, we are now in a much better position to capitalize on a free agent like Tex.

I agree, my only issue with signing Teix is that unless the payroll is raised significantly to absorb the inflated contract he seems ready to get that the opportunity costs will be too great and will prevent us from doing what may necessary later on. Combined with the fact that when it comes to adding talent, 1b should be and is one of the easier positions to fill. As good as Teix is, it does make it tough to compete when other teams are able to get 85-90% of the production at 1b for about 1/3 - 1/4 of the price that Teix is going to get giving them resoruces to spread around to other positions of need.

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Yeah' date=' that's been a proven way to win - overpaying for FA pitching. Oh wait, we won't spend that kinda money on a legit pitcher. We'd rather wait until all the guys that can make an impact get signed by other teams that WANT to win ... And then we end up with Steve Trachsel.

Point is, I've been a fan whose gone to a dozen+ games a year for the past 17 years. If they don't pony up for Tex, I'm now done. Much like a lot of fans have done & WNST has been saying for years, I'm giving up.

Tex isn't just a player. It's a way of thinking. Yeah, you get a 30/.300 guy, a Gold Glove defensive 1B. But, you also get a legitimate franchise.

Imagine going to work everyday and your peers saying "you suck" to you every day for 10+ years, and doing nothing about it. That's the Orioles, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm personally done. I've dedicated myself for years and I'm tired of getting nothing back.

Ladies and gentlemen, if we don't get Tex, we are no different than the Pirates or Royals. Think about it. A perennial losing team that doesn't stand a chance of getting a FA.[/quote']

My thoughts exactly!

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Oh how soon we forget the very recent past when we suceeded in attracting FA. Unfortunately, I think we are too quick to forget that signing expensive FA was not (and is not now) the recipe for turning around the Orioles... Building a strong player development foundation is. Teix would definately help improve the team's W-L record in the short run but it is not he who is going to change the franchises fate. Whether we sign Teix or not, if we put a majority of the focus on player development we'll have a bright future, if not... it is hopeless.

Actually, the Redsox and Yankees are doing both. Pedroia and Youklis and Ellisbury didn't come from free agency. Neither did Lester. The top teams are the ones that can draw both from their own system AND from free agency. Tex is something we haven't been able to "grow" just yet. Add him to those we have (Markakis, Wieters, Roberts) and those we've gotten through the wire (Guthrie) and via trade (Jones) and you have the beginning of a solid ballclub.

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I disagree. I see nothing wrong with what the guy said. As a matter of fact I kind of agree with him. To me being a fan does not necessarily mean you look at the team through orange colored glasses all the time. This is a team that has been, well horrible for over a decade now. Don't get me wrong, there are some bright spots but the last 10 years have been abysmal. I just don't support the idea of other people defining what a "fan" is.

What is wrong is the ridiculous notion that Teix is the difference between being a winner and a perennial loser. With all due respect to anyone who thinks that way, it is just flat out 100% undeniably wrong.

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I agree, my only issue with signing Teix is that unless the payroll is raised significantly to absorb the inflated contract he seems ready to get that the opportunity costs will be too great and will prevent us from doing what is necessary. Combined with the fact that when it comes to adding talent, 1b should be and is one of the easier positions to fill. As good as Teix is, it does make it tough to compete when other teams are able to get 85-90% of the production at 1b for about 1/3 - 1/4 of the price that Teix is going to get giving them resoruces to spread around to other positions of need.

With Gibbons/Payton/Mora/Hernandez/Cabrera/Huff all off or coming off the payroll in the near future, the money is there. It's been said before but it's worth mentioning again; would you rather spend $20 mil on Tex or $20 mil on Mora, Payton, and Hernandez?

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Actually, the Redsox and Yankees are doing both. Pedroia and Youklis and Ellisbury didn't come from free agency. Neither did Lester. The top teams are the ones that can draw both from their own system AND from free agency. Tex is something we haven't been able to "grow" just yet. Add him to those we have (Markakis, Wieters, Roberts) and those we've gotten through the wire (Guthrie) and via trade (Jones) and you have the beginning of a solid ballclub.

The Yankees put their primary focus on developing from within and then added targeted FA to fill in the gaps before winning multiple World Championships. That isn't the only way to do it, but I think we should all be able to agree that is a great way to do it, if not the ideal way to do it.

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I think I'm the only one a little creeped out about this. Who ever posted that on google, put Tex and his Family in a major secruity threat


A google picture of his house is a "major security threat"?

Why is that? You think some team's disgruntled fans are gonna rent some Stuka's?

Jeez, people...

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I'm not saying you have to look through orange colored glasses. I'm saying, just don't say "that's it, I'm giving up and never watching them again". Because, for one, that's reactionary and probably not true. And two, it's whiny. Be angry with the O's... that's fine! They piss me off, too. But don't give up on them, for crying out loud.

Maybe I misstated my point. I'm done supporting the team by going to a dozen plus games and contributing to something that basically comes down to me throwing my money away. Because I don't ask for much. But give me something back.

I posted that fully expecting to get flack. I'm getting it from my friends too. But I go to, and watch more games, than any one of them.

I just think seeing Teixeira going elsewhere would be a travesty. It would be a golden opportunity missed. And I see it happening.

Like someone else said, you can sign a FA to fill holes and develop from within as well. See-The Yanks of the 90's.

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What is wrong is the ridiculous notion that Teix is the difference between being a winner and a perennial loser. With all due respect to anyone who thinks that way, it is just flat out 100% undeniably wrong.

Unless you have a magic eight-ball or just returned from the future, there's no way you can call that notion "100% undeniably wrong."

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What is wrong is the ridiculous notion that Teix is the difference between being a winner and a perennial loser. With all due respect to anyone who thinks that way, it is just flat out 100% undeniably wrong.

Oh I totally agree with you. Whether Tex signs here or not will not make much of a difference next year. But IMO a big name free agent signing will do a lot to put this team back on the map. It will show the fans and other players that the O's are serious about winning again.

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With Gibbons/Payton/Mora/Hernandez/Cabrera/Huff all off or coming off the payroll in the near future, the money is there. It's been said before but it's worth mentioning again; would you rather spend $20 mil on Tex or $20 mil on Mora, Payton, and Hernandez?

I'd rather a good chunk of that money go towards extending Markakis. In the short term we can definately afford it, but unless the payroll is going to skyrocket we're going to have some really tough decisions based soley on finances if our players develop. If they don't even w/Teix we aint gonna win.

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Exactly. Nobody thought we had a shot at Tex at the end of the season. Now we do have a chance, and suddenly people are going to jump ship if we don't land him? Have some perspective, people. Tex isn't the end-all, be-all. It's up to HIM where he signs, it's not up to the O's. Yes, he would bring hope to the fans. But for god's sake... it's one player, let's not give up our fandom over one player, especially when no one thought we would land him a month ago. Wow.

I agree with this.

There is no question that getting Tex would be a HUGE positive sign for the entire organization. I'd definitely feel much better about the team's immediate future if we are able to get him.

However, if we don't sign Tex, I don't think it necessarily should be taken as a huge failure and sign that the team will never be able to sign a top free agent. We can't just assume that he would have signed with the O's if only they had upped their initial offer. We can't assume that the O's could have easily had him, but they were just too cheap.

I'll be disappointed if we don't get Tex and I'll be mad at the team if Tex signs a reasonable deal with another team that we easily could have matched. It just seems very rash to give up completely based on not signing one play, especially when the team is finally make some good decisions in other areas.

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But IMO a big name free agent signing will do a lot to put this team back on the map. It will show the fans and other players that the O's are serious about winning again.

I'm not big on symbolism, I couldn't care less about showing the fans and other players anything. I want the Orioles to make moves that are most likely to allow them to win and let everything flow from that. If Angelos is giving MacPhail a bump in payroll resources commensurate with the difference between the point where MacPhail (if he felt this way) would have walked away and the final signing price, then by all means, sign Teix. Otherwise don't. Make decisions based soley on putting a winner on the field...

I do not think we need to do anything symbolic... I'm a true believer in the saying... If you build it, they will come.

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