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Do you trust Elias at the Deadline?


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1 minute ago, Il BuonO said:

Total control and guarantees of future payroll flies in the face of the history of current ownership. It’s not possible while the Angelos family has control.

I'm not disagreeing.

Some folks apparently naively bought into John's narrative.


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Define 'trust'.  Do I trust him to not mortgage our future chasing something that we aren't quite ready to chase?  Yes.   Do I trust him to make blockbuster trades to acquire top notch (and likely) expensive talent while depleting our farm system?  No. 

Problem is,  in my eyes,  we have many holes.   We've been a bit fooled by the awesome record and how great a season it's been,  well until the last week or two.  But baseball is a marathon, not a sprint, and some of the things that got us the 3rd best record in baseball aren't happening now.  Except for Hays and Henderson, most of the team is hitting worse than they were at the beginning of the season (Mateo/Frazier for example) or have slowed down recently (Hicks/Ohearn).  Our runs scored per game has slowly decreased since April.  Starting pitching has been rough recently, and even when they do well like today the bats take the night off.  And the middle bullpen is poor and the end guys (Cano/Bautisa) are showing they too are human.   

I guess all I'm saying is if we were one or two pieces away then I'd say screw tomorrow,  let's do all we can to win it now.   We went 13-11 in June.  That's still very good,  but it was only the 10th best record in baseball over that span.   Unless we can shore up some of these issues internally, it's just a few too many holes to expect Elias to really fill.  We have 30 days to the trade deadline.   I think a how we are able to performbetween now and then will go a long way in seeing if we are going to be buyers or just stand pat.

Edited by forphase1
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I trust Elias to do what's best to keep the Orioles organization healthy and competitive for the long term, and that's in spite of the obvious handicap that this franchise has under the current ownership.

I think that Elias, Eve, Sig, Koby Perez, and Brad Ciolik and their teams are all doing a great job. They're in a tough spot with the ownership/market they have with the need for reinforcements while we are in good position on the season with a good record. They've rebuilt this franchise from a loser into a winner, and while they still haven't won anything yet, it's nice to be competitive again and be able to see 40,000 fans in the stands for a game.

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This question has a little similarity to a related one like, Do you trust Colton Cowser to hit in the big leagues?

In both cases there's a nice amount of evidence the performer is pretty good at their job.     

Have they ever done it before?    Nope.     In Elias' case that's helm an intentionally strong enough team through the next level of competition.

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8 hours ago, forphase1 said:

Define 'trust'.  Do I trust him to not mortgage our future chasing something that we aren't quite ready to chase?  Yes.   Do I trust him to make blockbuster trades to acquire top notch (and likely) expensive talent while depleting our farm system?  No. 

Problem is,  in my eyes,  we have many holes.   We've been a bit fooled by the awesome record and how great a season it's been,  well until the last week or two.  But baseball is a marathon, not a sprint, and some of the things that got us the 3rd best record in baseball aren't happening now.  Except for Hays and Henderson, most of the team is hitting worse than they were at the beginning of the season (Mateo/Frazier for example) or have slowed down recently (Hicks/Ohearn).  Our runs scored per game has slowly decreased since April.  Starting pitching has been rough recently, and even when they do well like today the bats take the night off.  And the middle bullpen is poor and the end guys (Cano/Bautisa) are showing they too are human.   

I guess all I'm saying is if we were one or two pieces away then I'd say screw tomorrow,  let's do all we can to win it now.   We went 13-11 in June.  That's still very good,  but it was only the 10th best record in baseball over that span.   Unless we can shore up some of these issues internally, it's just a few too many holes to expect Elias to really fill.  We have 30 days to the trade deadline.   I think a how we are able to performbetween now and then will go a long way in seeing if we are going to be buyers or just stand pat.

How are we not ready to chase something if we are on pace to win 98 games. 

People can’t say keep pointing out our winning pace and at the same time say the team is “early” 

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I don't "trust" this site to ever agree on anything relative to the Orioles. I "think" Elias will do the best he can within multiple constraints moving forward. We are party to a process that may not move as we like or do as we like but it has shown some success since 2018. It is run by people over which we have no control. Like them - agree with them - "trust" them or not - makes no difference. Hence, in my opinion,

forphase1 summed the question up beautifully. 

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2 hours ago, Orioles0615 said:

How are we not ready to chase something if we are on pace to win 98 games. 

People can’t say keep pointing out our winning pace and at the same time say the team is “early” 

On pace for something and actually doing it are two VERY different things.   Based on how we've been playing the past 2 weeks,  I'd be shocked if we win 90+ games.  Some of the great performers earlier have cooled down greatly,  and no one has really stepped up to take up the slack.   As I said we have about 4 weeks to determine if we are actually contenders, or if we are going to fade down the stretch.  If we are contenders, ie some guys already in the organization step up and get us back to winning at a better pace,  then by all means trade some kids and get pieces to help us.   But if we show that the first 2 months of the season were our high-water mark,  when we played our best baseball,  then I'm not sure that trading talent to shore up the team is best long term for the franchise.

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17 hours ago, forphase1 said:

Define 'trust'.  Do I trust him to not mortgage our future chasing something that we aren't quite ready to chase?  Yes.   Do I trust him to make blockbuster trades to acquire top notch (and likely) expensive talent while depleting our farm system?  No. 

Problem is,  in my eyes,  we have many holes.   We've been a bit fooled by the awesome record and how great a season it's been,  well until the last week or two.  But baseball is a marathon, not a sprint, and some of the things that got us the 3rd best record in baseball aren't happening now.  Except for Hays and Henderson, most of the team is hitting worse than they were at the beginning of the season (Mateo/Frazier for example) or have slowed down recently (Hicks/Ohearn).  Our runs scored per game has slowly decreased since April.  Starting pitching has been rough recently, and even when they do well like today the bats take the night off.  And the middle bullpen is poor and the end guys (Cano/Bautisa) are showing they too are human.   

I guess all I'm saying is if we were one or two pieces away then I'd say screw tomorrow,  let's do all we can to win it now.   We went 13-11 in June.  That's still very good,  but it was only the 10th best record in baseball over that span.   Unless we can shore up some of these issues internally, it's just a few too many holes to expect Elias to really fill.  We have 30 days to the trade deadline.   I think a how we are able to performbetween now and then will go a long way in seeing if we are going to be buyers or just stand pat.

Well at least the O's didn’t go 7-19 like the Mets.  13-11 is still winning.  Have to start doing a little better to lock down a playoff spot though.

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