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What do you think Elias sees happening with Wells, Hall, McDermott, Johnson and Povich?


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44 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I’m not sure what Kremers trade value is.  It’s probably okay but nothing special.  Sometimes it seems you want to trade just to trade.

Here you have a 27 yo pitcher who progressed from 132 to 172 innings and did a good job overall.   He might not ever be more than a 4th starter but I’ll take a young, inexpensive 4th starter who just finished his first complete season in the majors.  Sometimes players get better.   For a pitcher like Kremer just having that first full season under his belt or possibly improving the consistency on his changeup puts him in line for a good run.

Kremer's trade value is as a piece in trade for a starter upgrade. If a team is giving up starting pitching innings, they will need something to fill those innings. Kremer is a guy who can do that at a competitive level and is under control for several years.

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12 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Kremer's trade value is as a piece in trade for a starter upgrade. If a team is giving up starting pitching innings, they will need something to fill those innings. Kremer is a guy who can do that at a competitive level and is under control for several years.

I agree.  That would make sense.  Kremer + for someone like Cease.  

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1 hour ago, RZNJ said:

I’m not sure what Kremers trade value is.  It’s probably okay but nothing special.  Sometimes it seems you want to trade just to trade.

Here you have a 27 yo pitcher who progressed from 132 to 172 innings and did a good job overall.   He might not ever be more than a 4th starter but I’ll take a young, inexpensive 4th starter who just finished his first complete season in the majors.  Sometimes players get better.   For a pitcher like Kremer just having that first full season under his belt or possibly improving the consistency on his changeup puts him in line for a good run.

The O's rotation stayed really healthy last year. You can add 2 arms and still find plenty of innings for Kremer if the health trend doesn't hold. 

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McDermott, Povich, and Johnson are good prospects, but they have a long way to go before being considered rotation candidates. Maybe one or two of them help in the bullpen sometime in 2024, or maybe Povich spot starts, but I don't think any of them will crack the rotation in any real sense until at least 2025 if they've earned it. 

With Hall, I hope they just stop waffling and make him a bullpen guy. He's successful there and it's a team need. 

Wells I want him starting in spring training and see how things shake out. If he's needed in the rotation, great, he's good there. If he's needed in the bullpen, great, he's good there too. 

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4 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Kremer is better than Cease

In no way is this a fact. Kremer's peripherals are pretty awful if you look at baseball savant. I would personally be looking to trade him this offseason, but he's a fine enough #5 if we don't. 

Edited by interloper
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1 minute ago, wse120372 said:

The O's rotation stayed really healthy last year. You can add 2 arms and still find plenty of innings for Kremer if the health trend doesn't hold. 

Sure, but it’s not realistic.  That has ZERO chance of happening unless one of the starters go down before the season.

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Up grading is always nice but I love the strides our guys took this year and I want to see a rotation on Bradish/Means/GRod/Wells/Kremer with Irvin being the 6th man. I honestly dont think Means will be hampered much next year and if anything they will limit innings per start not starts overall. I think that top 3 has a chance to be as good as any top 3 in our division, all of them have TOR qualities. I think they will bring it together this year. I like our guys!

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45 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Kremer's trade value is as a piece in trade for a starter upgrade. If a team is giving up starting pitching innings, they will need something to fill those innings. Kremer is a guy who can do that at a competitive level and is under control for several years.

Yep..he’s the second or third piece in a larger trade and the Os have the resources to upgrade 2 rotation spots. Kremer has some stats that scream regression, so I would rather move on from him now.

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Wells/Hall - Whatever role they play in 2024, it's on Baltimore.  Both will be contributors to the staff.  Whatever role they serve in 2024 is their role going forward.  I'd love to see both stick in the rotation.  But I think both will end up in the bullpen.  Both could be part of a trade package as well.

McDermott/Povich - I'd "like" to start seeing what they can do in the MLB before the end of the season.  Ideally (for them) something more than a spot start here/there.  Of course, for that to happen, that means something went wrong ahead of them...  I can see a few spot starts/BP time for them in the second half as breathers for the MLB staff.

Johnson - Covid and TJ have done a number on his career...  I don't think we'll see him in 2024.  


Gotta love the options in the AAA rotation compared to where the org was a few years ago.  

2019 (10+ GS)

AAA - Akin, Ysla, Ortiz, Herb, Shepherd, Rogers


2024 (projected rotation)

AAA - McDermott, Povich, Brnovich, Armbruester, Pham, Tavera

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1 hour ago, RZNJ said:

I agree.  That would make sense.  Kremer + for someone like Cease.  

The O's need more starters not trading them away.  Kremer has a lot of value as a #4 starter w/ 5 years of control.  If the O's trade away Kremer, then they need to replace him.  Not looking to have Irvin as a #5 starter (and that's before injuries).

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1 minute ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

The O's need more starters not trading them away.  Kremer has a lot of value as a #4 starter w/ 5 years of control.  If the O's trade away Kremer, then they need to replace him.  Not looking to have Irvin as a #5 starter (and that's before injuries).

If you trade Kremer in a deal that involves another starter, how does that preclude from getting an additional starter?

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1 hour ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

The O's need more starters not trading them away.  Kremer has a lot of value as a #4 starter w/ 5 years of control.  If the O's trade away Kremer, then they need to replace him.  Not looking to have Irvin as a #5 starter (and that's before injuries).

Why do we need more starters? I think the only way I move Kremer is if we upgrade from him but we have 5 starters, then Irvin and Hall in the pen who can be stretched and Povich pushing on the door. I think its about quality not quantity at this point. But like I said before if healthy give me a 1-2-3 of Bradish/Means/Grod all day

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The way I see it, you have Bradish, Means, Grayson and Kremer in the rotation. You have Wells and Hall in the pen along with Irvin and you bring in a starter. I'd love it to be Gray or E-Rod, but I've learned to expect to be disappointed. In any case, they need to add a guy to slide in with Bradish at the top to allow Grayson to continue to grow and Means to not have to be his pre-injury self right away. 

Wells and Hall both still have options which is important for depth as either could be sent back to Triple-A to get stretched out in case of an injury. Irvin is the bulk guy in the pen for me. Have him piggy back Means or Grayson every once in a while to give them each a chance for a planned shorter start here and there to control innings. He's another depth option. That puts them 8 deep in the Majors before you even get to Johnson, Povich and McDermott each of which then becomes option 9 through 11. If Hall and Wells are lockdown in the pen and one or more of the aforementioned trio really dominates, the order shifts a bit as the season progresses. 

I don't think the rotation needs much. Bradish is great. Grayson would be a fantastic #3 with his upside but likely still some growing pains here and there. Means as the #4 would be awesome and Kremer in the fifth spot is a good place. We just need a strong #2. 

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