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Greg Anderson - Jerk or Hero?


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Forgive my ignorance of federal drug laws, but I thought that the possession, dispensing, or distribution of illegal substances were the crimes, and that the presence of the substance in your system is not a crime.

That's what BALCO was accused of, and why the subpoenaed the supposed users; they would say whether BALCO was the place possessing, dispensing and distributing the substances.

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Wow. I hope some of y'all get a chance to see the new three part steroids investigation on ESPN. Just saw part two today. Part three to air tomorrow. Today's focus was on the undeniable benefits of high-end PEDs, especially the cream and the clear. It featured a number of track athletes that took them and went from mediocrity to world records.

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Not because its hard, because its pointless. You will only catch a fraction of the folks doing it. Why should some kid from the DR get busted for steroids because he wasn't rich or educated enough to get the good stuff?

As for Bonds "getting what he deserved" I am of the school that the American taxpayer is not getting what they deserve. I do not want my government spending millions of dollars and thousands of manpower hours while trampling over the rights of hundreds of folks over a perjury charge.

Yea I would rather them spend these resources on bailing out bad investments by financial and insurance interests.:cussing:

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